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Grace: The 150 days of Prayer -2


#The 150 days of Prayer and Daniel Fast 

#Special Service [2], Feb-19th-2021

Noah entered into the ark and he was there for 150 days. Child of God, those are many weeks. If you divide 150 days by 30 days [a month having 30 days], those are 5 months. Noah was in the belly of an ark for five months. I don’t know whether he was cooking food, remember he was surrounded by wood. I don’t know whether he was just eating whatever, but that was another kind of fasting whereby you are not enjoying your normal life. Just like right now we are in COVID the devil thought he was locking down the church and your business but us who understand the grace and the spirit, this has been time for us to fast. We may not enjoy our overnights, but we are surely enjoying God in our homes and He is with us. 

I want to tell you something, I have looked at the Nations of the world, America, Europe, China,…they have lost tens of thousands of people but here in Uganda, it’s less than 333 people who died of COVID and 40,213 cases of those who have been infected. If that has not been the presence of God, I don’t know what you call it. If that has not been the love of God, I don’t know what you call it. If that’s not the anointing of God or His grace… somebody get up and praise the Lord because by today, you would have been in the grave or buried in a mass grave. It doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor, people can’t even look at your body when it comes to COVID. It doesn’t matter who you are, your body can’t even come in the memorial service. Last Wednesday [Feb-17-2021], we had the memorial service of the king of Bugwere, we couldn’t have his body here. We only had his picture. Are you hearing what I am telling you? People of God, it doesn’t matter who you are BUT God will not allow you to be buried like that. 

God has preserved and kept you. So we praise Him. A hundred and fifty days, those are five months Noah was in the ark. Child of God, don’t worry how long it has taken you or how long it will take you, you are coming out stronger, powerful and anointed. You’re coming out by the grace of God. You’re coming out anointed by God. After 150 days, the water began to come down [Genesis 8:3]. The bible tells us to pull down strongholds [2 Corinthians 10:4]. Whatever stronghold has been in your family, it is coming down. Whatever poverty in your family is coming down. Whatever disease is coming down. Whatever fear is coming down. I can’t hear you, PULL IT DOWN. Pull down every stronghold and don’t wait for God to pull your stronghold down. Don’t wait for God to pull your sickness down. You pull it down from your family. Sin, iniquity, lies, fear, poverty, sickness, ignorance PULL IT DOWN. Enemies, attackers pull them down. Powers of hell, immorality pull them down. All kinds of sin and iniquity, corruption, pull those strongholds down. All kinds of witchcraft, evil, religiosity, communism, racism, homosexuality, lies and all sources of darkness, pull them down. Prostitutions, murder, killings, intimidation, ignorance, stupidity, pull it down. For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds [2 Corinthians 10:4]. Casting down imaginations,… Come on, cast down every evil imagination, poverty imagination, sickness imagination. You are not poor, you are rich. Let the poor say, I am rich and let the sick say, I am healed. Stop imagining that you’re poor. Stop imagining that you’re diseased.  Cast down every imagination and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. Every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God is coming down. 

Today is 150 days and things are coming down. I say, high things are coming down. High prices are coming down. People look at you and all they think that you’re too old. You will never get married. That high thing cast it down…. And bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ [2 Corinthians 10:5]. Now bring every thought to captivity. People think that you’re just a woman, you can’t even own a business. You’re only a mulookole and you will never own a bank, I say every thought is coming down. People are looking at you because of your past sin, they think about you because of your education, capture every thought and put it to the obedience of Christ. Every thought you are having to start a company, bring it down to the obedience of Christ. It’s going to obey. Do you have a thought of building a mall or company, bring it down to the obedience of Christ. Submit it to Jesus. Every thought of being a billionaire, money lender, bring it to Jesus. Let it obey God. Every thought, you want to travel Nations, you want to own an airline, you want to start a car manufacturing company or start exporting stuff, bring that and let it obey Christ. Because in Him we live and move and have our being in Jesus’ mighty name [Acts 17:28].

The bible says, after a hundred and fifty days, the water abated. The water came down. The waters that wanted to destroy you are coming down. Everything that has tried to kill you has come down. To God be the glory. The bible says, he [Noah] waited for another 40 days. Saints, today it’s 150 days but you wait for another forty days. It’s not safe for you to come out. Wait,  some crocodiles are still alive and are still eating the dead bodies. Don’t worry. So he [Noah] sent out a raven  after 40 days and it didn’t come back. It went to eat and it perished. Then he waited for seven more days. Those are 47 days and when you add them to the 150 days, it gives you a total of 197 days and those are the days of Noah whilst in the ark and that’s why we are fasting 197 days  [Genesis 8:1-11].  

Child of God, by the time you come to Easter, you’re coming out of the ark. Your idea is coming out of the ark. You’re coming out as a new man. When Noah landed the ark, he never landed it in a valley but he landed it on mountain Ararat which is today mountain Everest, the highest mountain in the whole world. Child of God, you’re not going to start from a valley, but you shall start from the top. I declare, you are starting at the top and to God be the glory. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. You’re not going to start like your mama or papa, God has lifted you high. You’re going to start with the wealth of the wicked. You’re going to start with the anointing of the Holy One. You’re going to start in the joy of the Holy Ghost, eh hallelujah. 

Thank you for having been part of this special service and we believe you were blessed. To watch a rebroadcast of this service, you can use the following link:

© Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries