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Germany Revival – Day 1


# THE HOLY SPIRIT ANOINTING| Acts 3:1-7 |May-19th – 2023

I will be sharing from our book no. 2 of the Holy Spirit, and I believe you will learn a lot about the Holy Spirit. We are the most blessed human beings to be on earth in the city of Berlin with all great history of it. Good and bad but God loves the German people, and He is ready to use Germany again. That’s why we are here. I would not come here for nothing, but I see a STAR moving over Germany and I know angels are gathering. Something good is about to happen in Germany.

            “We are honoured to be in this great church standing on this great platform.”

Let me warn you ahead of time. Once the Holy Spirit walks into this place, you might not be able to walk out. He will kill your flesh and then resurrect you. You will not walk out of this place as same way as you came. So, I am so excited about what the Holy Spirit is going to do.

There is a powerful story in the book of Acts about a crippled man. He was born crippled from the womb of his mother. This man had been crippled for 38years and he had been placed at the gate beautiful of that temple. There’s a powerful verse that was written by the Holy Spirit about that story; it says the crippled man looked at Peter and John expecting to receive money from them. When he saw Peter and John coming, which means, they were not the only ones which came his way. They were so many people, and the bible tells us that in the temple, they were 5000 people. Imagine here in Germany, a church of 5000 members, and that was 2000 years ago. The people who used to gather and worship the God of Israel were 5000 in one service. And the bible says they were meeting hourly; the sixth hour, the ninth hour, and this was a ninth hour service. This wasn’t a spirit-filled Pentecostal church, it was a synagogue [Acts 3:3-5].  

We all presume that he wanted money, but he had been at that place beautiful. And The truth of the matter is this man had been receiving money and money had not changed him. So, what was he expecting? If I have been receiving something every day, I may not be expecting that. This man was expecting something special. So, how many people had passed that man? Were they 200 or 1000? What was strange about these two men (Peter and John) that this man fixed his eyes on them expecting to get something? Peter tells us that silver and gold he didn’t have. You must understand that these were disciples of Jesus and fifty days ago, their master had ascended to heaven [Acts 1:9]. By the way, they were not paid salary. You have to understand this that they neither had money nor where they putting on designer clothes. They wore fishermen clothes. What was that which was upon them that caused this crippled man who had seen 5000 people coming in, smart and clean, the rich and the poor such that he fixed his eyes on them?

         There’s something that the Holy Spirit can put on your old clothes, and you look like a super star.

There’s something God can put on you regardless of what level you are; whether you are rich or poor that the eyes of everybody will start to look at you. I believe that thing is about to come upon you, and it is called the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

The bible says he was looking at them intently expecting to receive something from them. It doesn’t matter whether you have money or not, but as a believer the world is expecting to get something from you. It doesn’t matter whether you have a car or not, whether you are a German or Ugandan, the world is expecting to get something from you.

This man looked at them in Acts 3 verse 5 and the scripture says, And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. In other words, he turned all his attention to them expecting something.

                                                  “You must accept that you have something for the world”.

The world is expecting you have something. Even when you deny it or you seem not to possess it, as far as the world is concerned, you have something for them. Whether you like it or not, they are going to demand it from you. They want something from you, and its only you who doesn’t know that you have something. The church of Jesus Christ doesn’t know that we have something special the world is looking for. We are looking to the world to give us solutions instead of us giving the solutions to the world.

                    “We don’t need anything from the world. We have what the world needs.”

We have something for the world and Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above Him there is no other. Jesus is the way. He is the Truth and the life [John 14:6]. The Holy Spirit is the power [Acts 1:8]. Therefore, get ready for these three days, you are going to receive the power.

So, he looked at them expecting to get something from them. The bible says  Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk [Acts 3:6]. Isn’t it ironical that whenever the world asks for something, the mind of the church runs to “we don’t have the money.” The world does not need your money, but your power. The world needs something on you.

The world is crippled for 38years, and they are seated outside the church. The world is outside the church and not in the church, and they are expecting something from you that will turn their lives around. And your response is, “I don’t have money!” yeah, you don’t have.

When we talk about revival; changing Berlin, changing Germany, everyone asks, where is the money? As Peter was trying to figure out what this man needed; he said, I have no silver and gold and the money. Oops, the Holy Spirit reminded him, yes Peter, you have no money; you can’t even feed your children nor take care of your in-laws, why can’t you talk about what you have instead of what you don’t have.

You see the enemy wants to lie to the people of Germany that you are the worst of all the people. Instead of talking about Martin Luther, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the power to reform, the power to stand for the truth and the power to change the course of the church. The church was going in a wrong direction and Martin Luther stood up. A German man stood up and he told the whole world that the Just shall live by faith. And because of that, we got Azusa revival, and we are here today. Thank you, Germany for producing great and spiritual people.

When it comes to the Holy Spirit, Germany has produced the greatest. Most of the hymns we sing, they were created in Germany. When it comes to spiritual giants: Martin Luther, Reinhard Bonnke… Now, why are you talking about what you don’t have? Africa has been moved and now, the largest churches are in Nigeria – Africa. Why? Because the German man called Bonnke preached to six million people. Things don’t just happen. They happen when someone has sown his life. Germany, stop putting your head down about the bad things and raise your head up about the good things.

If the devil can beat you on your hope and pride, he has destroyed your faith. If the devil can convince you that everything about you is bad, you will never rise up. This is a great country with great people and God is ready to use you again.

In that story of the book of Acts, Peter said, look at us. Remember Jesus said, where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them [Matthew 18:20]. The man did not see Peter and John only, he saw Jesus. Because Jesus said, two or three when they gather in my name, I am in their midst. When the man looked at them, Jesus was there. That would be magic, but God is not a magician.

                                                   God doesn’t do magic, but He does MIRACLES.

Acts 3:7, And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. It doesn’t matter who touches your hand, when he touches you by the wrong hand, you will never get the strength.  Do you know why many years you have been praying for the revival and the move of God, and you have not yet seen it? It is because everybody who comes is holding Germany by the wrong hand instead of the right hand. There’s something right about Germany, and not everything is wrong. Germany was crippled somewhere but she can get up. She can occupy her place. She can march in the temple and stand with apostles. She can stand with the evangelists and the revivalists. She doesn’t belong outside. She belongs inside. Germany can stand. The bible says, they took him by the right hand, and the story says, “they lifted him up.”

                                    Don’t let people who push you down. You need people who can lift you up.

Jesus came to lift us up no matter what we have done or who we are. No matter whom we were. He came to lift us up. Amazingly, when they took the right hand, the power was there, and the bible says IMMEDIATELY his FEET and ankle bones received strength. They didn’t touch the feet; they touched the hands. What does the feet tell me? It tells me where I have come from. The feet is my history. I may have had problems with my history but if I am given something right or wonderful to do now, I can reverse my history. Don’t judge me where I was standing last week, judge me where I am standing right now.

God did something with Moses. Moses had killed someone in Egypt and that’s where his feet where, but when he came to the mountain of God, He told him to take off his shoes [Exodus 3:5]. Why did God tell him to take off his shoes? Underneath these shoes, there’s made in Berlin or Africa or China. No matter where Moses was going, his shoes were announcing him, you were made in Egypt.

                                   Get rid of the shoes. Get rid of the past. Get rid of your identity

After Moses got rid of the shoes, then God asked him, what is in your hand? In other words, what are you doing now?

                                      The power to your feet is in your hands.

Germany, get ready to have a world revival all over Germany, Europe, and Asia. Forget about your past and get rid of your shoes. Get rid of the shoes of Egypt, the shoes of 1948, …

Say like you mean it, don’t look at my feet. Look at my hands. Look at who is holding my hands; Jesus is holding my hands. The Holy Spirit is holding my hands and I am about to stand up. I am about to go where I have never gone before.

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching about THE ANOINTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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