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GRACE: Resetting Life [2]


#Sunday Forth Service, Feb-21st-2021

#GRACE: Resetting Life [2]


The generation of Adam was very good at eating, building towers and creating gigantic problems. So the Lord said, I am going to wipe you out and Noah looked into the eyes of God. He didn’t run away. He said, God let me look at you, and the bible says, he found grace [Genesis 6:8]. This is Noah. The Noah generation is the grace generation. Noah is us. This church of Jesus Christ was saved by grace. We are the grace people. We were saved by grace through faith [Ephesians 2:8].

The problem here is we have never been told about Noah yet we know more about Adam. Everybody is pointing us to Adam. That’s why today’s church is preaching more about generational curses. They center more on the demons that are stopping you. But my question is, if Jesus paid the price, and His blood and His name are still strong, and if God is for us then who can be against us? [Romans 8:31] If God is for you and He has given us the power to bind and to loose, and whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven, then how come the demon of my grandfather is so powerful in my life today? [Matthew 18:18] How can the law of Moses be my remedy if the blood of Jesus can’t redeem me? Jesus said, it is finished [John 19:30]. Your problems are finished from today. Your poverty is finished from today.

If we understand the power of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and what is the grace? Religion has made the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to be a cheap commodity. I want you to stay with me so that I indulge you on this point. You’re actually going to discover that you’re smarter than what you think you are. The school lied to you, they call you teacher, an engineer but you’re a world transformer. You’re better than what they know. You’re about to head your family. You’re about to become the head and not the tail. You shall lend and never borrow. You’re going to change the way things happen here. 

Noah found grace which is the unmerited favour. Mercy buys you time. Grace empowers you to become what God intended you to become in the first place. That’s why grace is so powerful. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Therefore, you’re going to be empowered today. The moment Noah was empowered, this is what he became. Number one, he became a producer. He became productive. We as Ugandans have been given this country with peace and stability, but if we don’t turn this country into a production house where we produce better people, not corrupt people, loving people, billionaires…you know, if we don’t become producers, we shall become beggars. We shall start to look for jobs overseas yet the foreigners are supposed to come and work for us. 

The Holy Spirit asked me a question. What part of the bible do you believe in? I said, I believe all of it. He said NO, because in My scriptures, it says, and the government shall be upon His shoulders [Isaiah 9:6]. You are now blaming the government for not creating jobs, I never told the government to create jobs. Because when I made man, he was a government. There were no political parties. The government was Adam and his government was to rule over all the creations [Genesis 1:26]. It’s you who got it upside down, that you need a politician who doesn’t even know God or understand the Holy Spirit or understand how God works and he decides to lead you whether in America, Canada and everywhere. He (the Holy Spirit) said, when I created Adam, every man has to have his own government. That’s why I call him dominion. The word dominion is a kingdom. It’s a domain. That’s why Twitter, YouTube and WhatsApp are domains. They can take you off. They can allow you to work or not. You were made for a domain. That’s why in the book of Revelation, the bible says, he has made us kings and priests [Revelation 1:6]. So you’re going to serve the Lord and you shall be a king. You must have your own domain,and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 

So He (the Holy Spirit) said to me, that’s why the government shall be upon his (man) shoulders. His government should sit on the shoulders of the church here. You’re the job creator because you’re going to become a producer. Noah produced three sons, so he became a producer. If Africa doesn’t produce its own things, we will enter into debts where we will never recover. Our sovereign debt in Africa is about to hit the sky and we will not be able to pay it back even if we have oil. Because commodities are changing. If you’re following the trend in business, dollars, pound and euro are no longer the strongest currencies. Biticon has taken over. It’s now a broken-chain economy, and East Africa has no broke-chain. Europe has, America has, China has and Africa doesn’t have and we think, we are going to compete. No we can’t and we shall continue to be raw material producers no matter whether you have a PHD, because Uganda has so many people with PHD holders, people who are educated. Every person you see in this government, no one is a primary seven candidate but you ask yourself, why are we operating in such an economy with such professors? It’s because, when you don’t understand the power of grace, you can’t become productive. You become a consumer. China today, even if their economy would become number one, it’s money will never become number one. Because if it does and beats the dollar and the pound, it will not beat the bitcoin. These people are smarter and have already created another currency just in case the green money fails. For us since independence, we are still on Uganda shillings. What else can we trade that the Arabs don’t have? Oil? Coffee? Brazil produces better coffee than us. What else are we going to produce apart from human service and exporting our children to go overseas and work? 

When we don’t understand the power of grace and what God brought to us, we are going to become servants instead of leaders. And the problem is not the government, the problem is the church because we are listening to a different voice. Noah produced three sons. Do you know that he is responsible for the difference in the human race? One of his sons was a mongolian, the others were Asian and black [Genesis 6:10]. When they came out of the ark, they looked like that. Actually one of them became a white because of a curse [Genesis 9:18-27]. Child of God, because of the grace of God, the bible says, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom [Proverbs 9:10]. Because of the grace of God, you’re going to produce a very visible difference in your family as you see a white and a black. You will be rich and wise. You will live longer and you will be healthy, and all your family members shall believe in your God. 

Noah became productive. We need to become productive. We can’t go on like this. The previous service I asked a gentleman. What do you do? And he said, he deals in milk. He has a milk company. He brings milk from Mbarara and sells it here (in Kampala) @1400/= to these big companies like Jesse, fresh dairy who again sell it to the end consumer @2000/= per litre. He is a member of this church, so they (these diary companies) make from him 600/=. The sons of this world because they are wiser and caning and intelligent, they look at you who God has blessed, favoured you and provides for you, so they start from here; they say, we shall start a company that will buy all this milk and we are going to get the six hundred. In fact they have the faith anyway. They don’t come to church. The members of fresh dairy are not members of any Pentecostal church lifting up their hands and praying in tongues for their milk. They have such faith because they know they don’t have to believe. They have you believing for the money and they put up a product and you have to buy it and you are paying six times higher than what you have to pay. Simply because the body of Christ never understood that we are the head and not the tail. We are the lenders and never the borrowers. We don’t believe in production. So they make 600/= from you and they build more rentals and you rent from them. They actually figured you out. You’re their number one customer and they will never share their secrets with you because they don’t want a sleeping dog to wake up. But I don’t call you a door. I call you a giant. And this is your time to wake up by the grace of God.

Thank you for being a part of our services and we believe you have been blessed by this message. Remember, every Friday we now have an altar service from 5pm to 7pm here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral.

© Missions Department~Robert Kayanja Ministries