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Jesus is ALIVE


Miracle Overnight with Apostle T. Vutabwashe – 21.July.2023


Romans 1:16, For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Verse 17, For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

I want to talk to you about the gospel. It cannot be the gospel unless it is Goodnews. The gospel is God publicly announcing that Jesus has defeated the devil forever. The devil will never win against Jesus FOREVER. Therefore, tonight, whatever the devil has done in your life, you are becoming free. It’s not negotiable or debatable or reversable. It cannot be changed. Jesus conquered the devil.

I know most of you know the position I am standing; this is a pulpit where men of God stand to pull people out of their pits. So, tonight, whosoever is in the pit of poverty, bareness, and shame, I came to pull you out… if they said, you will never drive or never marry or never prosper, I pull you out of the pit.

I prophecy to you, before December 2023, your story shall change forever. If it’s you I am talking about, let me hear your celebration to Jesus.

I want someone tonight to know that Jesus conquered… you can go and run your business, pass your exams, build your house and no devil shall stop you.

                        He is alive. He is out of the grave and the tomb is empty.

Young lady and young man, you can arise. The tomb is empty.

Acts 2:24, Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. I came to Uganda to tell the devil, you failed on Jesus, you shall not succeed against the church [Matthew 16:18]. It was not possible to lock Him (Jesus) in hell. If it was not possible for the devil to lock Jesus in hell, it will never be possible for the devil to stop your life. What I am preaching, if you don’t have a house, see yourself packing bags to a new house… if you are looking for a visa, see a visa approved… if you were looking for a job, see a job coming to your life.

                                                Jesus is alive.

It was not possible. I pray someone can catch it; it was not possible. And the bible says, when He died, we died with Him; when He was buried, we were buried with Him and when He rose, we rose with Him [Romans 6:4]. Whatever they denied you for the past ten years, I prophesy to your life, six months from today, you will be the reality of your miracle. If that word is yours, run and jump because you are the partaker of the miracle.

                                    He is out of the grave… and the tomb is empty.

Same verse from The Passion Translation [TPT], God destroyed the cords of death and raised him up, because it was impossible for death’s power to hold him prisoner. Tonight, every cord of death that is pursuing your life, career, ministry, and family, its over! Say, Father, I rebuke death out of my family in the name of Jesus. Pray that prayer, I rebuke death in the name of Jesus. Every cord of death, that had pursued your life; living under the fear of death; living under the harassment of death, I lift my hand from the alter of my father (Pr. Robert Kayanja), it’s over. You shall not die… No one will kill you [Psalm 118:17]. I prophesy to you; you are going to see the fourth generation; You will see your children and your children’s children; You are going to live long [Psalm 91:16]. Whatever that has been killing people; every alter of death – that has been killing people before their time, I destroy it in the name of Jesus.

He said, He destroyed the cords of death and raised him up because it was impossible for death’s power to hold him. I am talking to someone, every wicked hand that was holding your destiny, I kick it way. It is not possible for you to remain the same after this service. In the name of Jesus, I open international doors; I open continental doors; I open regional doors, and I open local doors. You are going far. Let it get into you, it was not possible. Church, from tonight, it is not possible that the devil is stop your life.

                                                     I release the flesh oil for new cars.

Look at your neighbor and tell them, it is not possible… the devil cannot stop your life. Whatever they vowed that it will never happen to you, on behalf of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Congratulations.

If Jesus had not risen from the dead, He was not going to be our Saviour. He was just going to be a martyr; someone who dies for a good cause. Jesus didn’t come here to die for a good cause. He is not in the grave [Matthew 28:6] … even myself, I wasn’t going to be a pastor of a dead Jesus. How do you preach when your God is in the grave? Even the bible was not going to have a meaning. How do we preach it when our God is defeated. I am glad, it was not possible.

It’s not Christianity alone that teaches good morals. Even other religions teach their believers good morals like don’t steal, take care of the poor… but our difference is not in good morals, we have the power [Acts 1:8]. I declare to your family, tonight in the name of Jesus, get out of poverty and struggle, Jesus is alive. My prayer tonight, whatsoever they told you that it will never happen, you are beginning tonight. Whosoever thought that you will remain like this, that person is a liar. Six months from now, what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, is about to happen to your life [1 Corinthians 2:9].

The enemy can no longer lock you; it is not possible. I came for you, and I declare, the enemy cannot lock you… you are the person I flew for…the devil cannot keep you there. I break every chain; I open every door; I declare over your life to rise…I pull you out, I don’t care the mud, the concrete, and the stones they have put on you, I pull you out… something is happening right now. I declare, you are going to hear good news. I feel in my spirit, someone is going to be a pace setter in their family. Something is going to start on you…

Acts 4:10, Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye CRUCIFIED, whom God RAISED from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. I came for this one, every 40-year problem is OVER! I am looking for someone who is going to say, you see that land cruiser, it is because Jesus is alive. Someone is going to show a double storey house and he says, it is not in our family, but it is because Jesus is ALIVE. There are people under the sound of my voice, in three months, you will have flown to another country. My God is changing your story, and I believe the God of this house…

I don’t care if your child is one of the dullest children in class, nonperforming, after tonight, supernatural intelligence shall be found in your child. Why? Jesus is alive. I don’t care about all the girls in your family who have not been married nor settled in marriage, but beginning tonight, you shall show them your husband because Jesus is alive. Please, I don’t want you to use any other qualification to make progress, the competition out there is too dangerous, some are corrupt or other are witches, but we need to pick a better frequency that Jesus is alive…

I trust this message has been a blessing to you. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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