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Investing In God


#Mid-week Revival E-Service, Sept-02

We are learning about strategy, and we are now on joint number seven, which is investing in God. And yesterday, we talked about a man who found a treasure, hid it in the field, went and sold all that he had just to buy that field, and never sold it [Matthew 13:44]. I know that we are going to invest in God, and we shall discover what God has hid in every man. The scripture says, But [there is] a spirit in man, And the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding [Job 32:8]. The work of man on earth is to strategize. Man was created to strategize that’s why he came into existence when all things were already in place. A lion wasn’t meant to eat other animals, that’s why man came in to tame nature.

This seventh joint of strategy is investing in God. I declare, those investing in the kingdom of God shall live longer. I prophesy, you shall have life more abundantly. A woman came to a leper’s house with an alabaster box where Jesus was and she poured it on Him. In the Old Testament, when a woman poured a perfume on a man, it was an indication that she loved that man. Do you remember the scripture that says, And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, “We will eat our own food and wear our own apparel; Only let us be called by your name, To take away our reproach” [Isaiah 4:1]. This woman with an alabaster box never came to Jesus to marry her, but she was just recognizing the Anointing upon His life [Matthew 26:6-11].

Whenever you invest in the kingdom of God, something incredible happens to you. I prophesy, the church is about to walk into the Anointing of Boaz and Jesus. That woman of the alabaster box was tired of spending her money on religious leaders, and she decided to look for Jesus and follow Him. This woman could have looked for Jesus for some time, but what happened, she found Him in a house of a leper. She would have found Him in a palace but she found Him in the least expected place. Jesus wasn’t afraid to eat with a leper. The reason why you have to invest in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is because it doesn’t discriminate. Jesus called Zacchaeus by name, he never rejected him; in fact He told him, “Zacchaeus, salvation has come to your house.” A rich man climbed a tree to see Jesus and never cared about what people would say, that’s the kind of investors we need. There are certain investments you need to do and heaven will look down on you. Heaven is looking for those who can worship in Spirit and in truth, and that’s the strategy. Your strategy is to climb a tree and then heaven will see you. Jesus warned Zacchaeus about salvation coming to his house, and Zacchaeus said, Lord, I’m ready to pay back four times those whom I have wronged. Luke 19:8 reads, And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore [him] fourfold. Zacchaeus gave back to the people on that day, and the scripture states, “And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” [Genesis 12:3]. Sinful as Zacchaeus was, he fed God [Luke 19:1-9].

This is what Jesus did for a man who hosted Him in his house for the Passover. He told Peter and John to follow a man carrying a pitcher of water, and that man is the one who organized everything for the last supper. Judas wasn’t anywhere to be found, in fact all the demons that were in that man’s house left and entered Judas. Kingdom investment will give you access to the Son of God. The bible says, after they had eaten, Jesus revealed something very important; he took the left overs and said, This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me. Jesus revealed something very important in a house of the unknown man [Luke 22: 7-20].

Beloved, God has given you an opportunity to eat in your house and don’t miss it. Jesus said, this is my body and blood, and whosoever baked that bread on that day, their families are blessed. I want God to use what I have. Why don’t you let Jesus use your car or the things you have? That was the last house Jesus lived in before He went to pray, and later crucified. When Jesus rose from the dead, He told His disciples to go to the upper room, and that upper room was in that Luke 22:7 – man’s house because the Holy Spirit comes where the blood and the body are. The Holy Spirit only comes where the word and the blood (of the Lamb) are shared, and that’s why He came to the upper room [Acts 2].

As I conclude: investing in the kingdom of God is for your own benefit. And until you invest in the kingdom of God or in the things of God, you will remain there. Very few people in the bible cooked food and fed God; Martha did it [Luke 10:38-42], Abraham did it [Genesis 18:2-8], Zacchaeus did and also the man in Luke 22 did it. The Holy Spirit is coming in your home.

Friends, I have to end this text here, and if you have never given your life to Jesus, make Him today your Lord and Savior by asking Him to come into your life.

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We are at the count-down of the 4th anniversary celebrations of the 77Days of Glory Revival. Don’t miss Great men and women of God who will be ministering throughout the celebration week from Sept-18th to Sept-25th like Pr. BennyHinn, Aps. T. Vutabwashe, Dr. Paul Enenche, Pr. Margaret Court, Pr. Mirek Huston, Pr. Paul Daugherty, Bishop Warren, Pr. Caleb and our own Pastors, Robert & Jessica Kayanja. Get READY and tell someone today.

©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department