Job 32:17-19
We are talking about turning our dreams into visions. I want us to focus on the book of Job chapter 33, where we begin to see the old Job complaining to God. He goes on to say, man is chastened also with pain upon his bed and the multitude of his bones with strong [pain] [Job 33:19]; someone say like you mean it: every pain I have faced is bringing me gain. Job talks about his pain in this chapter, yet in the previous one he states; for I am full of words; The spirit within me compels me. Indeed my belly [is] like wine [that] has no vent; it is ready to burst like new wineskins [Job 32:18-19]. I prophesy, your pain is coming to an end. Everything that is in the inside of you is about to burst; may you burst with goodness. Child of God, the devil thought that he was killing you by afflicting you with pain and now the whole world is about to know that there is God. I prophesy: money and opportunities are running to you. Say like you mean it: I am bursting with the goodness of the Lord. Get ready to burst with the joy of the Lord.
The scripture says; out of your berry shall flow the rivers of living water [John 7:38]. One of the rivers is found in Genesis 2:10-11. Some of you are going to have two rivers and others will have four. When it comes to money lending, that will be a river; when it comes to wisdom and farming that will be another river. Say like you mean it: in whatever I do, I will multiply four times. Since Friday, the Holy Spirit inspired me to pray that His glory may manifest in your body. Friends, I am going to tell my God about you that He will bless you and give you a person to marry you. I went to a certain church in the United States to preach and there was a woman whose son had been sentenced to life imprisonment and he had been denied an appeal twice. As I was preaching, the Holy Spirit inspired me to tell that lady that; that day was the last day for her tears. I told her that; I was going to talk to my God on her behalf. That she was going to have Christmas with her son. Three months later, lawyers from New York called this lady seeking for permission to visit her son. They told her that; we shall represent him for free. Both the judge and the prosecutor in that case were racists and when they wanted to run for elections, the prosecutor got a stroke and got to a coma for three months. When the new lawyers came, they asked this prosecutor if he had seen the video evidence and he replied YES. Then he was ordered to sign the new documents and that very evening that prosecutor died. The court then ordered a retrial for the case and the young man was set free and paid $4millions as compensation. He bought the mother a house, started a business and built a youth ministry. People of God, the prophecy was fulfilled. That very Christmas; the lady had Christmas with her son. The young man called me and said, pastor I want to send my seed to you and that was the time when my daughter was dying of cancer and we were in United Kingdom for treatment and at the same time, we were buying part of the church land. I prophesy: in 21 days, your situation is going to change.
I do not know what you are going through, but your berry is about to burst with the river of your living water. I prophesy, Nations will come out of you. As Abraham was rich in gold, so shall you flow in currencies. Say to yourself: I am going to talk to my God. There has to be a difference between the born-again and the heathens in regard to finances. I feel the Lord is releasing an anointing called GLORY and I prophesy; from today, may God connect you to wise people. Time has come for people to stop mocking our God; they have been saying that you pray a lot, but you get nothing from there. Nevertheless; I declare, they are about to see the goodness of God in your life. People are about to say, we are going with you because we have heard that the Lord is with you [Zechariah 8:23].
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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department