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#Voice in Million, June-09-2018

People of God, Prayer is powerful. Prayer is prophesying and talking to God. Tell Jehovah, You are above my poverty and fears. There is no other name like the name of our God. Raise up your hands and begin to Pray. We worship you LORD. We are a nation in repentance. When we have wives snatched from our churches and murdered, we are a church in repentance. When we see members of parliament killed in broad daylight, we are a nation in repentance. When we see our kids kidnapped, we are drawn to repentance.

People of God, the enemy is the one who must die. The devil brings deaths to scar God’s people. If we do not talk back to the devil, he will paralyze us, bring us fear and we shall become afraid of even taking our kids to school because of the kidnaps. People of God, if our police, the CMI and the army have failed, God has His own weapons as Exodus 23:28 states. And I will send hornets before you, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite from before you. If God has ever delivered us, if God has ever delivered this Nation from people like Idi Amin and Kony, diseases like cholera and Aids, He shall also deliver us from this chaos. People of God, this demon first hit Uganda in 1966, then it went to Rwanda and Burundi then it came back in 1971, but as we pray now, that demon of killing is dying at the root in Jesus’ name. May those murderers kill themselves. May those murderers fall into confusion in Jesus’ name.

In the bible, when such senseless killings happened, the nation of Israel repented. This meant that the enemy was no longer at the border but within the camp [Numbers 11:1-2]. If we do not pray and repent, all that we see shall be blamed on us. That is why we must pray without ceasing. The scripture says, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land [2 Chronicles 7:14].

Whenever you attach yourself to greatness, the enemy will attack you. These demons are now scared because they know that Uganda is going to be a fast-growing economy. That is why such things are happening to try to scar everyone.

Lift your hands and declare: Father, I am your battle axe, ready to be used by You. Through your prayer we are cursing those murderers. They shall be killed, and others shall be arrested. Ephesians 6:11 tells us to Put on God’s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that we may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.

Now you must cast out that fear from your life. Shout six times, Fear get out of my life in Jesus’ name. I tell you, those murderers and kidnappers are going to run MAD. They shall kill themselves and others shall even take themselves at the police head quarter. Like Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:33 lost his mind, so shall it happen to those killers.

We have always been using this gospel of Grace that God forgives, He is good and loving, but since they have touched that pastor’s wife and murdered her, now the angels are involved because they touched God’s anointed. Within 41 days, those murderers shall kill each other or betray each other.

Church, we must wake up. There is still power in the kingdom of God. Acts 12:23 reads, And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. As the angel smote Herod, so MAY THE ANGELS SMOTE THOSE KILLERS. This Nation of Uganda, God gave it to us and demarcated our boundaries.

Our condolences go to the grieved families, and we shall not cease from prayer. This thing that tries to hinder you from coming for prayer, from today it will not hinder you again. The scripture says that the Assyrian army was so strong, but one of them got a dream of bread coming from heaven, and the other soldier gave its interpretation where the angel of the Lord smote them. May these murderers and kidnappers have unstoppable diarrhea. Enough is enough. May the LORD give our force a seventh sense.

Lift your hands and begin to tell the Lord: we are sorry. From the lips of our leaders forgive us, when they said we do not need prayer, we can do it on our own, Mercy us, Lord. Forgive us Lord of our arrogant utterances. Lord return Your favor, for You are the Lion of Judah. Father have mercy and intervene for us. Father this wave has raised against us and forgive us. Everyone who uttered a word that You are deaf – from the President to the peasant, we REPENT. Have mercy on this land. These murderers should not cross to escape to a foreign land. We cry for Your mercy as we repent. We do not want to burry our members of parliament, our cabinet ministers, our wives and children, our pastors, our husbands, our soldiers shall not die. Mercy us Lord.

Continue to Repent for Uganda: someone cry out, Mercy Lord.  Sasila Yesu. Sonyiwa Yesu. Holy Spirit move mightily. We shall trust in You, and our confidence is in You. Forgive us. Tell God to mercy us and to save us. Tell Him to forgive us of our arrogance from the President to the peasant. As David cried unto the Lord in Psalms 50:11-13 and asked Him not to take His Holy Spirit from him; ask the Lord not to take His Holy Spirit from us We repent of the sin of arrogance. We thought that all things were done by us – Mercy us Lord. As David cried unto the You and You answered his prayers, answer our prayers, Lord. We repent of the spirit of pride. Mercy us…

I hear the Lord say we should repent on behalf of everyone in this land. I feel the Holy Spirit say that we must attack the spirit of accidents and stubbornness at every level in this Nation. Yesterday I was talking to an expert in agriculture, he told me that he was invited in Luweero to advise farmers there, and when he started to advise them, the farmers told him, “we know everything you are saying”, then he asked me, Pastor why did they invite me? People of God, this is an unteachable spirit and a spirit of arrogance. The scripture says, if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land [Isaiah 1:19].

The people who died in Kiryandongo were not meant to die in that accident. Someone was just stubborn. People of God, blood speaks. What Pr. Suubi talked about is very powerful. You woman just sleep with a man and get pregnant, blood will speak. People of God, when Israel stopped praying, Absalom arose and raped his father’s concubines, and that is when the Nation came out of sleep and realized that the battle is not only in the battlefield but also in the kingdom. People of God do not stop praying.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries