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Sunday Service, April-3-2022 : CAPACITY BUILDING

This month of April begins the second quarter of the year 2022, the year of the glory of God, and this is what is at stake: this month is a month of Ramadan: Muslims are talking to their God; the Jews are going to have the Passover from April 15th – 23rd, and the Christians are having the Resurrection Sunday from April 15th– 18th. So, this month has got so many spiritual activities, but I know, this month is the beginning of the people knowing what kind of God you serve.

In Genesis chapter 1, the Lord clearly spoke when He was creating man: He made man in His image, and in His likeness, He created him, then He formed him out of the dust [Genesis 1:26-27]. Why? Because that tells you who you are and what God thinks about you when He was creating you.

Genesis 2:7, And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. The reason why God made you from the dust is that He may be able to move you by the wind. Man’s life is movable by the breath of God and the Holy Spirit. Sometimes because of the fall of man, we are moved by what we see, people and situations, yet God’s intention was that the Holy Spirit moves you, when you are not too heavy to be moved.

Someone asked me a question that why are women so sensitive to the Holy Spirit? Then the Holy Spirit said to me that man came from the dust and the woman came from man: the woman was made from a redefined dust that’s why she is lighter [Genesis 2:22]. Men are a little bit thicker but when they yield, they yield. God wants you to be moved by the Holy Spirit.

After God creating Adam, He breathed in him the breath of life. You see, Adam was existing, because God had created him (Male and Female) from the dust. So, Adam was there existing but not living: It was until the breath of God came into him that He started living.

Job made it very clear to us in chapter 32: he said, The spirit of God hath MADE me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Until the breath of God comes into you, you are just existing. There are many churches and things that people do but they don’t have life. This year, God is going to breath into you, LIFE so that you may start living the life He desired for you. 

I want to use an example of a Samaritan woman, because whenever we read about a woman in the bible, that is the picture of the church. This woman, religion had framed her as a prosecute: the one with loose living and not cultured, but the truth of the matter is, it is the condition of the church today [John 4:18]. The church is moving from one man to another. We are the picture of this lady: we move from one pastor to another; we move from one place to another looking for something that will change us: probably looking for something that will unlock you, and whenever you hear something, you run there. Unfortunately, you get worse, from a wife to a water fetcher.

This woman was greater than her size and looks. There are three persons in this world who after looking at you, all of them conclude who you are. The first man who saw this woman I don’t know what impressed him; maybe he thought she would be the mother of his children and when she didn’t give him children, he chased her. She got another one until the fifth one: All of them couldn’t keep her because her destiny was bigger than these men, and what she lacked was capacity. Everybody was looking at her body not knowing that she was wanted by the LORD.

Jesus said that He needed to go through Samaria, John 4:4 not for food or anything but for this woman because she held the key and had the capacity to draw the whole city to Him. When Samaria refused Jesus, His disciples wanted to burn it [Luke 9:54]. I am here to declare, that which people are giving up on, you are about to own. The disciples wanted to burn Samaria, but the woman got it for Jesus. I declare, what people are dropping, you are going to pick it, and what they don’t want, that is what God has prepared for you. This Samaritan woman’s capacity and destiny was bigger than that of the disciples.

Jesus is going to have a personal conversation with you because you have the capacity He needs. Jesus had to send His disciples away to go and buy food so that He could have a conversation with this woman, and their conversation was based on three things, which also God uses to build your capacity:

  1. God uses Jesus: Jesus is not only your Savior, but He is your capacity builder. Jesus is anointed by the Holy Spirit, and He goes on doing good [Acts 10:38]. So, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the Ones instructed by God to build your capacity.

Jesus is the only one who knows where your gap is, and where you are: He knew where this woman was, and He drew her to the well. They talked about water which is a Spirit; they talked about the Messiah which is Jesus, and they talked about Worship. No body knew that this woman was more knowledgeable about the scriptures than anybody else [John 4:20-26].

When Jesus is going to build your capacity, He will not talk about how your husband treated you or what you are going through. He will talk about things bigger than that: something that is going to change the world, and that will heal the whole church. Remember that the things you’re going through are indicators of what you supposed to do with Jesus.

Where you have been failing is where God is going to cause you succeed in the kingdom of GOD. This Samaritan woman was raised to bring all men to Jesus and that is what she did. She was raised with the capacity of being a river and not a well. One man gave her a pot and they said, she has a pot capacity, but Jesus said, out of her belly shall flow rivers of living water [John 7:38]. She left her pot at the well. Today, you’re leaving that lousy capacity here, and you are becoming what God wants you to become in the first place. Declare: I am not a pot neither a well but a river. 

This woman as Jesus began to talk to her, they talked about worship and the Messiah [John 4:25]. Jesus said something very powerful: He said, You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews [John 4:22]. What? I thought salvation is of the Jews! Do you know what He was telling her? He was saying that salvation must be worked on with fear and trembling [Philippians 2:12]. Not only that, Salvation is a form of capacity building that when you get saved, you don’t become like these other balookole after they are saved, they still struggle in life.

The picture of this Samaritan woman is the picture of the church today. This woman the last man she talked too was the Son of God. How do you rise from being abused and mistreated and then you talk to the Maker of the heaven and earth? Child of God, you are better than running from place to place to be delivered from demons. Allow Jesus and the Holy Spirit to breath in you. When man finds you, he looks at your potential, but God sees the capacity in you. This woman not only had potential, but she also had the capacity.

As I conclude: this woman went and drew the whole city to Jesus. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy [Revelation 19:10], and these are the four things that need to build your life:

  • Worship: In worship we come in His presence where there’s fullness of joy.
  • Spirit of Prophecy: The spirit of prophecy is not to go and prophesy because people are looking for prophets now.

The book of Revelation 19:10 says, For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. When you testify that you are a born-again, you are now walking in the Spirit of prophecy. What is the Spirit of prophecy? It is you fulfilling, living, and walking in that which God said.

God builds the capacity in you once He breathes in you, and you become a new creation. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy: you live in the prophetic. When Peter got a revelation of who Jesus is, he was given the keys. When you have a talk with Jesus and realize who He is, you will be given the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth [will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven [Matthew 16:19].

What you need is the capacity and the keys, and today, God is giving you keys for your life. Therefore, to build your capacity, you need Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

I pray that as you read and meditate on this message, it will go through you in Jesus’ Name. To watch a rebroadcast of this entire message, use this link below and you will be blessed:

Don’t FORGET the 4th Pentecost Baptism of the Holy Spirit this Wednesday (April-06-2022) from 5pm [EAT] here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral. Invite a friend!

© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries