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Dreams and Visions – part1


Job 33:1-25 

We are still dealing with dreams and visions. We all know that Jehovah speaks to us through dreams as stated in Job 33:15. Each one of us has at least a personal, or a divine dream. Get ready child of God, your dream is about to become a vision. Our country has a dream, but the problem is that we do not know how to turn our dreams into visions. I have witnessed this during our sessions of dream interpretation. A person can talk about his/her dream, but until that person touches a certain thing, that is when the Holy Spirit shows up and as a result, many people are delivered.

John 10:10 warns us that; the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly. Child of God, you must get the revelation of how to turn your dream into a vision. Study the book of Job chapter 33 as a requirement. Get this and it will bless you: God always talks to a new creature, despite us trying to resurrect the dead man [old self] which scares the living. The ‘dead you’ who used to be in the world will always scare you because if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new [2 Corinthians 5:17]. Each one of us has a dead person and you must have buried him in the tomb. Say to the devil: you cannot resurrect the old me. The old you died with the demon of cancer, alcohol, bad habits, mention it all, but you’re ALIVE. Say like you mean it: I am not here to talk to the dead, I am here to talk to the living and I am alive.

The bible says; our God is not the God of the dead, He is the God of the living [Luke 20:38].  That is why you must send fire to the old you and I beseech you to bury that old you. Speak to yourself: the old me was impressed by cars, but the new me is impressed by the things of God. Apostle Paul said; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the [life] which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me [Galatians 2:20]. Beloved, we have hope in Christ Jesus that even sickness cannot touch us anymore. Therefore, the life you live is a life of faith in the son of God. There are times when I have used my faith and it has brought me results. Faith in the Son of God does not FAIL. Child of God, you were crucified with Christ, He chose to die that you may live and therefore, He cannot deny you to construct a building. Declare: the life I have is in Christ Jesus and by Faith, therefore all good things are mine. The life of Christ is in you and your life is in Him; when He says, See — you will SEE. People could think that it is you speaking, yet Christ is the ONE speaking. There are moments when I speak as Pr. Kayanja and tomorrow I speak as Jesus. Brethren, you have to kill that old man [old self/nature] today because Jesus cannot stay in him. Tell the old you: the scripture tells me not to kill, but it is you that I am killing.

Listen: spiritual things can manifest in the physical. This might scare you, but the new nature must take over your old nature. The new nature is the redeemed one, highly favored, and the possessor. The old you cannot believe the word of God and he is your number #1 enemy. Someone tell your old self: you are smelling and I am burying you right now. The old self does not bear fruit and he is going to hell.  Tell him: I am burying you now and I am a new creature. Job talks to the new creature in Job 33, meaning that there are times when the new speaks and the old listens. The bible says, the dead do not talk to the living and once you dream the dead talking to you, wake up in that dream and kill them immediately. There is no association between the dead and the living. The new creature [Job] told the old creature to listen to his speeches; child of God, the words that you speak are going to knock out the old man.

Are you tired of this old man [who is religious, lack faith, takes you in dark corners, never appreciates], then give him a knock out and declare: the Spirit of God has made me and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Listen to this: the devil always wants to use the spirits of the dead to talk to you. The old man always has his purpose; the old you can be manipulated, but the new you is an overcomer. When the power of God destroys the old you and makes the new you, that flesh cannot get up. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God [Job 33:1-25]. Listen: the new Job, his skin was like that of a baby. The bible says; Job restored twice of what he had lost [Job 42:10]. In conclusion: the new you does not have to be in the grave because he/she is victorious!

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department