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The word hero is a Latin word whose origin comes from a Greek word called hērōs. The heros were admired for their courage and outstanding achievements. By 1600, they had defined who is a hero not because of their body size, but taking courageous steps to solve problems that human beings were faced with.  

Today the world is faced with the same situation. Our problems are bigger than ever before, and we need heros. Unfortunately, today, we celebrate heros when they are dead, hence its very rare to find a hero who is alive, and if he is alive, everybody is looking at him how he is going to fall so that he may not be a hero, or else, they watch him fall until he gets up again.  

As a result, because we don’t celebrate living people as heros, we have no examples and courage. Even those who are alive, people don’t see them as heros. It is when they are dead or gone that people wish to have them, yet when they were still alive, they didn’t celebrate them. They didn’t ask how they did it, or what do they see or how we can do it now?  

Remember, the bible clearly says, you are gods [Psalm 82:6]. Now for the body of Christ, when someone calls you a hero you push it away, but Hero is a GLORY bestowed on a human being on earth by human beings. Look at what God bestows on you, it’s even greater than being a hero. God gives you, His glory.  

Psalm 82:6 says, I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. gods are both natural and even divine. God said, I have said, Ye are gods.” In other words, you have the ability to do courageous things and get supernatural achievements. To solve the problems you have like poverty, sickness and diseases, you have the ability as human beings, and you are capable. So, to add on the supernatural, then you are super capable. There is something working in you when you have the Spirit of God, the knowledge of God, the mind of Christ and the body of Christ; you can do more things than a normal person without God.  

So, you who is attached to this God, you are going to do heroic things better than Zeus or Diana. You are about to drive your family out of poverty into prosperity. You are about to drive your generation out of sickness and sin into an eternal and victorious life. Maybe you didn’t know this, you are their hero.  

According to King David under the Spirit of God in Psalms 82 vs 6, you have God’s DNA. There are some genes of God in you. So, we are expecting you to do things like your Father in heaven would have done. And especially you who are bon-again, you have the blood of Jesus in the inside of you. You are children of the Most High. And you, unlike the Jews whom David was writing too, you have been given the power to become a child of God [John 1:12]. No more excuses, you have the power to become a hero. Say like you mean it, I have the power to become a hero and a child of the Living God. Even those who believe His name, power is available.  

Back to Psalms 82 vs 6, What does God do? He creates. So, you are going to create something. You are gods and God is a creator. So, you are going to create your own financial and commodity markets. You are going to create your own industries, systems, and language because you are gods.  

There is the Almighty God the BIG one, and I am the small one “god”. Do you know where they get stones? They get them from the rock, and small stones are typically rocks. Because we are from God, we are little gods. Not because of the way we look, but how we do things. You are not a Ugandan because you are in Kampala; in Kampala there are people who live here and drive, but they are not Ugandans. The American and British ambassadors are here, but they are not Ugandans. Living in Uganda doesn’t make you a Ugandan.  

                You are gods and you are about to create that which is not there! 

Let’s get to John 15 to understand who a hero is. Verse 16, Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you. In other words, God puts in you His character and He want you to be like Him. I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain. If you thought, you got born-again to go to heaven, you have a problem. You are here to solve the problems of this earth. Tell someone next to you, to heaven I go, but before I get there, I want to show you and all your people, that God is REAL. There are things I am going to do on earth, and you know that God is for REAL. 

When Jesus was challenged, His challengers were people who thought that they knew God, and that is the biggest problem. There are people who challenged Jesus thinking that they knew God. A man was brought through the roof and before touching the ground, Jesus said, “your sins are forgiven.” Jesus realized as a Savior that this man needed to be forgiven his sins so that he can get his miracle. And the people around him said, you are a man, and only God can forgive sins. Remember, Jesus is a man, sometimes He eats and even drinks [Mark 2:2-6]. 

Verse 7, Why does this Man speak blasphemies like this? Who can forgive sins but God alone? You are right sir, but what I am about to do, nobody in your clan has ever attempted to do it. Verse 8, And immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, he said unto them, Why reason ye these things in your hearts? Verse 9, Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk? Which is easier? For you, you can’t do either; you can’t either forgive someone their sins or make them walk. Verse 10, But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,) You thought only the sons of God do divine things, but from today, you are going to see sons of men doing godly things.  

Say like you mean it, the one who gave birth to me and raised me was a human and I grew up among humans, but I am about to do things only God can do! 

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching about HEROS. To watch the entire message, click on the link below. 


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