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Monday Night: Honour


#Monday Night||June-08-2020

We are still studying about honour, one of the seven spirits of God that were released on earth after Jesus was slain according to Revelation 5:12. It’s very important to understand that when you come to number 5, you get to honour. Honour means high respect. It’s the quality of knowing with regard to great respect. Honour means high esteem. Honour and honor are the same though one is British English and the other is American. God expects us to honour Him. Honour is giving or offering [Psalms 50:23]. You cannot honour God with empty words [Isaiah 29:13]. Honour belongs to God. We honour God with our first fruits [Proverbs 3:9]. We honour Him with our substances of thanksgiving. That is why David said, I will enter into His gates with thanksgiving, [and] into his courts with praise [Psalms 100:4].

Revelation 4 reveals that all living creatures including you and I have to honour God. Once we give God our future, mind, sacrifice, we honour Him and make Him to be number one in our lives, all the elders in heaven will bow down and worship Him. When we honour God, the glory and power come down. When we honour God with our substances, heaven begins to worship Him. Through honouring God, we become a standard that whatever thing we decree is established, and whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven. Once you honour God, heaven joins you. You’re the key and standard to take praise to another level. The moment those beasts or living creatures in verse 9 [of Revelation 4] began to honour God, also the 24 elders bowed down. You might have few words that are not enough to express your love for God, but once you honour Him, you trigger the praise because He is looking for people who can worship Him in spirit and in truth [John 4:23]. Once we do something that targets heaven, it will give back what is there [Revelation 4:9-11]. Do you know what can happen to your family once you honour God? Many people ask me about the will of God for their lives? His will for your life is here, “honour Him.” God created us in His image and He wants you and I to honour Him. He created all things to enjoy. You hold the key that will change this nation. That key is to honour God and give Him His glory. Once we honour Him with our substances, minds, bodies, then we get the keys to the kingdom that whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Ezekiel 33:31 talks about love of the lips. Let the world know that you love God. Honour Him among your fellow students, workmates, friends and relatives.

I want to show you one key that saved the children of Israel when God was about to destroy them. One young man turned the key of a curse into a blessing [Numbers 25:10-13]. He was a grandson of Aaron and his name is Phinehas. We all know what Aaron did; he made a golden calf and the children of Israel started to worship it which stirred God’s anger. God chose Aaron because Moses interceded. Aaron gave birth to Eleazar who also gave birth to Phinehas. In verse 12 & 13, we see God giving Phinehas His covenant of peace and even the covenant of an everlasting priesthood. Child of God, you are the key to turn things around. You’re the key to transform your family and generation. You’re the hope of our future. You’re the savior of your family. You’re the Generation that God is depending on. You’re the chosen one to stand in the gap where others have failed because you have the zeal for God. God is looking for a Phinehas in this generation. Zacharias the husband of Elizabeth was from that lineage of Phinehas. Are you among the tens of thousands of people who are going to be zealous for our God? I pray that you will have more love for God in your heart to deliver Africa.

Listen: honouring God will cause the world to remember you. From today, purpose in your heart to honour God in your body. Clean it every day because it is the temple of the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 6:19]. Phinehas had a covenant of peace. Salvation is a covenant. Serving God is a covenant that is why you must present your body as a living sacrifice [Romans 12:1]. The life of Christ is in our bodies [2 Corinthians 4:10-11]. When God glorifies you, your sons and daughters [also the spiritual ones] will bring silver and gold to honour Him [Isaiah 60:9]. When you help the poor, you’re honouring God [Proverbs 14:31, James 1:27].

As I conclude: Malachi 2:2 says, If you will not hear, And if you will not take [it] to heart, To give glory to My name, Says the LORD of hosts, I will send a curse upon you, And I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have cursed them already, Because you do not take [it] to heart. Rich people who don’t honour God, fifteen years later, you find them poor. Matthew 13:57 reads, So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.” Familiarity, and in that place Jesus did little miracles. Honour and loyalty must be rewarded. When you honour God, He honours you too but if you despise Him, you shall be lightly esteemed [1 Samuel 2:30]. You’re the key to transform your family and generation. All the mass weddings, mass crusades, mass baptisms we did, were honouring God. Are you going to honour God? Beloved, whatever you’re going through shall come to an end. You were born to honour God. Let’s honour Him!

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department