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The Secret of Nations

We must understand the times and seasons we are living in just like the sons of Issachar. We must read the times and the headlines and that is why we need wisdom. Our subject of study is still in the book of Revelation 5:12 where we see the seven spirits of God that were released by Christ after his resurrection, and today I want our study to concentrate on “the secret of nations” in reference to those seven spirits; power, riches, wisdom, strength, glory, honor and blessing.

These seven spirits are the ones which made countries like England, the United States and even China great, but I want us to first understand that the book of Revelation was written by John in revelations on the Island of Patmos where he had been imprisoned between 1AD and 10AD, and the Spirit of the Lord instructed him to write to the seven churches in Asia everything that he saw, and among the things John saw were the seven spirits which were released on earth [Revelation 5:6].

Wherever the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ has been preached, nations have been hooked with one of these spirits and hence they got particular skills that led to their development. We first of all see Egypt when she blessed Abraham and later Joseph that she became a superpower, fed the whole world and grew food without combined harvesters. Whosoever works with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob gets a certain spirit. Nations have become powerful because they have tested the word of God, and once you hook to the word of God, a new spirit comes upon you.

Saul, the son of Kish was looking for donkeys but the moment he came in contact with the word of God, he became the king of Israel. Child of God, when you look at power [as a spirit], England is powerful; their language is spoken everywhere even though God said in Genesis 11:7 that He will mix-up their language.

You need the Lamb of God to connect to the seven spirits of God, not ‘religion’. England is a very powerful nation that it formulated its own currency which is the strongest in the whole world today; their monarch is the most powerful. And what made them powerful was the publication of the bible; they translated it from Roman to Latin to English and it was financed by King James VI, no wonder the house of Windsor still rules England. Child of God, once you connect to God, His anointing comes upon you, remember it’s the anointing that breaks the yoke, you will be powerful in riches.

Another spirit England has is Wisdom. Rome was the one that introduced democracy, “the government of the people for the people by the people” but England took it to another level and wrote it down for all its colonies yet Rome never had a written democracy. England has wisdom, knowledge and understanding, in that wherever they have been, they have established their systems; Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. The British accepted the seven spirits of God and those spirits are still on earth. All Kings and Emperors like that of Japan and Saudi Arabia look at England; what a legacy!

The African language (Egyptian and Ethiopian) is older than English but no one speaks it because English as a language is a spirit. The bible says they spoke in other tongues when the Holy Ghost came upon them [Acts 2:4]. Once you have one of these seven spirits of God, something will be added to you and if you don’t have any of them, even what you have shall be taken away from you.

When you don’t have the mysteries of God which are the seven spirits, whatever you have shall be taken away from you [Matthew 13:11-12]. Over 100 years ago, the spirit of revival came upon Uganda and the born-again were honored. When you are hooked up with the spirit of revival and honoring God, your language will be spoken by others, your language can become strong once you’re hooked up with the spirit of God. The Hebrew people are small but you can’t understand theology until you turn to their language. Child of God, England went to China and opened up schools there and their schools still exist up to today, and China is now learning English because English is anointed.

Singapore, is 50 years old and its as strong as Hong Kong and Netherlands, and their official language is English, what a legacy England built. Africa’s legacy is witchcraft. It’s time for Africa to tap into the seven spirits of God and it’s my prayer that those seven spirits will come upon Uganda. Those spirits don’t come from man but from God. Lord, I pray that those seven spirits will bombard Africa as a nuclear bomb from the president to the peasant.

I pray that when you are in a time of scarcity and starvation, you see the glory of God [Exodus 16:10]. Proverbs 22:4, “By humility [and] the fear of the LORD [are] riches, and honour, and life.” To all pastors and ministers of the gospel, Isaiah 61:6 is yours. Proverbs 13:22 says, “A good [man] leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children:” Proverbs 10:22 states, “The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with It.” May God give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding!

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department