Beloved, I am so excited to share God’s word with you titled Partnership in reference to the book of Acts chapter 3 where we see two characters of people, the missionaries and the beggar. These missionaries were mandated by our Lord Jesus Christ to start their ministry in Jerusalem after the Holy Ghost had come upon them in the upper room before spreading to other parts of the earth [Acts 1:8]. Unfortunately they had all departed Jerusalem and gone to the various regions.
However, they remembered that their first assignment was Jerusalem which was then impossible because the Roman soldiers were guarding the roads in Jerusalem. So they decided to go and meet in the temple at the ninth hour, such that when the Holy Ghost comes upon them, they can prophecy. When they reached the temple, they found it packed to capacity. And the bible says, there was a certain beggar who sat at the gate Beautiful asking for alms, and when he asked Peter and John for alms; Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you” [Acts 3:1-6].
Beloved, partners give out what they have! And this is what happened, the man rose and began to walk; all eyes were on Peter, John and the beggar, and when Peter began to preach, people’s ears were listening to him. That man’s miracle through partnership helped Peter and John to preach the gospel in Jerusalem, and the bible states, “many of those who heard the word believed; and the number of the men came to be about FIVE THOUSAND” [Acts 4:4].
The news spread and it was all over in all people’s homes. Child of God, your partnership with us through the Bucket Project is causing us to catch more fish, to spread our nets for evangelism and by the time our truck arrives, multitudes would have surrendered their lives to Christ.
Partners work together; that man stood in the temple where he had never stood before because the book of Leviticus had stated who had to enter into the temple and those who couldn’t enter the temple. Simon Peter, a man who was uneducated stood in the temple and quoted Joel 2:28 [“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams” [Acts 2:17]]; that is what partnership with God does.
We can partner together for the Glory of God. You could ask yourself what happened to me, things aren’t going well; your dream looks like its crippled like that crippled man, people are waking away from you like that man saw them walk away from him, but am here to declare that you’re coming out of this COVID-19 lock-down a different person; I prophecy, you’re not gonna die in this situation. Child of God, your partnership could save a certain young girl out there from sleeping with a man who could be infected with HIV/ AIDS.
Jesus will say, when I was hungry, you gave Me food; when I was thirsty, you gave Me drink; and you will ask Him: Lord, when did I see You hungry or thirsty and did minister to You? And hear what He will say to you, “inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to Me” [Matthew 25:42-45].
Brethren, your partnership will break yokes [of immorality, poverty], and God has recommended us to take the Isaiah 58 fast. Am so grateful to KCCA for having removed those kids from the streets; they have now been provided with mattresses and other stuffs and from these 21 days of lock-down, those kids are gonna be transformed.
This is a time when the church and civil societies have to partner with government. This is time for national transformation; time when farmers have to till the land and grow more food. Child of God, your partnership is gonna make you recognized. I decree and declare that healing is coming to you; healing in your finances, business, children and family.
I declare, Righteousness is gonna go before you and everyone will know that you’re a child of God. As I conclude; I pray that you will become a partner today as we stand on Isaiah 58, and then His love and mercy shall continue to endure forever and even become new in our lives. Its my prayer that the Lord will give me partners, men and women who are sold out for His Glory.
Thank you my partners for your giving towards the Bucket Project, and remember that even from a distance we can still stand together!
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Robert Kayanja Ministries