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We are talking about building capacity and that is what God has told us – to build capacity in you. Do you know that God created you with that capacity (space) in you that can contain Him? The bible says in Romans 12:3, For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. There is inside you a SPACE that only God and the Holy Spirit know: if He finds that space, He will fill it with His presence.

In the book of Genesis, God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them [Genesis 1:27].  Its not about a man’s gifting or a woman’s: both can receive, and therefore don’t look at your gender and say, God can’t fill me. All of you, God is about to fill you with His presence. When Jesus came, he said,  There is neither Jew nor Gentile [Galatians 3:28]. Therefore, don’t excuse yourself that you are a Gentile and not a Jew: as He filled Jesus, He will fill you in the same way.

The capacity God created in you can only be satisfied by Him filling you. How does He fill you? The bible says, when He created man, He breathed into him the breath of life [Genesis 2:7]. In other words, being the likeness and image of God does not guarantee that you’re living. For He made man in His image and likeness, and man wasn’t living. Today, we have people (men, women, boys, and girls) made in the image of God, but they have no life.

You have the capacity to receive God and contain Him. Say: I have the capacity to receive God and to contain God. Once God comes in the devil leaves. You have the capacity to receive and contain God and that’s His plan, and the reason why he saved you. That is why He fills with the Holy Spirit: that’s why He comes in a form of wind because for you, people think that you are small, but you are like a balloon and if you can allow Him to blow His life in you, you will occupy a larger space in life.

When man breathes in you, it’s a human air, and when God breathes in you, it is a Holy air going in the inside of you. So, you are going to have the ability to live a HOLY LIFE. When God says, Be ye holy; for I am holy, it is because He has given you the ability to do so: He has given you the air to live that life, and the life you live is not yours but His [1 Peter 1:16]. Every time you allow the Holy Spirit to come in you, you are going to live the life of God.

God can’t be defeated, barren, challenged, and He can’t fail. So let the Holy Spirit come on you and you will be likewise. God overcomes every challenge he has so are you: Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world [1 John 4:4]. Declare: I have the capacity to receive God and to contain God in Jesus’ mighty name.

God made Adam with the capacity to contain Him. Once God comes in the inside of you, you will be able to name what He makes [Genesis 2:20]. Your job is not to create but to name what He does. Everything God made, He made it for Adam. Once God comes in the inside of you, you’re the ONLY one in your family until others comes to join you like Eva came and joined Adam, and whatever God has is yours. You are about to name some things for yourself.

The second job Adam was given was to take care what God had given him. Your work is:

  1. To name what God has given you
  2. To keep what He has given you
  3. To take care what He has given you.

The breath of God is to:

  1. Let you know what God has done for you, and you name it because its yours. God has done things, but until you put your name, it is not yet yours.
  2. You are going to keep it and take care of it. Keep your salvation and holiness and take care of it.
  3. God said, “Go and multiple yourself” [Genesis 1:28]. 

The instructions were easy: you are here to name what God has done; you are here to take care of it, and now you are going to duplicate (multiply) yourself. When Eva came, Adam said, “she is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh:” as I am in God, so she is in God [Genesis 2:23]. Get ready, the breath of God in you, you are going to duplicate the very kind of you. In other words, your children are going to be holy as you are; your family members are going to love Jesus as you do! When you breath Him in, He will affect your bones, your flesh, cells, and muscles. Someone here, you’re going to see a hundred souls this year saved in your family because the breath of God causes you to multiply yourself.

As conclude: The breath of God in you will bring God to rescue you: when Adam fell and became naked, God came [Genesis 3:9]. Adam never called God: He who gives you the Holy Spirit, can tell where you are; whether you are okay or not, even when you are not calling Him, He will show up.

Once you have the breath of God, He is on the way coming to rescue you, hence He will never leave thee, nor forsake thee [Hebrews 13:5]. He came to Adam and rescued them: He clothed them; He gave them another covering to live 930 years [Genesis 3:21]. The breath of God in you will not allow you to die until you have fulfilled the destiny of God in your life

Don’t let God breath in you or give you a new anointing if your enemy or the devil is around because they too will breathe in what He breathes out. Today, God is going to breathe in you, and you will not die. I declare, you will not die until you have seen on your children’s children, and you have seen the wonders of God in your life.

Say: Father, breath in me the breath of life. Declare: I have the capacity to handle, to receive and to keep God. Say: Spirit of the living God, breathe in me.

I pray that as you read and meditate on this message, it will go through you in Jesus’ Name. To watch a rebroadcast of this entire message, use this link below and you will be blessed:

© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries