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Get Ready to Fight-3


#Wednesday Night, Aug-19-20

The blood of Jesus is one of the weapons we use to fight and it has never stopped flowing no matter where you’re. Whenever there’s war, use the blood of Jesus. Hebrews 12:24 says, And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than [that of] Abel.

2 Corinthians 10:4 reads, For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. You must use the weapons of warfare to fight strongholds. A stronghold is something that holds strongly. They are forts and inside those forts, there are commanders. There are strongholds that Satan put in places after he was cast out of heaven [Revelation 12:7-9]. The devil got his demons and put them in forts [places], hence becoming strongholds. You can find a nation which is governed say by a stronghold of prostitution. You must therefore use these weapons which are not canal to pull them down.

The first warfare that Gideon fought was when he pulled down the altar of Baal [Judges 6:25-32]. The confidence in you must be shifted from the things you know to the things you are revealed too. In the city of Kampala, there’s a stronghold that fights against churches. Another stronghold is that people are faint hearted. They are quick to withdraw. You start a thing in Kampala and you never finish it. People support you and withdraw their support before you know it. You don’t defeat this stronghold by human wisdom but by pulling it down through God. Psalms 60:12 reads, Through God we will do valiantly, For [it is] He [who] shall tread down our enemies. Therefore, between 2 Corinthians 10:4 and Psalms 60:12, we have the power to pull down the enemy and then God comes and crushes them.

If you’re going to start fighting, it must be through God. Through Him, we shall do valiantly, and He shall crush down our enemies. As you start to fight, the weapons you have must be through God to pull down strongholds.

It’s time we conquer the devil, witchcraft and the powers of hell because we are more than conquerors [Romans 8:37]. Pull down every stronghold and every thought that exalts its self above the knowledge of God [2 Corinthians 10:5]. Death, lack, communism, confusion, war, poverty, ignorance, the demon of corruption and land grabbing, we pull you down through the blood of Jesus. And in the name of Jesus, we have victory.

As I conclude: our weapons MUST be through God. And everything we do must be through God. The blood of Jesus is a place. It is a weapon. It is a place of refuge. The blood is a garment. Therefore, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal.

Friends, I have to end this text here, and if you have never given your life to Jesus, make Him today your Lord and Savior by asking Him to come into your life.

Don’t miss our E-powerpacked miracle overnight this Friday (Aug-21-2020) at 9pm, and Sept -18th is our 4th anniversary for the 77Days of Glory, SAVE THE DATE.

This Sunday (23rd-Aug), Pr. Jessica Kayanja will be ministering @ BETTYKINGINTERNATIONALMINISTRIES live on Facebook at 8pm. Remember to connect and don’t miss that powerful session. Tell a friend today!

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©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department