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#Purpose Series – Feb/06/2022 Sunday Service

We have been talking about sanctification where God says, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations [Jeremiah 1:5]. Sanctification is not that good because it’s a place of circumcision. It’s a place of bath.

Sanctification comes from a root word Sanctuary. For you to understand the benefits of sanctification, you must know these steps; you must sanctify yourself [Joshua 3:5], and God has to sanctify you.

The scripture says, believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper [2 chronicles 20:20]. Once you believe God, you are established and when you believe His prophets, you prosper. So, who is a prophet? He is one who repeats what God says. He delivers good news.

Hosea 12:13 reads, And by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved. God is going to get your family out of bondage once you sanctify yourself. One of the benefits of sanctification is deliverance. You’re sanctified from bondage. Your family is coming out of bondage [Exodus 5:1].

The sanctuary talked about in this text was built on the foundation of prophets and apostles. What they have in common is the Holy Spirit who is the Anointing. The prophets performed miracles. The apostles raised the dead [Acts 9:36-41].

Prophets are deliverers. And by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt. That was Moses. His anointing was for a deliverer. 

The prophetic foundation will bring you the anointing, redemption (from Moses to Jesus), and sanctification. When you’re sanctified, you become a sanctuary [1 Corinthians 6:19]. You become a masterpiece [Ephesians 2:10]. You become a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit. When


you sanctify yourself, you become an apostle or prophet of influence. Sanctification releases the anointing of a prophet. By the prophet, God brought them out of Egypt. 

Peter sanctified himself and his shadow healed the sick [Acts 5:15]. When you are sanctified, the glory of God is revealed in you, and that is what happened to the house of Jesse [Isaiah 11:1].

Whatever that is going to deliver your family is coming out of you. Once you are sanctified, you get tools of deliverance. You become Holy, and you are given a rod. God is redeeming time for you, that is why a branch is coming out of the root. You’re coming out of poverty, sickness, pain and lack. I don’t know whom I am talking to but something good is about to happen to somebody.

I declare, in this year 2022, once you sanctify yourself, you shall become a masterpiece.

Listen: once your body is sanctified, you shall become a masterpiece [1 Corinthians 3:16]. From today I declare, as you sanctify yourself, you shall become a masterpiece

The benefit of sanctification outweighs anything you have ever known. And out of the roots, there comes branches and then fruits. God is shortening your process. What could have taken you years, it is just going to take you days. 

Sanctification has two parts. Sanctify yourself and tomorrow you will see wonders [Joshua 3:5]. Then the second one is when God sanctifies you [1 Thessalonians 5:23]. He makes you righteous because your righteousness is filthy rags to Him [Isaiah 64:6]. When you sanctify yourself, you become the centre of gravity. 

Joshua said, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the Lord will do wonders among you, and that is what happened. God came to Joshua, and he became the centre of sanctification. He stopped both the sun and the moon [Joshua 10:12-13]. 

As I conclude: God must know you that you are born-again such that He comes and dwells in you. He purifies you like He did to David. He made him clean [Psalms 51]. When Jesus was transfigured, Moses and Elijah appeared because they kept themselves pure and had sanctified themselves. There is a part for you to do and He also has His part.

I declare: You shall decree a thing and it shall be established. You’re the temple of the Holy Spirit. I prophesy, your promotion is coming, and your salary is going to be doubled.

Declare with me: I am the Lord’s sanctuary. Brethren, Cry unto the Lord to sanctify and purify you. Talk to HimHis desire is that you may be sanctified. 

Thank you for being a part of our Sunday services. We believe that you have been blessed with this message.

Don’t forget our Morning Glory service every weekday from 6am here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral, the Wednesday Mid-week Revival service from 4pm, Friday Healing and Miracle service from 4pm, and the School of the Holy Spirit every Saturday from 10am.

This week from 8th-10th Feb -2022, I will be Lyantonde district ministering at Purification Family Altar Ministries Int’l of Pr. Ezra Mugisha under the theme  “Prepairing Broken Altars.” Bring the sick, the lame, the blind, the afflicted and the Lord shall heal them.

© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries

2 thoughts on “Sanctification

  1. Wow this is powerful. Thank you pastor

    1. You’re welcome

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