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Pentecost Baptism – 2


#Pentecost Baptism of the Holy Spirit -2


The promise of the Father which He said in Genesis chapter 3, that the seed of a woman will crush the devil’s head, finally came to a little, virgin girl who was pursuing the glory of God, betrothed to a man called Joseph, and then the angel came, and said something powerful [Luke 1:26-33]. He said, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God [Luke 1:35]. No one had ever heard about such words in 400 years.

The angel introduced the Holy Spirit. That virgin girl got pregnant not with the help of man but rather the Holy Ghost. To summarize the whole story, the Child was born. Heaven rejoiced and the earth anticipated [Luke 2:6-20].

When He was 30 years, the Holy Ghost had been on a young man called John the Baptist who was doing ministry in a way no one had ever seen before. His clothes alone were suckers. The food he ate is not what you would eat when you are at that level, locusts and honey. He chose river Jordan to be his ministry and he baptized people. Nobody in the history of Israel had ever baptized people like that. It was only God who baptized them when they went through the red sea [Luke 3:1-20].

When the Holy Ghost comes upon your life, you will do only what God can do. You don’t need to copy anyone. Today, we are living in a world of copy cuts. We copy what others are doing and then we repeat them. We say what they say. We preach what they preach. We wear what they wear. John was wearing a camel skin. He ate locusts and honey. Without a microphone, he became what prophet Isaiah said in chapter 40. He became the voice of the One shouting in the wilderness.

When the Holy Spirit comes, you become what the prophets prophesied. When He comes on you, you become the reality of what the prophets said. John baptized millions. And behold among those millions, there came a humble Son of God. Born by the will of the Holy Spirit to fulfil that which was spoken by His Father in the third chapter of Genesis.

“Every promise you have ever received, when the Holy Spirit comes, it shall be fulfilled.”

He (Jesus) walked, and He was baptized. The bible says, he prayed, and the Holy Spirit came upon Him [Luke 3:21-22]. From today, develop a lifestyle of prayer no matter what occasion or office you are at, the first thing you should do is pray. Your response should be prayer. The bible says, He prayed, the heaven was opened [Luke 3:21]. From tonight, you shall pray, and the heaven will open.

We all know the story, after He was baptized, the Holy Spirit came upon Him. He went to the wilderness where He was with the wild animals. Some of you, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you are going to tame and stop the world evil spirit that have been ravaging your family. They will have no power over your life again.

The bible says, then He returned after 40 days in the power of the Holy Spirit, and He went where He used to worship and pray the sabbath prayers [Luke 4:14-15]. The bible says, when He reached there, they handed over the scroll. From today, they will hand over something that talks about you [Luke 4:18].

“I will not be mistaken if some of you after this service shall be promoted at your place of work. I will not be surprised when many of you achieve what you have never achieved before. Somebody is about to be handed a property or land title.”

The bible says, and He opened what prophet Isaiah talked about Him. When the Holy Ghost comes, the entire bible isn’t talking about your neighbor but you. When there’s no Holy Spirit, every time you read a scripture, you think that it is for someone else. When religion reads the bible, they read it to people. They read it to the world. They don’t see themselves in the scripture. When Jesus opened the bible after returning in the power of the Holy Spirit, He read where it was written, the spirit of God is upon me!”  He was talking about Himself. From today, you shall not read a scripture and say, I think it’s for my stepmother, NO. You will realize that the bible is talking about you.

When you read a scripture about repentance, don’t think that it’s about the congregation. Pastor, once you are full of the Holy Spirit, every time you read scripture, it is about you and then someone else maybe. The word of God is a two-edged sword [Hebrews 4:12]. It can’t leave you.

Once you are full of the Holy Spirit, every scripture you read is about you. You can read a scripture that says, you are the head and not the tail. Then you say that’s my stepbrother [Deuteronomy 28:13]. Don’t also claim the good scriptures for yourself and say that the worst are for others.

The bible says, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him [Acts 10:38]. God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit, and He healed the sick. People said, He doesn’t teach like one of the Pharisees. He preaches with authority, who is He? [Matthew 7:29] Child of God, when the Holy Ghost comes upon you today, you shall walk in authority. You shall go doing good.

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching, and to watch a rebroadcast of this entire, click on the link below and you shall be blessed.

© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries