E-Sunday Service: June -14-2020
In 1 Samuel 2:30, the scripture says, Wherefore the LORD God of Israel saith, I said indeed [that] thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the LORD saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed. God will draw a line of what would happen once we honoured Him. He always required your fathers to honour Him, but now He says, ‘if you honour Me’, regardless of whose child you’re, I will honour you.
The bible clearly reveals to us how to honour God. It says, Honour the LORD with thy substance [Proverbs 3:9]. If you honour Him, He will honour you. That’s why He wants you to have life and that life you might have it more abundantly. Honour is the power that creates wealth; that’s why it’s number 5, among the seven spirits of God according to Revelation 5:12. God wants you to fulfill your mission on the earth. He is building mansions in heaven for you and I. He also wants you to have your own mansion on earth; as it is in heaven so be on earth.
Two of John’s disciples asked Jesus where he dwelt because John stayed at the river side and fed on locusts and honey. Jesus called them and showed them where He stayed. He had a home, that’s why he said, they are building mansions in heaven. Jesus said, what is done in heaven be done on earth [John 1:35-39]. When He said, foxes have where to stay but the son of man has no where to lay His head, He was referring to the church because He is the head of the church. That’s why He said, “I will build my church” not a house [Matthew 16:18].
Beloved, God is the ONE who gives honour. You cannot honour or accord yourself. Honour comes from Him. He wants to honour you among your siblings. He honoured Sarah when she was childless. If you stick to the covenant I made with you, I will honour you [Genesis 21:1-3]. One of the principles for honouring God is, don’t take what is not yours. He will give you the best. He is not a liar. He is the God who gives honour. You must give; Sarah gave her husband to her maid who gave birth to Ishmael, not knowing that one day, the sons of Ishmael would save her grandson Joseph [Genesis 16:3, 37:28]. Even God gave us Jesus to give his life for us.
This is how God has promised to honour you. If you honour Him first, He will honour you. He has also decided on how to honour Him; with your substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase [Proverbs 3:9]. We honour Him with our tithes [Malachi 3:10]. If you’re to honour God, you must do it His way, not your way. He told Abraham in Genesis 17:11 to circumcise himself. He told us in Romans 2:29 to circumcise our hearts. King David had decided to honour God his way and people died, but when he decided to honour God’s way, he danced to the extent that his pants became loose and he slaughtered bulls every six steps [2 Samuel 6]. It is until you’re drunk in the spirit that you can honour God. You have to dance the way David danced. In this generation, we had president Nkurunziza. When it came to prayer, he prayed from his heart.
Saints, we honour God by bringing peace and development. That’s why you must honour Him with your substances. I mean things that are tangible. No president has honoured God like the Burundian fallen president. God has chosen ways to honour Him. He asks you to bring a tithe (10%) in His house. Abraham brought a 10% after he had delivered Lot [Genesis 14:20]. God is your promoter. He is the ONE who causes your face to shine. Once you honour God, you have identified yourself with Him and He will honour you. We honour God while we are alive because our time on earth might be short; for Jesus, it was 33years and the late Nkurunziza it is 55years.
As I conclude: we were born to live and not to die. When an opportunity avails itself, use it to honour God. God wants to honour your family and businesses. That’s why, we don’t do things for fame, but to be honoured by God. We have to reveal to this generation that we honour God.
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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department