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Faith – Paidha Miracle Crusade


Paidha – Zombo Miracle Crusade


 The bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God [Romans 10:17]. Each one of us has a measure of faith to receive a miracle from God [Romans 12:3]. It’s like when I go towards a tree and I dig around it, you will say I did nothing but after two days, you will see the effects. Therefore, from today the roots of your suffering and poverty are going to be cut.

When God created the heaven and the earth, the bible says, the earth was void [Genesis 1:2]. It couldn’t work. Then the Spirit of God began moving, and God spoke, let there be light; let there be this, let there be that [Genesis 1:3-26]. Have you ever realized that you have the power to say something, and it happens if God is on your side? From today, you will say, I am going to start a business and it will happen. You will say, I am going to have a farm and grow crops and it will happen because God is on your side. If God is for you who can be against you? [Romans 8:31]

Today, God is going to give you the power to succeed. Jesus said, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you [Acts 1:8], and you will be able to create wealth [Deut 8:18]. God wants you to be a wealth creator. Lift your hands and declare: these hands are going to create wealth, do wonders, and God is going to bless the work of my hands in the Name of Jesus. Your hands are not only good at eating food, but also good at creating wealth.

I decree and declare that Zombo shall become one of the powerful cities in Jesus’ name. Tourists shall come to your city. I am going to pray for you today that you shall build skyscrapers in Jesus’ name. I declare miracles in your city in the Name of Jesus. Zombo, you are our gateway to Congo, and God is going to bless the work of your hands. I see great investments, warehouses, factories, hotels in this area. In five years, your roads are going to be tarmacked. Your stadium shall be built. You will drive a car.

Every time we work and pray, God opens the heavens and pours down a blessing [Deut 28:12]. There is no witchdoctor or demon in hell that can stop you. The key is in a seed. This meeting (Crusade) is a seed of a great revival. People are going to come from all over to Paidha. Paidha means to hijack. So, I declare, you are going to hijack a blessing from God and bring it here in Paidha. Today, we are here to grab our miracles. How do you grab your miracle from heaven? You pray, give, and use your faith.

Hebrew 13:8 says, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. What does that mean? Jesus was here two thousand years ago, and how do you say that He is still the SAME, when things change, people change, roads, cars, education have all changed. Why do you say that Jesus Christ is still the SAME? This is what it means, that what He did in the bible days, He is going to do here in Paidha. If He healed the sick in the bible days, He is going to heal the sick today. If He made the blind to see, today He is making them to see. If He made the cripple to walk, even today He will make the cripple to walk. If He forgave sinners in the bible days, He is going to forgive sinners today.

Declare, Jesus, I believe you are the SAME yesterday, today and forever. As I told you early that when God created the heaven and earth, He ended up creating man in His own image [Genesis 1:26]. The bible says, in the image of God He created male and female [Genesis 1:27]. Then the devil came, and tempted man and he fell [Genesis 3]. We don’t know what man would have been if the devil never interrupted. I usually see children born crippled and blind, and I wonder what that kid would be if he was not crippled or blind. May be if he was not crippled, he could be the best football player the world has never seen or the fastest runner.

We don’t know what Adam was going to become if the devil never interrupted or the demons didn’t come in the garden. We don’t know what man would become. Probably we would fly like one day Philip flew. The Holy Spirit caught him and flew without wings [Acts 8:26-30]. Elijah went with his chariot to heaven [2 Kings 2:11]. One day Moses and Elijah came and visited Jesus at the mountain of transfiguration [Matthew 17:2-3]. I don’t know if the devil had not interrupted with Paidha through war, sickness, and witchcraft, I don’t know what you would have become, but today, the same Jesus who did miracles in the bible days, the same Savior, the same Redeemer is here in Paidha and He is going to hear your prayers, touch you and heal you.

The bible says, Adam fell, and God kicked him out of the garden, but God told him not to go very far. He was working out a plan of Redemption. And before He went, He said, the seed of a woman will crush the devil’s head [Genesis 3:15]. God was talking about Mary in the future. He was talking about a believer. Any believer who believes in God, He is going to allow them to produce something that will defeat the devil in their lives [1 John 5:4]. Today, it is the end of the devil and poverty in your life.  Cry out to Jesus and say, I am here Lord.

I hope you have been blessed by this message. To watch this broadcast, use the link below and you will be blessed in Jesus’ name:

Next week on 23rd July 2022, I will be in SEMBABULE in a MEGA MIRACLE CRUSADE at Sembabule District Playground from 8am, hosted by Bishop Jackson and Violet Murungi.

Aug 13th, 2022, I am coming to MPIGI in a MEGA Miracle Crusade at Nabyewanga Town Playground from 8am.

Come and witness the HOLY SPIRIT at work as He moves like never before in your area in this year of the Mighty Move of God. Bring the sick, the blind, the lame, the afflicted and the Lord will touch them.

Invite someone today in the area.

© Missions Department 2022 ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries