ReAddressing the Imbalance volume II – Robert Kayanja


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ReAddressing the Imbalance vol II discusses practical action points that Africa needs to take to ensure that we rise from the ashes to glories that our ancestors only dreamed of.



ReAddressing the Imbalance volume II – Robert Kayanja

Africa is widely punctuated with all sorts of description and references, mostly debased characterization. Like an onion is peeled to reveal new, fresh and aromatic layers to savor a meal, the 400 years’ timeline introduces a fresh chapter for Africa’s renaissance.

Africa, since Egyptian civilization has not fully maximized the potential in her leadership. Why? For the single reason that with the prevalence of problems, there have to be solutions provided. For long, the solutions meant for Africa’s problems have come from outside Africa, yet “Leadership is solving problems” – General Colin Powell. Africa must solve her own problems. That is how we shall rewrite the widely spread negative narrative.

ReAddressing the Imbalance vol II discusses practical action points that Africa needs to take to ensure that we rise from the ashes to glories that our ancestors only dreamed of.


Dr. Robert Kayanja, married to Jessica Kayanja for 28 years with three children has been in ministry for 36 years traversing over 80 nations. He is the Senior Pastor of Rubaga Miracle Centre Cathedral one of the largest churches in East Africa also the home of Channel 44 Television. Currently ministering through the worldwide 77 Days of Glory Revival, he is friends with several prominent African leaders.


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