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Alot of people are struggling. Alot of people, what they work for today is what they use to feed their families. So it’s very hard. If you are somebody who can help or you are in position to help others, help them. If you are in control of the situation for others, do the right thing.

I was talking to someone today about this very situation; about people struggling to make ends meet before covid-19 happened, then another covid has happened. These people don’t know what to even do. I think right now loyalty and integrity are very important with people.

I know I have ever said this before but I say it to every body, we need to be self-reliant. I say this honestly to amazing people in power and in government, being self-reliant and self-sufficient that is how you cannot be able to rely on other people to help you. It also helps you to help other people. So I think if covid has shown us anything, let it show you the people you can reach out too. Sometimes, they could be your neighbors, the people you stay with, the church because churches too are struggling. Take the time even if you don’t have much and help the people around you, even if you cannot consistently help them. There is a powerful saying, “People will not remember what you said, sometimes they will not remember what you did but they will remember how you made them feel.”

I think we live in this weird time and generation where we want to make people see us and what we have done. If someone is hungry and you feed them, they are not going to remember the support but what they will remember, that is the person who took away the hunger.

Let me first talk to people who can do something. Do what you do with the intent of not getting back. It doesn’t matter what you get back, or you may even not get anything back. Help people with an helping heart. And if you’re a person whose neighborhood are all struggling, this sounds difficult to say, but you might have the greatest opportunity to find a solution. I think that’s very important, because at the end of the day, we have an obligation to help one another. I stopped blaming people because blaming them doesn’t fix anything. Finding solutions does. Sometimes, you in your community, finding solutions might cause the change you want. So at the end of the day, I would say, be willing to let go of the expectations that others will come and fix this for me. And then, you will be able to have some change.

I discovered about something about ALTARS that is very important. It’s in Mark 13:32-33: But of that day or that hour not a [single] person knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on your guard [constantly alert], and watch and pray; for you do not know when the time will come. The best way I can put this is preparation. Maybe God wants us to prepare, and you can’t be ready to fight something or to honour someone without preparation.

Preparation is a simple and easy way to show honour to people. If you prepare for anyone, you are showing them an honour that is not due anywhere. Focus on preparation is the one thing that shows honour because you cannot show anyone honour if you don’t prepare. I mean, what can you instantly give someone to show them that you care? If more people had prepared for the lockdown physically, they would have done more when it comes to their spiritual lives. Many people went to pray and others went to the shops to pick up certain stuffs in case lockdown happens, and all of a sudden, when they are locked down, it gets worse. This is because you didn’t show honour in any degree. You then have an opportunity for an altar to prepare it. It’s also important to say, the altar is not the WhatsApp message you sent us and we put your name on the board; if you believe that a range rover is the vehicle to move your family but you put it into a garage after purchasing it, literally it is just for storage. It is only powerful as you use it. So that means, every day wake up and pray. That also means, if it’s an altar, you have prepared for it. You have prepared one to honour God. Secondly, you have prepared it in a way that shows the people around you.

Let’s take an example of a drum stick. Try to break it using your hands. Okey, try breaking it maybe with your knee. And if you succeeded breaking it, then grab two brand new drum sticks and break them using your hands at the same time. You can’t? Now this is what we are do on the board. I can give you a brand new drum stick and you will be able to break it by yourself but when I give you the second one, you can’t break them. This came to my mind. Why covid is working, is because the people praying are doing it individually. What people don’t understand is that, if you look at this in a practical warfare perspective, the devil and his demons, all of them are not stronger than any of those drum sticks. So for one person to stand up and put up a spiritual fight, you can’t handle. But that was difficult with two sticks. Now when we add you a third stick, that will be very impossible for you to break. Imagine the fourth one, the fifth one or the sixth one? What people don’t understand when we tell them to send in their districts, they say, there are people from Kampala. Yes, Kampala is one stick, what about the rest of Uganda with all its covid? Tactically that doesn’t work.

This is how warfare works. In world wars, even when America invaded Iraq, this is what they do. They first cut off food and water. Once you do that, it doesn’t matter their weapons. Hungry and confused people can’t function. If you cannot communicate, you cannot fight. Why is it every single time Covid happens, there’s no food and water. It is not that there’s no medicine but these two things, if you stop them, you can kill anyone. If you take America’s food and water supply, they will kneel down. Let me give you an example, there were no toilet papers in some States in America and they became crazy yet this is a super power.

It is easy to break one person. Those who were beaten and broken are like that stick which was broken. If there’s a prayer warrior and he has been bruised and beaten up spiritually just like that broken stick, and there is someone out there who has also been praying for a long time; just imagine when he sees that, it will be demoralising to the person who has been praying. It’s very difficult to say, I am also going to fight because you know that you will be beaten up.

“If a pastor is defeated by covid or hunger or he is thrown out because he didn’t pay rent, the congregation and the people will be demoralised.”

When you broke the first stick, you were happy but when you were told to grab the second and third stick, even before you trying it you realized that you can’t. The way I think things look like now, one showing up, I am saying so because some of you are not fighting covid but rather poverty, Aids and other diseases. Showing up one is not going to work. Showing up two or three, you cannot be broken (by the devil and his demons). Going alone has to stop. The way people see each other should be like this, everyone seeing the other energised. Imagine if Kampala had many people (praying) standing outside and the devil has to look at them before he brings them covid, he won’t do a thing. However, it’s very easy to harm people who are scared and afraid of doing anything. Just imagine if a thief breaks your door and finds you standing there, that alone would make him go crazy.

Believers, what are you doing? Anybody can take anything from anyone. The devil doesn’t attack people who are spiritually sound the way he attacks anyone else. The devil will come and attack you in a way that even though you do social distancing, he will strike you with hunger, poverty… Why? Because he sees that you are weak, and he will shake your faith all the time. If he can do that, how are you going to fight him? Stand tall and firm. We always say, standstill and know that He is God, we have also written a song, but in the midst of all problems, we run knowing that He is God.

To you who has never accepted Jesus in your life or you backslid, we want to give you an opportunity to renew your relationship with the Master. Say, Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You to be my Lord and Saviour. Forgive me of all my sins and wash me in Your blood. Write my name in the book of life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Friend, you have now got saved. And after this lockdown, when things have normalised, you can join us here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral in any of our services. Keep safe and observe the SOPs. Don’t give yourself to covid.

© Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries