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Prayer Altar


#Prayer Altar, Feb-26th-2021


Just lift up your hands to the Lord and praise Him. Praise the Lord, He is worthy of praise. He is mighty and powerful. Our God is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all which we can even think about [Ephesians 3:20]. Nothing is too difficult for the Lord [Jeremiah 32:27], and that’s why we bless His name. Almighty God, we thank You for what You are doing in our lives, our hearts and souls. You’re an awesome God in Jesus’ name. We trust in You, Lord. Worship the Lord, He is worthy of praise. Yesterday, today and forever, You are the SAME. Let Your name be glorified and magnified in Jesus’ name. Acknowledge His presence and mighty. We shall love You, Lord. Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. You’re an awesome Lord in all Your ways. You alone deserve the praise, the glory and the honour. We come before You Lord. We need Your presence. Yesterday, today and forever, You are the same. What a mighty God, You are. What a powerful God we have. We love You Jesus. Oh God pour Your grace and Spirit. Just reveal Your mercy, Lord. We are a people looking for You, seeking You and needing You. You’re Holy Lord. May You be glorified and magnified. May You be exalted. You are Holy, Lord and no one is like you Father. We come against every principality [Ephesians 6:12]. We tell the demons and the demonic world that our God is Holy, mighty and we trust in Him. We acknowledge His presence. His blood is stronger than the demons [Revelation 12:11]. We lift You up above the heavens, the skies, the mountains, above all circumstances. No one is like You Lord. No one is like You, Father. No one is like You Master. To your name be all the glory and honour. We will serve You Lord. We will praise and exalt You. You’re Holy Lord. May You hear and answer prayers tonight. May You hear the prayers of the widows, the orphans and the children. Hear the prayers of the needy and answer them. Grant them miracles, breakthroughs, solutions and answers, mighty Lord. My Lord, Your are powerful. Heal those with heart problems, fever, chest problems and every condition. Bless those who want wisdom. You are good, and we just want to say that we love You. Thank you Lord for your loving kindness and mercy which endures forever. Hallelujah. Thank You Jesus.

God blesses people through instructions. The purpose why the bible was written is that we may have first hand instructions that have made ordinary people to become extraordinary; that have made ordinary men to become supernatural men. God is still the same and changes not. But the circumstances and conditions we live in, keep on changing. Today it’s Ebola and tomorrow it’s HIV. The other day it’s COVID-19. But when you look through the Old Testament, they dealt with leprosy, curses, famine and snake bites. Situations keep on changing but God doesn’t change. Where man has to step in is to understand the ways of God. If we understand the ways of God, no matter what changes, we will remain constant. 

Before I came here, I checked on the inbox and there was someone who sent me a message. It was very clear. Twenty five years ago I was preaching at Mwiri secondary school and there was a student who was suffering from sickle cells and he was healed in Jesus’ mighty name. Now he is a grown up man. He sent me his picture and the message. What am I trying to communicate? It is that God is still God. He still heals, saves, redeems, delivers and sets the captives free. Whether yesterday or today, He is still the same. Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever. And what He has done for others, He will do for you. He hasn’t changed. 

So what do you need? You need instructions. You need to do exactly what they did as it was in the bible days, so it is today. Masses came to Him (Jesus) and He healed them all. Two thousand years ago, He walked on the showers of lake Galilee. That was a field. And the bible doesn’t tell us that Jesus did a crusade. Does it mean that He advertised or made posters to invite people to come to Kololo airstrip? No, He walked among the sick because the people, their town was at the showers of Lake Galilee. That’s where they lived and the gathering could take place and He healed them all. Today, we have large gatherings in stadium, churches, where people are, God will come and heal them, set them free, and now, because of COVID-19 and other restrictions, transport and locations, people are now in their homes, they can gather on their Television and God heals them. During 77Days of Glory services, we used to hear testimonies, people who were impotent, lame, blind  and they could just touch their television sets and the Lord healed them. What does that mean? If you come to Him either through Television or physical presence or listening on the radio or phone, or wherever you are and you call upon Him, He will come to you. He said, call upon me and I will answer [Psalms 91:15]. 

God is waiting for someone to follow instructions, and then you shall have the same answers. That’s why the bible was written to reveal to you who God is and His ways and what He can do to help you. His ways are not our ways. The scripture says, For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD [Isaiah 55:8].  Child of God, we always want God to move the way we move. You are too slow, confused and you never walk in a straight line. Your ways are zigzag, unstable, today you are hot and tomorrow, you’re cold. The one day you have money and the other day, you don’t have. Today you are happy and tomorrow you are not. You are driven by what you see and feel. God’s ways are not our ways. He sends the rain to the good and the bad. He creates things out of nothing. He turns darkness into light. And He will turn you into a billionaire. If you can understand that His ways are not our ways, then you will turn to Him. He said, I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life [John 14:6]. So, He has a way of turning your situation around.  And one of the ways is prayer, faith, believing, sowing, joy, happiness, repentance, seeking His face, reading the WORD and worship. He has ways how He is going to get you out of that situation because He is mighty and His ways are not your ways. 

The way of the Lord leads to life. Isaiah 55:8 states, For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD. God said, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, thoughts to do you good [Jeremiah 29:11]. When God is thinking about you, He is thinking to do you good. He just wants to do you good. I wish you could only think about that, from Monday to Monday; morning to evening, and what you only say is, “God is thinking about me, and His thoughts are to do me good, to heal me and to set me free. God is going to do me good.” I wish believers could confess that, “God is doing me good. He is prospering me, changing my life. He is at work in me.” Our confessions reveal our thoughts. Our words reveal our thoughts. We confess, “I am poor” but is that what God thinks about you? Listen to what He thinks about you, “let the poor say I am rich.” Do you know that your confession reveals your thoughts, what’s going on in your life? Your actions reveal what you are thinking about. As a man thinketh so is he [Psalms 22:7]. So, whatever you do or say or confess or expect equals your thoughts. But God has warned you that His thoughts are not your thoughts. His ways are not your ways. You’re waiting for money to say you are rich BUT God has been waiting for your confession and repentance to say You are rich. And since you have done that, you’re now a child of God. If you are a child of God who owns everything, you are rich. 

So these Friday services will be a service of THOUGHTS. We are coming here to completely change our thoughts for the entire week. Whatever you have been thinking is not the right thoughts. To think is to meditate on something over and over again. The bible says, Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things [Philippians 4:8]. Which things? True, honest, just, pure, lovely, good report, virtual and praise. Think about these things. For you, you’re thinking about what you’re going to eat tonight but Jesus said, don’t think about what you will eat. He even compares you to a bird when you start to think like that. He says, look at the birds of the air, they don’t sow or reap but God feeds them [Matthew 6:25-26]. And you made in the image of God, why are you thinking like that? Think of these things, virtuous things, good report, praise things, things that are pure. Blessed [are] the pure in heart: for they shall see God [Matthew 5:8].

Child of God, you have to change the way you think. And today, you are meeting and seeing God in your situation. In your circumstances, you are seeing God. Nobody has ever met God and remained the same. After you have met God, you will never be the same again. Your life will change. The old you will die and the new you will live. May that happen to you today. May your poverty life, sickness, fear, demons, problems die. May you live today. That’s why He said, “do this in remembrance of me, in thinking of me” [1 Corinthians 11:23-25]. So every time we take holy communion, we are thinking of Him, that He is the healer, the saviour, deliverer and life giver. 

Have you ever realized that your thoughts are as powerful as the anointing of God? Your thoughts are your anointing. Today, if you begin to change the way you think, there will be an anointing flowing in your life and that will save you from every trouble. If you can only change the way you see or think and you see God as your source, you will never run out of money. Just think about it;  and my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus [Philippians 4:19]. You think the glory of God can come to an end or run bankrupt? No it can’t. Bank of Uganda can run bankrupt before the glory of God runs bankrupt. The glory of the Lord will never go broke. Think about it, that God is supplying your need according to riches in glory by Christ Jesus. God shall never go or be broke. Think about it, Jesus shall never run bankrupt. Change your thoughts and the way you think about yourself and about God and everything. Even what you are going through, just change the way you think. His ways are not our ways, and our thoughts are not His thoughts. He is thinking to do you good, that’s why He says, My thoughts are to do you good. Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. To anybody looking for a future, God is thinking about that for you. 

Recently, I discovered something. When I was growing up, we never read from the book of Job because we thought it was a book of disaster. Nobody was named Job. In fact, we thought Job was cursed, and nobody could read the book of Job except at the point of death when they are burying someone. They could quote the scripture, “we brought nothing to this world and we shall take nothing. The Lord gives, the Lord takes away. Dust in dust and ashes in ashes” [Job 1:21]. Those were the only words we heard from the book of Job. It was a book of death. But recently the Lord told me to read the book of Job, and it’s now two years of studying this book. I realized in the book of Job it is written, I know my Redeemer liveth [Job 19:25]. There’s also a scripture that says, and the devil left him [Job 1:12]. The devil is going to leave you. In the book of Job, there’s a scripture that says, he was the greatest of all the men of the east [Job 1:3]. You’re going to be the greatest in your family. The people say, “he was a holy and righteous man.” Job had a lot of wealth and he feared God. He shunned evil. The bible says, he was a perfect man” [Job 1:1]. That is not spoken of Paul, Peter (the apostles) neither Moses but it was spoken of Job (he was perfect). So I knew that the devil never wanted me to study about Job. There’s also a scripture that says, and he recovered double. God restored him double” [Job 42:10]. May the Lord restore you double. There’s also a scripture (in the book of Job) that reveals why he (Job) was rich. He was good to the poor. He said, I got all that wealth because I helped the poor. I helped those who cried for help [Job 29:12]. He reveals, on top of everything he had, he helped the poor. Job 22 is amazing. He says, “when you get to know God, He will do you good.” Now to you who have got to know God for all these years, from today, think about this, “GOD IS GOING TO DO YOU GOOD”. Confess it seven times, “God is going to do me good!” That is what you should think about. If you don’t smile or be happy or dance on that “God is going to do you good” then you are very religious. Remember, as a man thinketh, so is he. 

God is going to do me good. I thank you Lord for your goodness and mercy towards me. Thank you Lord, you are doing me good today at this very hour. I praise You for that. God, thank you for thinking about me, and Your thoughts are good in Jesus’ name. So let’s help the poor and we shall be rich. That’s why also Isaiah 58 begins to make sense. Some of you through feeding the poor and helping the needy, you’re going to be the richest in your families in Jesus’ name. 

Thank you for having been a part of the Friday Prayer ALTAR and I believe you have been blessed with this message. To watch the rebroadcast, just click on this link: and you shall be blessed.

©Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries