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Sanctification 2


Sunday Service, February-13-2022

We have been studying Jeremiah 1:5 where God says, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, [and] I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Sanctification has two parts; you sanctify in order to see wonders and God’s love [Joshua 3:15]. Then there’s also the part of sanctification done by God [Psalms 51:7]. There is God cleansing you, and you cleansing yourself [1 Thessalonians 5:23].

If you want that desired life and glory, you need to do your part and God will do His. When we deal with sanctification, we see two players about it.

When you’re sanctified, you become a sanctuary. You become a temple of the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 6:19]. You don’t only become a Christian, but you are also becoming a sanctuary. In the sanctuary, there’s the WORD, Worship, Healing, Deliverance and Dreams. There’s a David in you and a Daniel. David was a worshipper, and Daniel was a dreamer. There’s a Joseph in you. There’s a leader in the inside of you. All these attributes are in the temple (house) of God. 

David said, I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord [Psalms 122:1]. Psalm 73:3, For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. You are the house of God.

Child of God, until you come back to your senses, you might end up like the prodigal son. The bible says, he went and spent ALL things. And what turned his life wasn’t the prayer of his dad, or that his dad was waiting for him BUT the Bible clearly states that he came back to his senses [Luke 17:13-18].

Sanctification is to come back to our senses. The prodigal son, when he came back to his senses, he said, I am a son of a king. I cannot eat with pigs. The greatest revelation that will ever happen to you is when you come back to your senses and realise that God loves you. You cannot eat with dogs neither are you a chicken. You are an eager bound to fly. 

Someone is about to come back to their senses. Your Father says, you are the head and not the tail [Deuteronomy 28:13]. He has loved you with an everlasting love [Jeremiah 31:3]. With you, He will smash nations [Jeremiah 51:20].

When David said, I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord”, this portion of scripture meant that come back to your senses. Come back to yourself (David), you’re better than that. You’re better than where you are. You were not born to be a sinner nor an immorale person. You need to comeback to yourself; the born again you; the spirit-filled you. You’re the one holding the keys of the kingdom [Matthew 16:19].  

Psalms 122:2, Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem. Children confront the enemies of their father at the gate [Psalms 127:5]. When you come back to your senses, you become a full child of God. You have the power to go and stand at the gate, and the gates of hell can not prevail against you [Matthew 16:18]. Someone here, you shall stand at the gate of holy of holiness in the new Jerusalem and tell the demons of poverty, sickness and disease, don’t dare come here.

Psalm 122:3, Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together. Jesus said, you are a city built on a hill [Matthew 5:14]. He also said that He will create a new Jerusalem [Revelation 21:2]. You are the new Jerusalem. God is your Father and you came from Him. 

From today, I declare, as you sanctify yourself and as God sanctifies you, you are becoming a moving city. I declare, you’re a metropolitan city. In Kampala city there’s enough money to make the devil run crazy. There are dollars, pounds, Euros, shillings. Declare: I am a city set on a hill which cannot be hid. No one can hide you anymore

We are the bride of Christ. Before the bride is dressed, she must first clean herself. There’s a part for you to play. There’s a sanctification by you, such that they can put on you what you can’t put on yourself. God is going to decorate you so much that the devil will ask, what in the world this is!!

Once you sanctify yourself and God dresses you up, your hurters will burst in tears. Declare, I am the bride of Christ.

You have been looking for things, and now they are going to look for you. When you go through sanctification and God sanctifies you, you become a magnet of life, wisdom, greatness and money. Your environment is about to change. You thought your sanctification was a joke, people are cleansing themselves also.

Job 22:21 says, Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee. What is peace? Revelation 21:2, And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Psalms 122:6, Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

You who loves righteousness and holiness, you will prosper. Child of God, you are CITY. You’re more than just a Christian. You’re metropolitan. In you, there is wisdom, knowledge, power, increase, life, prosperity, education. Apostle Paul said,  I can do all things through [a]Christ who strengthens me” [Philippians 4:13].

This month of February is a month of sanctification. I prophecy lands, cars and houses to look for you.

© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries