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Heros – 2



Time has come for believers to do the God kind of things. The bible says the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits [Daniel 11:32].  

Whenever Jesus was challenged, He responded; But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,) [Mark 2:10]. He never stated the son of God or a professor or General, but the son of an ordinary person like you and me.  

                                         You are about to do divine things! 

Verse 11 of Mark 2, I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.  In reality, he couldn’t. They brought him been carried and took him through the roof because he was incapacitated and then he was told to do what he couldn’t do; to go his way and into his house. Jesus was prophesying to this man that the moment you begin to do what you couldn’t do, or what they never expected you to do, you will end up in your own house.  

There are people here who are going to do what they have never done before and what has never been, and finally you will end up having your own house.  Jesus told this man to do what he was unable to do and there was no one to help him. Such people are called heros. 

                            Uganda’s economy needs heros, and Your family needs a hero.  

Whenever you get the vision from God and you wake up in the morning and say, I am going to do it and it shall be; though it has never been done or you look crippled, and you have no money or a home, BUT He told you, and He will empower you to fulfill it. Our problem as Ugandans, we always wait to be given capital or to be connected. 

                             Say like you mean it, I am a believer and not a beggar.  

You are a god, and what does God do? He creates. Believers, we must create our own bank and storage.  

Verse 12, And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion. In the name of Jesus, you are going to bring a new fashion in Uganda and in your family. You are going to bring a new way of doing things. The bible says, and the man arose. Jesus just spoke to him, and he never lifted him up 

                             Declare, Heaven’s hero gives power to earthly heros 

Are you ready to become a hero in your family? This means that you are going to do several things; 

  • You are going to start listening to Jesus and what He says. 
  • You are going to obey His instructions and whatever He tells you to do, you must do. 

God will never tell you to do what others can do, but rather He will tell you to do what others cannot do. Whenever you get a vision or a word, God telling you to go and do something which has never been done, never say that those are demons. All the people in the bible that God called, and they did valiantly, they did things that nobody had ever done. No woman had ever given birth at 90 years of age [Genesis 21:2], and no woman had ever given birth without a man [Luke 1:34-35]. This is the kind of God I am talking about. Jesus told Peter to come and water on water and nobody had ever walked on water [Matthew 14:28-29]. He told Philip to Jump, and no one flies without a plane [Acts 8:26]. If you want God to build you a house like that of the neighbors, that is not God 

                                        You are going to do what no man has ever do. 

Did you know that you were created to solve the problems of mankind today, tomorrow and in the future? And those are the heros.  

                                         You are gods and sons of God the Most High 

As believers, we must produce things such that people may know that God is REAL, but we have even failed to come up with a wheelbarrow or a knife or a needle innovation.  Your clothing, the machine that makes them is in China, yet you are gods 

Psalm 82:6, I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. Verse 7, But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. You are gods and you are supposed to come up with heroic things; solving problems, but you are going to die like mere men and fall like the devil. You are gods; the Holy Spirit is in you and the mind of Christ, but you are going to die like men. 

Say like you mean it: I look like a man, but I am not a man. I am the temple of the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 6:19]. I am a child of the Living God, and I will not die like mere men.  

As believers and Christians, God is calling us that we are not ordinary human beings. We are a peculiar people, a royal priesthood and a holy nation [1 Peter 2:9]. We should do things that prove to the world that there’s God. You must show your people that indeed God visited your family 

Wherever Jesus goes, He does what He has never done before. Even the people He meets, they do what they have never done before. You who has God today, you are going to start immediately to do what you have never done before. The man who was the sick of the palsy, we don’t know how big his bed was, but immediately he carried his bed. Brethren, among the problems you are going to solve, you will not start with your neighbors’ but rather you shall first solve your own problems.  

On this heros day, I call upon you, there’s no reason why your family members are starving to death, and your children, brethren, cousins are not going to school. One of the problems in the body of Christ, we saw it in the house of Jessy. He had seven well trained young men from his house in the army of Saul, yet they were not heros. God had to go and find a young herdsman, David and made him a hero to save a nation [1 Samuel 16:12]. And the problem, when David came and presented his credentials before he killed Goliath, that he could fight, these trained ones instead attacked him [1 Samuel 17:28-50]. 

           Today, the Spirit of God has fallen on me and I am becoming a hero for my family. 

David embarked on the war of defending Israel, and none of his six well trained brothers came with him to build an army. Its strangers, who were disgusted, troubled and broke, came and joined David, and none of his siblings came to support him [1 Samuel 22:2].  

I call upon Ugandans on this heros day to come and let’s build our economy and nation.  

I prophecy, by this time next year, among the first five-star hotels in Uganda, one of them shall be owned by a believer.  

I prophecy, heros day 2024, you shall come from your own house for prayers 

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching about HEROS. To watch the entire message, click on the link below. 


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