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Pentecost Baptism – 1


#Pentecost Baptism of the Holy Spirit -1


Today is the twenty second day of the second month year twenty twenty-two (22022022). From every side, it will give you the same results as you read it. Child of God, there will be no other day like today. 

Teaching about the day of Pentecost in the school of the Holy Spirit, I realized that after Jesus rose from the dead, He remained on earth for forty days and afterward He left. He told the disciples to stay in the upper room. We realized that the disciples were in the upper room for ten days, and they were ten days after Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. 

These disciples of Jesus were twelve, but they went and mobilized 120 of themselves. They locked themselves in the upper room and prayed for ten days.  I do not know whether they were fasting 24 hours, yet we know very little about their activities in those ten days. We know they prayed, they voted to replace Judas such that when the Holy Spirit comes, they are twelve. They had no idea that the Holy Spirit was coming to more than that [Acts 1:13-23]. 

Remember these were not educated people except a few like Luke and Matthew. The bible was not available in those days, so they had to look back as the Spirit was leading them, because the Father was to pour His Spirit on them [Acts 2:17]. The promise was, to pour His Spirit on ALL FLESH not some flesh [Joel 2:28]. They did not get it in scripture because the bible was not yet written. Some parts of the scriptures were written on scrolls, so there was a serious need for them to know what to do next.

Pentecost is one of the festivals of the Jews and it is fifty days from a major event that has happened. This day [Pentecost] happened on the day the disciples were in the upper room.

The bible says, And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place [Acts 2:1]. These were devout men who had come from all over the world to celebrate Pentecost [Acts 2:5-21].

So, the day of Pentecost fell on them, the disciples never knew that they had entered Pentecost. So, the promise fell on them. In other words, the promise of God fell on what they were doing. This brings us to a very powerful revelation that God has already set in motion His promises. He is just waiting for your preparation. God is already moving, and He is just waiting for you to stop the train. Whatsoever you do, is not going to move God BUT to bring Him.  

The bible says, when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, and they were only 120 people in the upper room. The promise in Joel 2 talks about all flesh not 120. These men and women in the upper room probably had children at home, wives, and husbands, but they didn’t get it. It was only those who were in one accord.

So, we learn three things from this text, and one of them is.

  • Obedience is better than sacrifice [1 Samuel 15:22]. He did not speak to 120 but to twelve who went and brought others. Those who obeyed, they received the promise which Joel prophesied about three hundred years ago. Someone here, because of obedience, you are about to receive the promise of the Father.
  • The promise was not 10 days ago. Even the prophecy of 2022 is not 10 days ago or two months ago. It is over 100 years. In fact, it’s over 3000 years ago. It’s 7000 years ago when we look at where Pentecost came from. Therefore, we are the most privileged people.

Today, fell on a unique day. No one planned it or thought about it. It is 22022022. If you look at it, there are many twos. It seems like God is going to double up His grace and anointing towards you. Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life [Psalms 23:6]. His word and the Spirit are going to lead you. The bread and the blood are going to carry you. Heaven and earth will obey you. This is the year of great things.

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© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries