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Grace: The 150 days of Prayer


#The 150 days of Prayer and Daniel Fast 

#Special Service [1], Feb-19th-2021

We are still pursuing the man Noah. Why 150 days or why Noah? If you read the bible very closely, you will find out in the book of Genesis that there’s a wonderful story of Adam and Eve and the human race with their God. So you will find out that all these are stipulated in the word of God, and as a result, generations began to be established. Those people lived longer and stronger because they had seen God. They had talked to God face to face. Child of God, I don’t know if you were predicted to live only for a short or long period of time but I have confidence, because you have always been in the presence of God, your DNA is being altered and you will live longer. Because everything that comes in the presence of God lives longer. So that’s one of the benefits you’re receiving. That’s why COVID-19 doesn’t want you to have 77 days of glory because you were coming in His presence and you were getting the fullness of joy. What they call the fullness of joy is for you to live longer and enjoy what God has given you. Not just to live longer but to live stronger and richer and wiser and very powerful.

Now child of God, we see Adam, and from him, we also see Noah. The difference between these two men is zero. Adam disobeyed God and sinned against Him. He became naked and God said, the day you will eat, you will die [Genesis 2:16-17]. So death seems to have happened to these two men. The generation of Noah sinned, Noah also sinned and disobeyed God and God said, death has come to all flesh, even the animals [Genesis 6:5-7]. So both of these men are dead meat. However, what happened to Adam, God came and said, “Adam, where are you?” [Genesis 3:8-9] To Noah, he went to God [Noah 6:8]. God went to Adam and Noah went to God! And the bible says, But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. For Adam, he found a covering [Genesis 3:21]. It’s like Adam had received the mercies of God, and Noah received the grace. 

Grace is the unmerited favour of God. It’s what God gives you not because of what you have done but because of who He is. And Noah found it (grace) in God. Noah lived more years than Adam. He lived 950 years [Genesis  9:29] and Adam lived 930 [Genesis 5:5]. What Noah did is amazing. Adam had mercy and Noah had grace. The one with grace stopped the clock of destruction and he began a new clock of life again on planet earth. 

We have studied and spoken about Adam. We have lifted him. Yes he is our beginning, our origin but religion has not enabled us to study Noah. Do you know why? Because they want the law. The soul that sinneth shall die, that is Adam. But Noah is also saying that the soul that sinneth shall die except when it repents and turns to the Lord; except if it finds grace and the grace is of our saviour. The saviour is willing to die for you, to redeem you, and to pay the price so that you can go free. Somebody tonight, you’re going to go free because of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now when you look at Adam and Noah, Adam continued and this is chapter 1 to 5. He produced several generations, and Noah starts in Genesis chapter 6. And Noah finds grace and produces three sons. 

You know grace reveals trinity; God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. You may be the only one born-again in your family but God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are with you. And if God is on your side, who can be against you? [Romans 8:31] So you are not alone. Lift up your hands and declare, “I am not alone”. You may be going through tough times during this COVID period, no job, no money, no food but you’re not alone. And if God is for you, who can be against you?? Food is coming, money is coming, wisdom is coming, finances are coming, oh glory hallelujah. 

Now, Noah had three sons who are responsible for the human colours on this earth. The Asians, the whites and the black people. Child of God, what is coming out of you because you have found grace is going to rule and reign on this earth. People are going to identify themselves by your productivity. We see Noah was a very productive person. I don’t know if Adam had a house after God spoke to him? I don’t know whether he built a house? I don’t know whether they had transportation? But we see with Noah that he built an ark. I don’t know whether he was a carpenter before or a captain or a marine or a man of zoology but he gathered animals in his ark including insects. How could he distinguish that this is male and female? Child of God, wisdom increased. You’re going to become an expert in areas you didn’t study. That’s why child of God, we need to study about Noah and find out what happens to you when the grace of God comes to you. You can’t remain the same. That’s why the bible says in the book of Zechariah, shout grace to this mountain [Zechariah 4:7]. Say, grace, grace, grace… to that mountain. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is about to move your mountain; it is about to eliminate every hindrance. We are the dispensation of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We were saved by grace through faith [Ephesians 2:8]. We are children of grace. Grace is working for us. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ will work for you.

So therefore, get ready to see what you have never seen before. To behold  what you have never received before. So when I get the grace of God, how wise must I become? How productive must I become? The bible says, it took Noah 40years to build the ark. Therefore, I decree and declare, on top of your age now, grace has added forty more years and they will not be weak years. They will not be years of weakness. They will not be years of laziness, but rather, they will be years of productivity. They will be years of manufacturing, designing, zeology; taming lions and leopards. These are 40 years of productivity. I declare the anointing of productivity over your life. May the Lord give you forty more years of productivity in the name of Jesus. You will understand animals, grass, wood, chemistry; the man had to mix stuff to create tar, the super glue that holds the wood together. This is not just the brain of somebody, but a brain of a man who was visited by grace. I decree and declare, 40years of supernatural wisdom and success. The bible says, he built the ark, and when it was finished, he became the weather man. God said to him, get the animals into the ark and then lock the door because rain is coming down. Noah became the perfect weather man. Meteorologists tell you that it will rain and you don’t see the rain. They say sunshine and it rains. 

From today, I decree and declare the anointing to prophesy and it comes to pass. The bible says, You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you [Job 22:28]. Noah decreed that it will rain and flood. Then people mocked and laughed at him saying, Noah you are crazy. Just like you have said that you will be rich, wise, intelligent, that you will build a house, you will go to Nations and you will save your family. They have laughed at you and even mocked you, I decree now a season and a time of forty years of being proved by God. May whatever you have said for the glory of God come to pass. May you have that car and house that you prophesied. May you drive that car. May you have those children. They thought you were crazy, they said that you’re out of your mind, but now, they are about to knock at your home. They are about to say Sir or Mom please give us some of your money, houses, can you employ us. I decree forty years for you to be vindicated by the Lord. 

Someone prophesy tonight, what do you want to see at the end of this year? What do you want to see in your life? Prophesy… You shall decree a thing and it shall be established for you and that’s what grace does. 

Thank you for having been part of this special service and we believe you were blessed. To watch a rebroadcast of this service, you can use the following link:

© Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries