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From Uzziah to Messiah through Isaiah – 7


January-21st -2019, THE WAY

Declare with me: Lord, You are amazing, I love You, and I exalt Your name. Child of God, Moses knew the Lord’s WAYS and Israel knew His ACTS [Psalms 103:7].

What you need to know is that there are several ways God has already ordained to get you out of lack, danger, sickness, and poverty. Jesus said, I am the WAY, the truth, and the life [John 14:6]. This means, you must know the way. Once Jesus said, I am the WAY – you too must be on the way.

Brethren, what started as an attack gave birth to 25 crusades. Then the voice said, 50 crusades but on our 49th crusade, the voice said again, 77Days of Glory, Mass weddings, Voice in a Million, Marriage Retreat, and now He is saying, “Africa must be set free.”

Look at this child of God, Jesus was found in the garden. The following day, He was on the WAY and another day, He was at the sea. When He rose from the dead, He was still on earth for forty days revealing Himself to the disciples. We do not just get saved to go to heaven, we are here to show that we are proof producers and Jesus is alive.

Declare with me: I am a proof producer and Jesus is alive. Jesus said, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly [John 10:10]. What brought Him was to give us life. One of the things God told me at the beginning of this year as He drew me to Isaiah 45:1-3 was that our capital this year is JOY. I declare, you will build that house, that business, that ministry because of JOY. You will marry that lady, that man because of JOY.

As I conclude: this year the weather has already changed which means, you as a believer, you are going to get an harvest this very year.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries