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Special Invitation


Dear Beloved, don’t miss this Passover prayer service on Good Friday, April-2nd-2021. We shall have five services on that day as follows; 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00 Midday, 2:00pm and 5:00pm. You are one Passover away from your miracle.

Passover 2021 will be your time to step into everything that God has for your life. 2020 was a year of great shaking, uncertainty and death. God has given you my friend 2021 to recover and re-launch your desires in Jesus’ name.

The battle you have been facing will cease as you enter into the Passover blessing that God has destined you to receive, beginning with this Passover on April 2nd. 

Therefore, join Pastor Jessica and I and all the pastors at Miracle Centre Cathedral shall celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice and release God’s SEVEN Passover Blessings into your life.

This is your season for supernatural resurrection;

  • Dead Finances Resurrected
  • Physical Health Resurrected
  • Family Breakthrough Resurrected.

Child of God, your seven blessings await you.

  • Blessing #1 : Breaking the curse, Galatians 3:13-14 and Exodus 23:20.
  • Blessing #2 : What your family lost will be returned immediately. John 10:10 [b] and Isaiah 58:8.
  • Blessing #3 : Forgiveness requested on your behalf, Luke 23:34. Removal of your adversaries, Luke 23:22.
  • Blessing #4 : Change of status, Matthew 27:54. Miraculous Financial breakthrough, Exodus 23:25.
  • Blessing #5 : Access Guaranteed, Ephesians 2:13.
  • Blessing #6 : Divine Healing and Health, Exodus 23:25 and Isaiah 53:5
  • Blessing #7 : It is finished, 1 Corinthians 1:18 and Exodus 23:30.

These worldwide heavenly Passover services will be power packed with worship and praise, prayer, holy communion, anointing and miracles. The Lord has assured me that the miracles and anointing for debt-free living will happen to you as we come together to honour our Lord for what He did for you.

He paid it all. Don’t miss this moment to pass you by.

Then on  Easter Monday [April 5th-2021], we shall also have a Drive-in Miracle Service at Kololo Airstrip (independence grounds) from 3pm to 5pm. Invite your friends and loved ones.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries