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Sunday Service: 10-April-2022


There are two options whenever there is a Divine assignment. Jesus talked about assignment, and we see Him taking up His assignment: dying at the cross and paying the price. God waited for nearly 6000 years to see a man who could stand in the gap. It’s amazing when you read the scripture that its in line with what we are doing. God waited to see a man who could stand in the gap and there was no man [Ezekiel 22:30].

He became the man. When you don’t step into the gap, He will step in, and when He steps in, He may not use you. That’s a scary part that He may not use you. Jesus talked about a man who had two sons; he went to the first one and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard. “I will not”, he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. Then he went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, I will, but he did not go [Matthew 21:28-30]. What Jesus was teaching here is that assignment is given in order for God to prove your obedience.

Isaiah the greatest prophet who understood Jesus, this is what he said, If you are willing [Isaiah 1:19]; I know most of us are willing, but are we obedient? Willingness is for a lifetime and Obedience is for a SEASON. You cannot postpone obedience, but you can extend willingness. The world deals with willingness yet obedience has to do with compliance. Obedience bends the will to its position.

He said, If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land. Remember eating is for seasons and time. The good of the land can only be possessed in real time.

The children of Israel were willing to go to the Canaan land, but they were not obedient enough to move in. So, for forty years, they died in the wilderness and that is strange. Child of God, you must apply obedience in real time. When you are dealing with Jesus, He is on a timetable. He will give you time because Chance happens to each one of us [Ecclesiastes 9:11], and if you don’t seize the moment, it moves on.

While Jesus was conceived in Nazareth, Bethlehem was in place for His birth, and Africa was in place to raise Him. So, its not only you who is going to monopolize; this thing is globe, and the Savior is for the whole world. If you don’t take your part, it moves on.

I pray that as you read and meditate on this message, it will go through you in Jesus’ Name. To watch a rebroadcast of this entire message, use the link below and you will be blessed:

Evening services start today (Monday) from 6pm – 8pm for the next 10days, therefore don’t MISS. And this Saturday, April-16th-2022, I will be in Kamuli – Kireka for a Miracle Crusade themed “Encounter with Destiny” at Zoe Kingdom Church, hosted by Pr. Geoffrey and Sarah Okeny. Be there and invite someone.

© Missions Department 2022 ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries