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Get Ready For A Great Harvest

Pr. Tony Castaneda

#Friday Miracle E-overnight, 2nd –Oct-2020

What is happening now is the beginning of pain according to Matthew 24. Jesus is coming soon but before He comes, these things will happen; millions of people will come to the Lord, many prodigal sons and daughters will come home, the wealth of the nations will come to our churches, there will be a manifestation of miracles, signs and wonders that we have never seen before, and then the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Someone tonight is about to receive a financial breakthrough. It’s amazing that through this pandemic, when churches were closed, we have got a lot of financial blessings as a ministry than before the pandemic. I asked God why and He gave me a scripture in Ecclesiastes 11:1-2, Send your grain across the seas, and in time, profits will flow back to you. But divide your investments among many places, for you do not know what risks might lie ahead. You didn’t know that a bad day would come, but yes, it did with the pandemic. It’s amazing that Satan wanted to destroy finances in our church, but I ask God, why is it that in the midst of the pandemic You have blessed our church than ever before? And this is what He told me; in Ecclesiastes 11, He told us to sow our seeds and to invest in many different places because there was going to be a bad day on the earth that we didn’t know like the pandemic which came. God showed it to me that everything we have sown in the past years, He has just given us back only 25%. Why the 25%? He saved the 75% for such a time as this.

Starting 2021, your people [Miracle Centre] are going to be very rich. I see the wealth of the unjust coming to them starting in Kampala-Uganda. Why 2021? Because God knows that we are going to need the finances for the last days. I know that you give but starting 2021, God told me that He has saved 75% for your church and members. Ecclesiastes told us here to cast our seeds to many places because there was going to be that one day like when the pandemic came. It has been horrible in finances and many people have lost their jobs.

As fathers, we also give our children some money and save the other, and this is what God told me; I have saved for you some money, I have saved for Africa some money and 2021, a great harvest of 75% is coming to them, to churches and ministries. I want us to be prepared because 2021 we are going to see miracles, signs and wonders not only in finances but also the wealth. And this is what I told a pastor friend, Jesus is coming but He is not coming soon. Before He comes, I told him; many prodigal sons and daughters will come home, the wealth of the nations will come to our churches, millions of people have to come to the Lord as a revival before His coming, manifestation of miracles, signs and wonders, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit than we have ever seen before.

Many of us have given for the last 10-20 years, and now the LORD says, I have given you a 25% of what you sowed, the 75% I saved it for a time like this. Many churches have been closed closely to nine months, and many churches will never be able to open again, because they are defeciated of finances but I want to prophesy to them and to everyone, 75% is coming to you. God is a good Father, He has savings for each one of us. There are certain people who have been honest and faithful with their tithe and offering yet they have seen only little; I asked God why? And He said to me, because I am a good Father, and I have savings for them. He put something aside for us, because we will need it for the millions of people coming to church. The KJV reads, Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth. This pandemic was a bad day; it wasn’t only in Kampala-Uganda but all over the world. The Lord never said, a bad day will come to Kampala but to the “Earth.” God saved for us [the 75%] for such a time as this because He knew that a bad day would come and cover the whole world. Therefore, let each one of us prepare ourselves.

Proverbs 13:22 says, A good [man] leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner [is] laid up for the just. God is going to do a wealth transfer in 2021; everything from the world is coming to the church. That which has already been, and that which happened in the past is going to happen again. Everything that has happened, has ever happened before, and that which has been, has ever been before, and God has everything. For God to transfer the wealth of the evil to His people, He has done it in the past, and He is going to do it again. Not only financial harvests are coming to us in 2021, but also healing. God is ready to bless our homes. 2021, God is very ready to surprise us. 2021, the prodigal sons and daughters are coming home. God has prepared something for us; who knew that one day, God could shut the world? Only He knew. No one ever knew that a pandemic would ever shut the world but God has been in control. We are going to see an explosion in our finances. Prepare yourself and you’re going to see many changes in the things around the world. Open your eyes and see your sons are on the way from a distant land and your daughters are being carried like little children, and when you see this, your faces will be happy, your heart will be glad, treasures from the sea will be brought to you.

Starting 1st January 2021, I see a lot of businesses coming back to life. That house which you lost, I see you getting a bigger house than that. I pray for every sick people to be healed in Jesus’ name. Lord, to everyone with financial challenges, do miracles, signs and wonders. I pray for fellow pastors and ministers around the world who have lost congregations, Father, they [the prodigal sons and daughters] are coming back home, and may the wealth come to them. Father, I bless Pastors Robert & Jessica Kayanja, their family, and the ministry, these are the people you used to impact my life so that I could minister in Miracles, signs and wonders. I pray for my spiritual father (Dr. Robert Kayanja) to bless him with wealth.

Friends, if you have never given your life to Jesus and you want to make Him first in your life, just say this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I ask you to be the Lord of my life; forgive me of all my sins; cleanse me; I believe You died on the cross for me and You rose from the dead. I ask you to be first in my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit; make me a new person and I believe in You in Jesus’ name.” You are Now a born again.

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©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department