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Pentecost Baptism of the Holy Spirit, April-6th-2022

Scriptural reference: John 11:25-44, Matthew 17:16-20

Say, ‘Holy Spirit, you are welcome here’. The story of the Holy Spirit is as old as heaven and earth, or as God is, because the Holy Spirit is God. 

The Holy Spirit wants to own what they give you in the world which is called potential. God doesn’t deal with potential, but He deals with capacity. Each one of you here today, you have a space for a divine capacity. You have the capacity to receive and contain God, and that’s why He calls you the temple of the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 6:19].

The Holy Spirit is God. God is Holy, and He is a Spirit. When you put both together, you come up with the Holy Spirit. When God said, in the last days I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh [Joel 2:28]: what does He mean? He is pouring Himself. When God gave us the bible, He gave us His mind- that is what He thinks. If you ever want to find out what does God thinks, it’s the bible. When He gave us His Son, He gave us His best and when He gave us the Holy Spirit, He gave Himself: when He poured out His Spirit, God gave Himself to you.

If you want victory, success, and life, you get the Holy Spirit. How do I get the Holy Spirit? You can’t get the Holy Spirit from a petrol station or university or any country, He is not for sale. You get the Holy Spirit when you believe God. There are many people who don’t believe God. They know Him, but they don’t believe Him. Every promise Jesus gave us is for believers [Mark 16:17]. God has given us the promises through the bible and the way to those promises is Jesus [Acts 1:8].

One of the things that the Holy Spirit is going to do in your life, is to empower you. If you don’t know, know this for sure that you were created in the image and likeness of God [Genesis 1:27], and you are supposed to produce things of God, but the problem is, you are weak and you have no power to do the things of God because of the sin. The bible says, when He comes, He will convict the world of sin [John 16:8]: He will reveal the way out of sin, and He will empower you not to sin.

When you become a believer, you are now believing God. Abraham believed God and righteousness was given to him [Genesis 15:6]. From today, you must become a believer. When believing came, it was for both the Jews and Gentiles [Romans 1:16]. Jesus came to make us believers in God, and that’s why John 3:16 begins to make it very clear. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever BELIEVETH in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. One of the greatest issues we have today, we have people who are not believing: they are Christians, Born-agains, but they are not believing. The Holy Spirit loves believers.

The resurrection of Lazarus from the dead depended not on the friendship they had with Jesus or being of the same tribe with Jesus but rather it depended on believing: Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God? [John 11:40]. Martha said to Jesus, if you were here, my brother wouldn’t have died, and Jesus answered her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.  And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” [John 11:25-26].

When you are a believer, you don’t need A – Z because you will know what to do. When you believe and you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, there will be no more weeping and looking at the losses. Whatever you have lost, is about to get back to you better. Your next move should never be in the flesh but rather in the Spirit. Jesus didn’t weep for Lazarus because he was dead. He wept because Lazarus was put in a cage. Then the Jews said, See how He loved him”.  When God loves you, He gets you out of sin, death, and problems. He doesn’t cry with you in your problems or nurse your pain, but He transforms you. He doesn’t leave you in the rotten place even when you are rotten [John 11: 27-36]

When you become a believer in God and you receive the Holy Spirit, no matter who put you in a cage or how deep the cage of your life is, you’re about to come out. Anybody who wants to see the Glory of God should become a believer from today. They have given you many names like saved, Pentecostal, tongue talking, but Jesus wants you to become a believer. And these signs will follow those who believe [Mark 16:17]. Declare: I am a believer in God, in Jesus and in the Holy Ghost! [John 11:37-44]

We have people in Church today, they are born-agains and very religious, but they can’t even feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Lazarus was a friend of Jesus, yet he was both bound in hands and feet, and that is what the devil does to the friends of Jesus [John 11:44]. Satan will always bound your hands, foot, blind your eyes and even put you in the cage. That is what he did to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as well but he never made their eyes blind [Daniel 3:23]: Satan will always bind your hands because it’s the work of your hands that God blesses. Your hands represent works, because even faith without works is dead [James 2:26]. He binds your feet that you go no where. When I look at the numbers of born-again believers in this country and I see their day to day lives, I am troubled in my Spirit, “why are we struggling?” I know the devil and Witcraft are there, but you must believe that there is God.

Child of God, miracles don’t happen because you’re a friend of Jesus, they happen because you believe.  Until you believe and you become a believer, you will struggle, because all things are possible to him that believes [Matthew 17:17-20]. This year, you are going to see Holy believers victorious in three areas because that is what the Spirit has just said. [1] You are going to see holy believers (righteous), [2] you are going to see powerful believers who have the power of the Holy Ghost, and [3] you are going to see wealth believers. 

As I conclude: The difference between you and any other person is going to be in the manifestation of God in you. Get ready to manifest God [Romans 8:19]. How do you manifest God? Through the Holy Spirit. When God said, in the last days, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh [Joel 2:28], what did He mean?

Who is the Holy Spirit? [1] He is Holy. You and I don’t have the capacity to be holy but He who is coming in you is HOLY. Declare: He who is coming in me is a Holy God, and wherever He goes, that place becomes Holy: when He came on mountain Sinai it became holy [Exodus 3:5]. Declare: I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus [2 Corinthians 5:21]. [2] The Spirit of God is loving. You are going to love like God, you are going to love the things He loves and hate what He hates [1 John 4:8]. [3] The Spirit of God is wise, and from today you are becoming wise [Isaiah 11:2], and wisdom builds a house [Proverbs 24:3]. [4] The Spirit of God heals, and healing is coming to you wherever you have been sick; financially, mentally, materially and in relationships. [5] The Spirit of God prospers: no more lack in your life [Psalm 35:27]. [6] The Spirit of God delivers; you’re going to deliver the lost, those who don’t know God and those who are bound. I declare, you will deliver people from their bondage and poverty [Exodus 12:12-13, Exodus 11:2]. [7] The Spirit of God develops (grows you, disciples you): from a fisherman to an apostle, Joseph from a slave to a prime minister. The way I began is not the same way I am today [Luke 2:52]. You are not only growing spiritually but also physically. 

I prophesy, I see you growing in praise, glory, understanding, promotion, business, company, your work. You are not here to fail to grow; when you yield to the Holy Spirit, you will grow. Hear the Word of God: whatever I plant I grow saith the LORD. Today, I am planting you as my seed saith the LORD.  God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth [John 4:24]. God plants His seeds in the Spirit and when you are filled, He has a field to plant His seed. 

I pray that as you read and meditate on this message, it will go through you in Jesus’ Name. To watch a rebroadcast of this entire message, use this link below and you will be blessed:

© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries