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GRACE: Resetting Life [1]


#Sunday Forth Service, Feb-21st-2021

#GRACE: Resetting Life [1]

We are under the subject today of resetting or re-engineering life on planet earth. There’s a great challenge for every generation to really take a stride and make an impact to improve life on planet earth. But every generation that comes out, it ignores the very fundamentals that will change life. Life is of God. He is the One who created it and gave it to us. It is His life. We cannot improve it and even change it. We can’t even take it away without Him. That’s why He comes after murderers because they take away life which does not belong to them. At every level, look at it, life is not yours. Life belongs to God. Declare, my life is in His hands. 

How many know that God has done everything He can to make your life better? Am not talking about the government of Uganda or the United States, but I am talking about Jehovah who has done everything He can to make your life a better life. You believe? Okay, clap your hands for Him. If God has done that, you too must have a desire to make it better. So we all know that we are God’s image and He has done whatever it takes, and on our part we have a desire to seriously have a better life. And the question is, why are we not having that life? I know there are so many orphans and there are so many people all over the world that their parents left them things; money in the banks and in deals, lands everywhere but they didn’t know about it and now someone is sitting on it.  Someone is hiding it. The bank is not calling you, and you are asking, what happened to this bank it’s now 12 years and it has never showed up. There are many things which your parents never told you or they used to look at you and were not sure whether they should tell you that so and so we owe him money or they just died by accident. But our Saviour didn’t die by accident. He died in broad daylight.  He told the people from Genesis until He died, that “I am laying my life for you. You’re My people. I want you to have a better life” [John 10:10]. Jesus never died in secrecy. He really laid down His life in broad daylight. Why are we then having the benefits of His death? It is because religion and the world took us on a journey and we never reached the finishing line. So let’s begin this life and by God’s grace we shall reach the finishing line in Jesus’ name. 

It began with Adam. He is the man who was made in the image of God [Genesis 1:26-27]. He is responsible for your looks. He is responsible for your DNA. He is responsible for you being human and not an animal. The human race began with Adam and in the image of God. Chapter one of Genesis to chapter five, it just talks about the Adamic people [people in the generation of Adam]. Adam sinned and when he sinned, he ran away. He hid himself and God came looking for him as He did through Jesus [Genesis 3:1-10, John 3:16]. God is always looking for His people. One thing you need to understand as a child of God, there’s nothing you can do that will make God to be ashamed of you. He will always come after you. You’re His image. He is interested in you. He created you unique and you’re one of your kind [Psalms 139:14]. Without you the world is imbalanced and you have to understand that. He loves you genuinely. Everybody telling you that they love you, they are lying. You get in trouble, sickness, debt, they will even be afraid of calling you. But He will never be ashamed of calling you. He will always be concerned about you. 

So Adam sinned and ran away and God came after him. And in order for Adam, because he was supposed to die, the death that was going to come upon him was a personal death. Fish, birds and animals were going to continue. So God said, I will have mercy on him. God gave Adam MERCY!! Mercy is what purchases you time so that you can fix what went wrong. That’s why His mercies are new every morning [Lamentations 3:22-23a]. So if you have missed the mark or you have messed up your own life, MAY GOD SHOW YOU MERCY. That’s why He said, His mercies are new every morning. Because if we say that we have no sin in our lives, we deceive ourselves [1 John 1:8-10]. If we think we are perfect, we kill ourselves. We need His mercies. King David said this, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever  [Psalms 23:6]. May from today, goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life so that you may dwell in the house of the Lord forever, which is your body. Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [1 Corinthians 6:19]. You’re going to live longer because of the mercies of God. You’re going to buy time. In fact God is buying you time. You’re going to fix that mess. You’re going to work out that situation with His goodness in Jesus’ name.

Now from chapter six, seven, eight and nine, we discover that trouble has come. This man who was supposed to fix, because God gave him a plan; a seed of a woman shall crush a serpent’s head [Genesis 3:15]. Adam didn’t get it nor did his children and hence sin went ahead to the climax. Now they were giving the daughters to get married to the sons of God creating a fake redemption, and God said, I am going to kill the fish, the bird and everything. I am going to wipe out all flesh [Genesis 6:1-7]. Every time we invest in flesh, it ends up in destruction. It can’t save you, it can’t redeem you yet you have invested all you have. I know of a certain sister, she lives in California in the United States. Now they called me two weeks ago by her son who also lives there. This sister invested in her body because she wanted to be a model. She is like those people who grow and don’t struggle with weight; long enough and tall enough. She is a mumbejja [princess] in one of the kingdoms here in Uganda. So she went there and she has a son and a daughter there. She invested much in herself to the extent that even at her age (she is older than me), she made a mistake and went for plastic surgery. So whatever happened, it went wrong. She is currently in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and they have no money. The insurance has paid some, and the son and the daughter have no enough money to help her. So they are selling the house and no one is buying because of COVID-19. So they called for prayers. I had spent five years not hearing from them. She invested in her flesh and now she is in a coma and other people are trying to take care of her. Her daughter said, mom has spent for the last seven years over 1.7 million US dollars to try make her look young. Now think about the 1.7 million dollars, if she had put it on an account. Even though she had come leap-walking, her walk would be worth 1.7 million dollars. But she wanted to look young and now she is broke and in a coma. Whatever we invest in the flesh doesn’t pay off. 

The only thing we remember about this generation of Adam, they ate the fruit. They are eaters. I don’t think they were hungry but they had a demon of eating on them. Whatever they touched they ate. God gave them the garden with everything and they ate everything. That’s why the bible says, He gives food to the eater and seed to the sower [2 Corinthians 9:10]. The generation of Adam is of eaters. They are consumers. They don’t produce. They don’t take it to another level. They don’t add value. They don’t build anything. They are just consumers and you spend a lot when you are just consuming. The second thing they did which they are known for, they built a tower. They are tower builders. They want prominence. They want to be known. They always want to be celebrated. They are up there. They are wanna bes. They always build towers, they don’t build horizontally but they go vertical. They must be on every topic that must be discussed. They want to be the smartest everywhere yet down here they have nothing. They don’t go horizontally, and the reason they build the tallest building is because the foundation is deep. You have to go deeper and then horizontal. That’s why God said, you cannot love Him whom you have never seen and hate your fellow man [1 John 4:20]. That’s why when Jesus saved us, He said, go into the whole world… enlarge your foundation, enlarge your territory. Take over and occupy till I come. But they are tower builders. The third thing we know about them, they enjoyed marriage. They married off their children. They were giant creators. They create gigantic problems. So they gave in their daughters to the sons of God and they produced giants. They are lovers of creating gigantic problems. Have you ever seen such people; for example, they can ask to use your car and as soon as you have given it to them, they have an accident and they run out of the car. Then they begin to ask the owner of that car. Now they have created a gigantic problem for you. You give them your dress or jacket and it comes back torn. You give them your phone and they text a married woman. There are always people who create gigantic problems. You loan him your money and when you ask him to pay you, he starts attacking you. That is the generation of Adam. They are very good at eating, building towers and creating gigantic problems.

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Don’t miss today [Thursday, 25th-Feb-2021] @ 1:30pm GMT which will be 4:30pm here in Uganda, we shall be premiering the Days Of Glory Revival on godtv . Click the Link below to watch:

©Missions Department~Robert Kayanja Ministries.