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Pentecost #5


#Pentecost Baptism of the Holy Spirit , April-20th-22

The Holy Spirit has been with me for forty years, and He has done wonderful things around the world. The prophecy is what you should always follow to go to the next level. Jesus began to preach about Himself from Moses and all the other prophets. So, the promises are what motivates God to come to you. When He came to Moses, He said, I have remembered the promise (covenant) which I made with Abraham [Exodus 6:5]. The promises which God gave us is the reason why you are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

He said to Adam and Eve that the seed of a woman will crush the devil’s head [Genesis 3:15], and that is the reason why a virgin Mary had to be born. Jesus had to be born to save you and I. Everything which the Lord has ever promised you is the reason why you are going to be the head and not the tail [Deuteronomy 28:13]. When you stand on the promises of God, you cannot fail. If God promised you and you stand on His promises, you will overcome.

You are about to receive what your forefathers dreamt about, and what the men of the bible desired to receive. For God promised that in the last days, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh [Joel 2:28], whether the flesh is full of cancer or whatever disease you have, He is going to answer your prayer. He is going to give you a miracle by pouring His Spirit on your life. It is the promises that drive us to seek Him.

This is what He said, in the last days, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh (not drops). When God pours from heaven, the wind that comes with that water will drive you away even before the water touches you. Then He said, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. In other words, to you He will pour but your seed (descendants) will be given a promise which they will give to the next generation.

So, the Holy Spirit you are about to receive is perpetual; He will get on you and then jump on your children, and your children will give the promise to the other children (in the next generation). What is about to happen to you is not dying with you or stopping on you, but it is going to go to your children and children’s children.

When the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus, He came like a dove and sat on His shoulder [Luke 3:22]. Why didn’t He come on His head? Why the shoulder? Because Christ was not sinful as I am. Yes, He was 100% man, and 100% God but I am not 100% God though I am 100% man. After the fall, I am not even 100% man, maybe I am now 50% man. When the Holy Spirit comes, He helps you to be a real man.

Christ is the head of the church [Colossians 1:18]. What is the church? The church is you and you are the temple of the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 6:19]. So, the Holy Spirit couldn’t come on the head of Jesus, but on the body (shoulder) which is you. Christ is the head; He is your vision, ears (hearing), your faith, praise, talking and reasoning. 

Why the shoulder? Because the government shall be upon His shoulder [Isaiah 9:6]. Who is the shoulder? You and me.  You are the government of Jesus. What does the government do? The government has power [Acts 1:8]; the government has authority [Matthew 18:18]. Child of God, the Holy Spirit is coming upon you to make you a government of God. Things are going to become better because the Holy Ghost has come upon you.

You are the body of Christ and the government of God, so stop taking excuses. When the government is in power, it has authority;

1.    On responsibility.

2.    To protect its people with their properties. Therefore, no demon will cross your line. From tonight, no witchcraft or powers of darkness will be working in that area where you live. You are the government of God.

Jesus gave them power and He said, by no means shall powers of darkness hurt you, not even vipers or scorpions [Luke 10:19].

The Holy Spirit came upon Jesus and sat on His shoulder, because Isaiah said, the government shall be upon His shoulder. Christ is the head, and wherever He sees, I go; He commands I walks; He desires, I bring. The body must be responding to the head. Jesus didn’t need the Holy Spirit on His head like the apostles, but he needed the Holy Spirit to be anointed.

There are some governments in the world today which have no peace, food, and they can’t worship like we do. That is called anointing because you can have authority, power and even a position. Jesus had a position as a son of God, as a gift of God and as a redeemer, but He did not have the anointing to become. That is why God Himself anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him [Acts 10:38]. Jesus is Emmanuel which means God with me. The anointing you are about to receive is about to be who you are; the anointing which the Holy Spirit is bringing you is going to be your new identity.

This anointing of the Holy Spirit came on Joseph and God was with him. He had a position and everywhere he went, he used the word and power to even control his masters [Genesis 39:2-6]. You are about to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and you will be able to change circumstances.

Joseph a little Hebrew boy was bought by the Ishmaelites who wanted to punish the house of Isaac and the house of Sarai. It was their vengeance because they had kicked Hagar their grandmother and thrown her away with nothing [Genesis 21:8-10]. So, they bought the grandson of Sarai to turn him into a slave, but the moment they touched him, they couldn’t handle him. He was too much for them, and then they sold him again to Egypt [Genesis 21:28-36].

Once you are filled with the Holy Ghost and God anoints you, it doesn’t matter whether you sleep next to a witch or a shrine. Because right there, you will turn the shrine into a church. Potiphar bought Joseph but remember this boy is following a prophesy of the garment with many colors. He told him to separate the sheep from goats, cows from the bulls, some servants to work in the houses and others in the field.  He did not get it from school but from the anointing. This Anointing came on Joseph, and it took him before Pharaoh. Child of God, you are on your way to the top. Genesis 41:41 says, And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.

When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, the world will set you over themselves. So, He anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good. For Jesus to die for you, someone had to anoint Him. Even if you are filled with the Holy Spirit and you are positioned, you need the anointing to do things. From today, the anointing you are about to receive will cause you to do holiness, miracles, signs, and wonders. From today, you’re going to do the works of God.

All of us as human beings are not complete without Jesus no matter how educated we are. Jesus is the One who completes us, and how do we know that? When all the powers of darkness and principalities are under your feet. And the beginning of doing so, is by getting saved, accepting Jesus and you ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit. When He came to Jesus, He came gently because His mind was on God, the ears were to the Father as well as the brain (thinking). But when He came to the apostles, there was a mighty rushing wind, fire fell on their heads because their minds were not like that of Jesus and their words were not like those of Jesus; their ears were listening to everyone [Acts 2:2].

So, when He comes, He comes to transform you, empower you, make you holy, faithful, cleanse you and fill you. Once He comes in you, even some diseases that you don’t know will go without saying goodbye. Every curse they put on you, will go. Once you receive Him, you should not contaminate yourself with anything else. When the Holy Spirit comes, He breaks yokes (most of the yokes are invisible)

I pray that as you read and meditate on this message, it will go through you in Jesus’ Name. To watch a rebroadcast of this entire message, use the link below and you will be blessed:




Don’t forget our Friday Healing Service at 4pm, and tomorrow is our Jewish Dinner here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral. Next week on Saturday, April-30th-2022, I am coming to Gombe for a one-day Miracle Crusade at Marrum FC Playground opp. Hon. Kasule Robert’s Home, hosted by Pr. Elia & Gloria Musasizi. Be there and invite someone.

© Missions Department 2022 ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries