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#The Untold Stories of The Transformed Lives

My name is Jackie Agweng. I want to thank God that ever since I join Miracle Centre Cathedral through Channel 44 TV (online services), God restored my life.

I had lost everything; my life was useless and hopeless, but when I started listening in (Channel 44 TV), me who had never gotten a PROFESSIONAL JOB since my graduation in 2016, all of a sudden, I started to receive phone calls for interviews. I got a job, and I am getting better financially.

I would apply for jobs, and nobody would dare call me, but NOW, even if tomorrow I apply for a job I WILL be called.

I was in-debt everywhere but when pastor taught us to believe God, I stopped borrowing and now I am about to finish paying off the debts I had.

We would sleep with out food but now we have abundance.

I remember, I was so confused that even my husband left me, but because of this ANOINTING, my husband who had left came back. The spiritual husband that was tormenting me also disappeared. Just know that daily I have a testimony.

God bless Pr. Robert & Jessica Kayanja, Pr. Robert Jr, the Twins, Robert Kayanja Ministries, Miracle Centre family, Channel 44 TV, and Uganda.

©Missions Department

Robert Kayanja Ministries