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Jesus is ALIVE -2


Miracle Overnight with Apostle T. Vutabwashe – 21. July.2023

Please, I don’t want you to use any other qualification to make progress, the competition out there is too dangerous, some are corrupt and other are witches, but we need to pick a better frequency that Jesus is alive… So, when you are going to do an interview and there are twenty people on the panel, don’t panic. Just know that Jesus is alive [Acts 4:10]. Others will ask, why are you so relaxed and confident? You will tell them, it is not possible for me not to get a job… Jesus is alive. Therefore, everyone believing God for a job, I release a miracle job to you right now in the name of Jesus…

God is telling someone, three times, you were very close to a breakthrough, and it just disappeared. Some people came and took it away three times, but He sent me to tell you, I Am restoring the opportunity back to you… If you are one of them, receive it in Jesus’ name.

Acts 5:30, The God of our fathers RAISED up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Which means, what they killed, God raises. Tonight, whatever they killed in your life, whether its your ministry, family, business, or career, it’s coming back to life. Whatever they killed, God will raise it… There are people who killed your relationships, finances, favor, ministry, and business, I stand on the altar of my father (Pr. Robert Kayanja), resurrect back to life… whatever they killed, He is raising it back! Every one of you tonight, let your hope become alive; I cannot remain like this…Jesus is alive.

If there is anyone who thinks that your life will remain like this, they don’t know what they are doing… Colossians 1:18 says, Jesus is the beginning. Someone is about to begin a new chapter. Stretch your hands to the altar, I open a new chapter for your family, career, business, ministry, project in the name of Jesus. Something is beginning tonight; let every devil worshipper and witch hear that… let every enemy and adversary of your life hear that… something new is beginning tonight.

The Lord is telling me to talk to someone, He says, the wicked hand that was holding your papers is withered NOW!! The bible says in Hebrews 2:14, Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. It means Jesus did not need to be alive to fight the devil. Jesus said, devil, you are too small; I will beat you when am dead and not alive… Jesus was showing us that the devil can be beaten in death. I declare tonight, every stupid devil to get out of your life. Jesus said, if I come to you devil when I am alive, I will exalt you… not only that, let Me first carry whole the sins of the world — past, present and the future, then I will face you… Tonight, every chain must break.

When the devil saw Jesus been chained, he said to himself, this is no power at all…you used to tell people that you have power, where are you? Sometimes it is not necessary to argue with a fool, you just keep quiet…they hanged Him; they thought they were going to kill Him and He said, no one can kill Me…I lay down My life at will. Because Jesus died, they took His and buried Him, and made sure that soldiers will guard His tomb…they placed a 5000 pound stone over His tomb to ensure that there was no chance for Jesus to get out… even the king came and signed on the rock, and said, who is going to take you out after my signature? [Matthew 27:66]. I don’t care who signed for your poverty or barrenness, tonight, Jesus is alive.

The scripture says, on the third day, early in the morning… Did you know that resurrection was not delayed by a day? The day He said, I will rise is when He rose [Matthew 28:1-7]. I prophecy to someone here, no one will delay you, whatever that must happen in 2023, must happen in the name of Jesus. A miracle of this year is for this year, no delays, and frustrations… receive your miracle in the name of Jesus. In His death, He went to the devil to collect the keys of death and hell. He didn’t do it secretly; He did it in the presence of all demons and the devil came and bowed down [Colossians 2:15]. For every knee must bow [Philippians 2:10]. Every demon saw their boss whom you are afraid of, bowing before Jesus surrendering the keys… so what are you afraid of? Tonight, take your bags out of poverty. Take your bags out of high blood pressure. Receive your healing and deliverance… the devil cannot kill your life.

When Jesus was hanging on the cross, the devil called for a meeting saying, what are we going to do so that He does not rise, and death could say, whosoever I keep, no one comes out [Acts 2:24]. Death told Satan to relax hoping to hold Him; the grave also said, everyone I am locking, no one has ever come out; the grave asked, what is so special about Him? I will do the same. Hell also said, whosoever enters here, cannot come out…so, it is done. When Jesus went to hell and the demons saw the devil himself bowing down… someone shouted it, death…death…death where is your power? You told us you had power, now, where is your power? [1 Corinthians 15:55]; I came to prophecy to someone, they shall see your wedding and also they shall see you rise… you shall say to them, you devil, where is your power? Can I say something, death could not answer, because even death was confused. Death asked Satan, you told us that you have power, why are you quiet? And you grave, why are you quiet? What’s going on? I am here to prophecy, whatever that was so boastful in your life that you will not know peace or rise, it is OVER!

Death could not answer; the grave could not speak… and another one said, Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in [Psalm 24:7]. Verse 8, Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Today in the name of Jesus, you are coming out and the gates of hell will not prevail against your life [Matthew 16:18]. While all this drama was happening, death was quiet; the grave was quiet; the gates of hell opened and all demons were quiet seeing the devil handing over the keys to Jesus, and you hear Jesus say, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth [Matthew 28:18]. I came to tell every witch, you cannot stop the church, the saints, the pastors, the partners and the tithers.

One of the things that shocked me while I was reading this scripture, the bible says, when He rose, others who were in the grave, who saw the devil bowing down and surrendering the keys, they said what? Why are we here? When He rose, they said, we are going too… [ Matthew 27:52] today, walk free in the name of Jesus; walk free from the power of witchcraft; walk free from the intimidation of the devil… the devil has no power. Please get this, they were not prayed for, and no one interceded for them. There was no song sung for them. They just saw how cheap the devil was and said, we cannot stay here… if the devil himself can surrender the keys, I am going out… tonight in the name of Jesus, walk free from the power of death and the power of the devil…the devil is not your boss.

Tonight, get out of every prison; get out of every torment; get out of that disease; get out of that attack; get out of that occult powers… you are FREE. Let me tell you this, the ones who remained dead, they remained dead because of the picture they had about the devil! They remember the devil who had the power of death with power of hell, but they didn’t picture the devil surrendering the keys… I am here to tell the church; the devil no longer has the keys and the power. Jesus is alive. From today, no child of God should look as if the devil is high. We are seated together with Christ in highly places, far above the principalities, dominions and powers, not only in this world but even in the world to come [Ephesians 2:6]. Whenever you are praying, look down on the devil and not up [Ephesians 1:21].

I give you 20 seconds to celebrate a new chapter in your life. Someone is going to build a house in three months and finish it. I don’t care if you have a medical report or you have a legal case or it’s an established demonic altar in your family, I want you to picture this, “the devil surrendering the keys…” he is not in control. Church, the devil is not in control. I declare the rise of million-dollar believers in this church, and you are one of them in the name of Jesus.

I trust this message has been a blessing to you. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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