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Positive Desire – Part4


#Desire Dream and Destiny Book|| chpt-2

In the previous weeks, we have been talking about the power of desire and what positive desire can do, from my book #Desire, Dream and Destiny. I told you that if your desire is going to be effective, you must have the ability to choose well. I also stated to you that, only destiny can show whether you ever had a desire that became such a great dream. I highlighted some of the resolutions I made like, letting go of all my friends who could not see what I was seeing regardless of who they were. I cancelled out all plans and I went back to principles. Lastly, I convinced myself that this was my desire and dream for my destiny.

People of God, time spent developing or generating power for your desire should not be counted as wasted time. That is why Jacob stayed long so that when his payday came, he would be paid bigger. Had he been able to get a hold of Rachel as soon as he had walked into Laban’s household, he would have walked out a poor man. Anybody who looks on the outside and judges by externals would have simply concluded that Jacob was wasting his time. They would have said; “if God was really with you, you would have gone in and come out quickly and you would have been powerful”. It does not work that way; God wanted to bless Jacob by holding him for a longer season; twenty years. Get this: great stewardship and faithfulness is the way that leads to a place of massive acquisitions.

The bible says in Genesis 31:38; These twenty years I [have been] with you; your ewes and your female goats have not miscarried their young, and I have not eaten the rams of your flock, and verse 41 also reads, Thus I have been in your house twenty years; I served you fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years for your flock, and you have changed my wages ten times. People of God, every desire has a location and once you locate it, do not leave until the appointed time has come for you to have it. Jacob’s desire was greater than just having Rachel because he wanted to be blessed. His lengthy stay was perceived by his enemy as a containment, but Jacob was using it to accumulate his wealth. Brethren, when things slow down on you, do not become negative, continue being positive and keep doing that which gave you the first desire of your heart. Genesis 30:31[c] reads; I will again feed and keep your flocks. We all know how the story ended that Jacob who had come running with nothing ended up accumulating more wealth than those he was working for. Is your desire strong enough to get you what you want? You see, desire is the driving force to the place of dreams. That is why it took twenty years for Jacob’s dream to come to pass. His desire caused him to dream big. Child of God, what do your desires lead you to? Positive desires will always lead us to the place where we work our dreams out [Genesis 30: 25-30] and the bible says; Laban asked Jacob, What shall I give you? [Genesis 30:31b].

People of God, as I conclude: No one has enough to pay for your dreams and no one has enough resources to facilitate your desires.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department