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Positive Desire – Part2


Desire Dream and Destiny Book|| chpt-2

In our previous text, we said that once you locate your desire, do not compromise, but just pay the price to get it.  We took a case study on Jacob who found two women, where one of them could achieve things very easily and the other one had great difficulty in achieving. However, in the end, both women were capable of achieving greatness. We also said, though Leah was hated, she kept her delight in the Lord and as a result, she generated enough power to bring forth a child in a very hateful situation. When we look at Jacob hating Leah, one can only imagine that it was he [Jacob] who hated himself. This is because of the choices he made which put him to hard labor for his desire for fourteen years.

Brethren, anything that seemed to be the reason for Jacob’s predicament received his wrath. I want you to see the power of desire because once you begin to locate what you desire, or what you want, you are going to work for it. You should also know this for sure, that you do not have to pay double for that which has already been paid for. There was no reason why Jacob and Rachel hated Leah; she did not throw herself into it. You see, when we choose not to forgive, we have chosen to walk in hatred and that is a negative desire. It is probably the reason why Rachel’s miracle of child birth was delayed. That is why when Jacob finally got her, she did not live up to his expectations because she was barren. Such are the challenges that will come because of a negative desire.

Sometimes, even after you have gotten a hold of your desire, you may not immediately get the results you have been waiting for, but just keep on watching and holding on. The reason is that the longer you stay there, the more it will work for your good so that the scripture may be fulfilled which says; And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to [His] purpose [Romans 8:28]. The longer it takes, the better the results it will produce. All things should work for good because we desire good. However, if it takes longer than it was expected, do not become negative or else you will end up prolonging the process.

The bible tells us to count it all joy when we fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience. But let patience have [its] perfect work, that we may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing [James 1:2-4]. Beloved, you are about to discover that you needed that extra time to get it right!

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department