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Overcoming the Giant


#Honour: Monday Night, June-15-2020

We are studying about Honour, the fifth spirit of God according to Revelation 5:12. God tells us to Honour Him with our wisdom, and our substance [Proverbs 3:9]. He tells us to honour Him and He will honour us [1 Samuel 2:30]. In most cases honour and glory work together. God gave us the seven spirits in a sequence: power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing. Power makes us to become sons of God according to John 1:12, and we also become witnesses according to Acts 1:8. Riches – you need money because it answers all things [Ecclesiastes 10:19]. Whatever question you have, money will answer it though it might not give you a solution because it’s God who gives solutions. Money gives answers but not solutions. In life you need solutions not answers, that’s why Jesus came and He gave us His identity.

When we honour God, we get solutions. Education gives answers yet learning gives solutions. When God told to the Hebrews to remember Him for bringing them out of Egypt, He was giving them a solution [Deuteronomy 8:2]. When God said in 2 Chronicles 7:14, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land, He was not giving answers but solutions. We need Him to come down. We need Him to heal our land. There’s a difference between treating and healing. Treating is the answer but healing is the solution. That’s why He says, “…for I [am] the LORD that healeth thee” [Exodus 15:26]. If you turn away from your wicked ways, Prayer and Repentance are the solutions. Therefore, we get solutions from the presence of God.

When we are dealing with Honour, we are able to defeat the giants in our lives. Apostle Paul says, there’s a sin that entangles us [Hebrews 12:1], and that sin is the first giant. The second giant is forgetting. We forget where we came from and why we are here. The third giant is lack of faith. We are dealing with a thief who comes to steal [John 10:10]. He steals faith from us yet faith is the substance, and we honour God with substance [Proverbs 3:9]. Giant four is sight. You always look at things around you and you lose faith because they scare you. If your sight doesn’t turn into vision, you will be worried. That’s why Jesus tells us to have faith as a mustard seed, because with that faith, you will command a mountain and it will move [Matthew 17:20].

The problem you are having today will move because it has to honour God. COVID-19 is coming to an end and it has to die because we stand in faith and we know that our Lord is CAPABLE. You will go through the storm. The fifth giant is your environment. What is surrounding you has dictated your life because of the title you hold, that you cannot even praise God. Circumstances have a way they enter into your environment and reduce you to nothing. Circumstances can attack your mind and take away your spirit which is your joy. Once you know who you’re and whose you’re, you can defeat that giant. The things we face in life are temporal. COVID-19 is temporal.

The circumstances you’re facing are gigantic that’s why you have to overcome those five giants. Situations and circumstances will reveal who you’re, and the kind of person you’re. Circumstances are like mountains. You have to despise those circumstances and look at them as temporal. Circumstances have a way of revealing the evil in us. Brethren, the position you have been given is a seed that reveals what kind of soil you’re. Greatness is revealed in such situations. These circumstances attack your mind and body. They attacked Cain and he killed his brother.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department