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Hello beloved and praise the Lord Jesus. Pastors Robert & Jessica Kayanja are inviting you for the MISSION CONFERENCE 2023. REGISTER today  using the link below 👇.     or you can scan the QR code below to register.

Holy Ghost & Fire Conference – Day2 with Dr. Rodney Howard Browne

Wednesday, 11th – Oct – 2023

Today’s Message: HARVEST FOR SOULS

When God calls you to the ministry, ultimately, it has to do with souls. I have a big problem with ministers today; they tell me how their ministries are doing more teaching, and I tell them that Jesus was a teacher. He said, the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost [Luke 19:10]. Just because you are a teacher, you make that mistake and don’t seek people to get saved. The number one proof as a minister is when people get saved. You must make disciples [Matthew 28:19]. You must bring people into the kingdom, such that you don’t run around and steal people from other ministries.

When you make people follow Jesus, they will follow you as long as you follow Christ [1 Corinthians 11:1]. Many people are not following Christ; they are following their own kingdom, plans, and ideas. I said this last night, God will not share His Glory with anybody.  If you touch the glory, you will be cut off. You will be the one saying, “we cast out devils in your name, we did miracles, and He will say, depart from me.” I never knew you; I had no relationship with you and there was no intimacy between Me and you [Matthew 7:22-23]. That’s a scary thing when you think about it.

Some people tell me about their ministries, they are more of a pastor, and they don’t get many souls saved. But even Paul wrote to Timothy to do the work of an evangelist [2 Timothy 4:5].  Every pastor must be able to do the work of an evangelist. You need to practice and pray that you need souls to get saved. You should push for more souls.

Every person in business, your whole business should be about souls. What does it profit in your life to have wealth and fame, and yet you have nothing to carry with you to eternity? Your life didn’t make any impact here on earth. You lived for yourself. You have houses, cars, and everything, but nobody is with you. Your entire family was also lost. What will it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose your own soul? [Mark 8:36].

So, I don’t care if you are a teacher or a pastor, whether your ministry is very prophetic, but if you are not getting souls saved, then your ministry is not prophetic but pathetic. I tell you the truth. I don’t care, don’t make excuses… If you don’t get people saved… you could say I make altar calls, but nobody comes, it is because they don’t hear the cry of eternity from your mouth. You suggest to them to get saved…

I have walked into churches, and heard a pastor say, “close your eyes and if you don’t know Jesus, accept Him today. Who would like to do that?” No body… OK, don’t worry… don’t miss tonight’s service. I said what? He didn’t give God a chance to move. You were just in a hurry because you wanted to go and eat at a restaurant!

You must give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to do what He wants to do. Remember, the Bible says, the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, and God is looking for people that He can show Himself strong [2 Chronicles 16:9]. These people are the nation of Uganda that is crying out right now; they have never heard… even from the hotel to here, we crossed thousands of people, and they were all going to different places. And many don’t know or have never heard the gospel. They go by churches on every street corner, and they don’t know about Jesus. Some of them, their lives might be taken from them. This is very important that you grab this today.

I pray for this special anointing of the harvest for souls that it will come upon every single person. I pray that God will rise ministers and people who will bring in the harvest of souls. If churches don’t want to win souls, may they be cut away and come to nothing. May the wind of heaven blow them. May they be like dust and be blown away.

All these ministries that don’t want to produce fruit, because Jesus said, When you bear (produce) much fruit, My Father is honored and glorified, and you show and PROVE yourselves to be true followers of Mine [John 15:8 AMPC]. You cannot call yourself a disciple of Jesus and you don’t bear fruit. You have to produce fruit. There will be much fruit that will come out of this service tonight in Jesus’ name.

The harvest for souls is going to come in. I can hear them cry right now. You can hear them cry in villages. You can hear them cry from the North and across Uganda. They are crying right now because they are bound by sin and shame… they are crying out for help. What God gives us should never be kept to ourselves. He said, freely you received, freely give … Give it whole away [Matthew 10:8]. What about the secret to ministry? There’s no secret I ministry. What God has done for others; He will do for you with arms wide open. There’s no secret of what God can do. When you receive the gospel (Goodnews), you receive joy unspeakable and full of Glory. You can’t be quiet about it. Everywhere you go, let people hear about Jesus.

I trust this message has been a blessing to you. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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