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#The Untold Stories of The Transformed Lives

Praise Jesus. My name is Mary. My church is MIRACLE CENTER CATHEDRAL, and my pastors are Pr. Robert and Jessica Kayanja.

I used to be a Bonafide member of Watoto Church. I loved the church with all my heart.

I got married in April 2017. I asked God for an immediate conception, but it didn’t happen. In November 2017, seven months in marriage, I asked God why I wasn’t conceiving, and He told me, “I’m going to give you children, but first go for the Bible College. Go to Miracle Centre.” To this, I didn’t agree as I told Him that I would as well do Bible College while pregnant. (Kumanyiira Katonda)

I called a Gyn friend of mine who directed me to buy some medicine that would help me conceive. I bought it and I conceived.

Unfortunately, the baby didn’t grow. On 27th Dec 2017, it came out. Amidst the tears, I asked God why, as though I didn’t know.

He still told me, in a stronger tone this time, “I told you, go to Miracle Centre.”

In mid January, I came to Miracle Centre Cathedral, to the Miracle Bible College, and inquired about the program.

It was not favoring me as I worked from 7am to 5:30p.m. I tried finding other Bible Colleges, thinking God just wanted me in Bible College.

In my final stages of joining Glad Tidings Bible College, I got a hiccup. On asking God why, this time He shouted, “Nakugamba Miracle Centre”.

This was March 2018. I went back to Miracle Bible College and paid the registration fee, got a receipt, and presented it to God.

I told Him I was ready, and I told Him to make a way. Work was tough then, and my supervisor was no joke. After a few months, my supervisor resigned, a new one came in.

I started the Bible College in the September intake, and I graduated in December 2018.

God, then, instructed me to join the Miracle Worship Team. This time I had no resistance. Pr. Amon the then Praise Leader, always allowed us to dance on stage. The dancing didn’t leave me the same.

On 17th March 2019, Pr. Robert gave out books for children. He said, “Please, if you don’t have children, don’t take the books.” A battle started in my spirit. One voice told me, you don’t have children and another, you have children, go for the books. The positive voice became stronger, so I quickly went to the usher and picked the books.

I reached home and told God, “Pr. Robert Kayanja has given this gift to the children you’re going to bless me with.”

I didn’t see my periods that month. I was not yet settled at church. I’d be there one Sunday and another Sunday at Watoto. Whenever I didn’t come to Miracle Centre, I’d get bad dreams. Then one time the Spirit of the Lord told me, “The anointing that is to grow that baby is at Miracle Centre.” When I settled there, I didn’t get any more bad dreams and on 10th December, I gave birth to bouncing baby boy. He’s now three years.

I really bless the Lord. There’s a special anointing and a special Grace at the Cathedral.

I also started growing financially, following Pastor Kayanja’s preaching, and now I’m a MULTI MILLIONAIRE.

Glory be to the Highest God and God bless our Pastors.

©Missions Department

Robert Kayanja Ministries