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School of the Holy Spirit


HOSPITALITY: Saturday June-18-2022

One of the ministries the Holy Spirit has given us is hospitality [1 Peter 4:9]. The way you welcome someone will determine what they will give to you. Peter is a man of revelation. He came from a pebble to a rock. Jesus said I will build my church upon this rock [Matthew 16:18]. Therefore, as students of the Holy Spirit, we must do much study with the letters of Saint Peter.

1 Peter 4:9, Use hospitality one to another without grudging. From the word hospitality, we get the word hospital. He says, use hospitals to one another. Hospital according to the Holy Spirit is not these hospitals like Kirundu, Mulago, Nsambya or Rubaga. Let us take it deeper. A Levite falls into the hands of evil people, and they beat him nearly to death. His fellow Levite did not use hospitality, but he just bypassed him and went. Jesus tells a story that he was coming from Jerusalem heading to Jericho. You all know about Jericho; it has strongholds. It is a city of war. This man was coming from the city of David, the city of worship, a city of a great king going to take over Jericho and he fell into an ambush [Luke 10:30-32].

A Samaritan comes, and he sees him and gets compassion [Luke 10:33]. Jesus healed people because he had compassion on them [Matthew 14:14]. Hospitality and Compassion are synonymous.  Hospitality must have a host and Compassion is a character of Jesus. If you are students of the Holy Spirit, learn how to host people because that’s what you are going to use.

Remember He says, use hospitality to one another without grudging. Why does He say without grudging? And where did grudging come from? Why do you have a grudge? By the way, what is the meaning of a grudge? It is a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury. So, the will can be ill. A will can work even when you are dead. Some of you without the Holy Spirit, you are literally carrying your own will. You are carrying your ill will from church to church, from place to place, from family to family because something happened to you.

Don’t use appeasement or backbiting but use hospitality. Hospitals should have hospitality. Like the Good Samaritan, he didn’t know this Levite; Levites were very demeaning to Samaritans, they call them dogs. They used to tell them; you don’t know what you are worshipping, they were looked upon with a dispersing eye, yet they had a revelation. Humble as they are, whether a man or a woman they knew what to say and what to do. Jews were not waiting for the Messiah, but the Samaritans waited for Him.

This Samaritan man applied oil and the wine, and he used hospitality to deal with the man’s problem and he went ahead and paid the bill [Luke 10:34-35], yet his fellow Levite bypassed him. Why? He had a grudge against a fellow Levite. The Samaritan looked at him and had compassion, not pity. Child of God, the Holy Spirit does not give you pity. When you look at somebody and give them pity, it’s like you are proud of what you are about to do. When you have compassion, it is God working through you, touching you to touch others, and what you do expands.

Jesus had compassion and fed five thousand men without women and children [Mark 8:2]. This Samaritan man had compassion and he bound up his wounds. He took him to an inn. He treated him all night, left in the morning and paid the bill. He said to the host, if he is okay, don’t hold him, let him go, and when I come back, I will pay you. In other words, the man was well recognized even in communities where he didn’t live.  Child of God, do you know that we are the host of the compassionate, the Holy Spirit? The only way to deliver people who have wounds from the past, present and even in the future or where they come from is to use hospitality.

Never let somebody to pity you, you are a child of God, and your name is written in the book of life. To the women who were crying when Jesus was beaten while carrying the cross, He said, don’t pity me: don’t cry for me [Luke 23:28]. When you allow people to pity you, you will become their project. Let them have compassion on you because compassion will transform you completely. The word pity comes from the word pit (hole). If you want to be pitied, you will be thrown into a pit of tears. If you want to be free as a student of the Holy Spirit, get out of that pit.

When Jesus and the Holy Spirit come into your life, they give you abundance [John 10:10]. God makes you a believer and not a beggar. That’s why He said, ask anything in my name, I will give it to you so that the Father may be glorified [John 14:13]. Therefore, you use hospitality. From the word hospitality, we get hospital. Today’s hospitals are money making. We are also building a hospital, but it will have the hospitality of the Holy Spirit.

So, you must get rid of the spirit of grudge; persistently having ill will because of what happened to you. You were insulted or you had an insult not that you were beaten. Insults are thrown. As a student of the Holy Spirit stay away from things that bring grudges. As a student of the Holy Spirit be hospitable. Look at the one who is hurting and help them. Don’t be the one who is hurting or abandoning the hurt. Why? 1 Peter 4:10, As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

If you don’t use your gift, it will not grow. Gifts of God grow. Many Ugandans are gifted but our gifts die with us because we don’t develop and exercise them.  Gifts are like muscles, if you don’t exercise, they die away. Your brain is so powerful, you can be a doctor, a lawyer, pilot; you can make a car, clothes; you can build buildings, but your brain needs exercise. If you don’t use your brain, it will only build a hut. The gift God gave you is to reveal His grace that is at work in you. If you are full of the Holy Spirit, cost and time are not the issue but glorifying God is the issue.

As I conclude: Your gift can bring forth manifold. One gift God gave you can become a box, hand, car, doctor, or anything because God works in ways, movements and manifolds.

I hope you have been blessed by this message. To watch this broadcast, use the link below and you will be blessed in Jesus’ name:

Next week on Saturday, 25th – June – 2022, I will be in Entebbe City for a one-day Miracle Crusade at Palm Forest Garden near Mpala road interchange, and I am hosted by Pr. Fredrick & Grace Ssemwogerere of Union Miracle Centre – Mpala. Come and witness the wind of the Holy Spirit as He blows through the entire city of Entebbe in a way you have never seen. Bring the sick, the blind, the lame, the afflicted and the Lord will touch them.

Remember to be  a part of any of our Sunday services. Service time: 6am, 8am, 10am, 12noon & 2pm

Invite someone.

© Missions Department 2022 ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries