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Discover to Recover -2


Mtukuzeni Mungu Watu Wa Mungu Kwa Kenya! August is going to your month of the great encounter with the Holy Spirit in Miracles, Signs and Wonders. I will be in Nairobi Kenya Next week at Nyayo Stadium. Dates have already been Confirmed.

Sunday 2nd Service with Apostle T. Vutabwashe – 23rd. July.2023

#Discover to Recover  

Cont… 1 Kings 3:20-21

                               You are getting your miracle today!

When we are driving especially at night, it doesn’t matter if you are in a Rolls-Royce, if you don’t have lights, you are not going anywhere, despite your car being more expensive, a small Honda can overtake you because they have lights. We are already in dark economies of the world, and we cannot operate without light. Today, all the people who wanted to overtake you, it’s over!

I see someone recovering. When you discover something, it’s a responsibility to invitation. You don’t discover and seat. When you find out, you take action. If you don’t act, it’s a complete sign that you found nothing. Excuses are signs that you didn’t discover. You cannot give excuse if you found out…

When they found out that Jesus was in the house and the healing power was in the house, the bible says, the place was full and there was no entrance and way to go out…they climbed the roof and removed the roof because when you find out, you don’t give excuses [Mark 2:4]. Everyone who found out, seven days from now, you will see a major breakthrough in your lifetime.

They were supposed to say, what if they arrest us…or who is going to pay for the roof? What if Jesus says NO, “you have broken the roof and I am not going to pray for you?” All those excuses are because you never found out. The healer is inside. 

                                  There’s no fear when you discover!

 If you are not doing anything, you find nothing. Your actions will reveal what you found.

The Lord is saying to someone, I am restoring your lost and missed opportunities. He says, someone from abroad will come looking for you and you shall see that restoration has come.

How do you recover now?

Disagree with your current situation. Don’t entertain it. Don’t take it normal. Don’t take it casual. It needs a reaction. It’s not normal to be broke. It’s not normal at your age not to be married. It’s not normal at your age to be paying rent. It’s not normal at your age to be using boda-boda. Refuse it in the name of Jesus. Don’t take it light.

Whatever you don’t confront, has a right to remain. Standup everyone and say, “Father, I refuse this condition in the name of Jesus.”  Make a prayer to the Lord, “I refuse…” I can’t suffer; I can’t struggle… I refuse, no struggle…no stagnation… I refuse! You have to reject everyday living on medication, borrowing from someone and always depending on other people… that’s not your life!

Your age-mates are changing cars, building houses, expanding business, flying abroad and you are just languishing in poverty because there is someone who bewitched you; there’s someone who said that you will never raise. Enough is enough.

Right now, in the name of Jesus, I declare houses! Whether in your  family, no one has ever built a house in town, today, the yoke is broken. Some of you in three months, you would have flown to three countries in Jesus’ name. If you are doing exams, you will do once and pass… no more repeating in Jesus’ name.

In 2 Samuel 21:1, there was a famine in the time of David, hence it targeted him for three consecutive years. David saw the famine for three years, but at the third year, he never asked his cabinet, nor did he call specialist on climatology… he went straight to God and asked Him why the famine? God answered him, this is for Saul. Then there was a famine in the days of David three years, year after year; and David enquired of the Lord. And the Lord answered, It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites. Saul died many years ago, yet someone is suffering for things he never knew did. Everyone under the sound of my voice who is suffering the things they don’t know, who is a victim of the things they never did, today in the name of Jesus, you are coming out. How can you suffer for things you never did?

Take the right direction. Having a problem is another thing and knowing where to go with it is another problem. Some of you, your problems were enough, but it became worse of the direction you took. This woman in 1 Kings 3:21 after she found out, she never said, let me first go and find my aunts or go for my parents or others… let me tell you, every time you are under attack, before you tell anyone or consult anyone, run to God immediately. If she dared call her aunts, they were going to conduct a funeral. You can put a curse on something that is not yours because of the people you are consulting.

When you are under attack at work, in marriage, at school or in business, run to God. Why did she go there? Because there was Solomon who was anointed. The anointing has a place to operate. She didn’t say, Solomon is going to prophecy because I am going through a lot… I just lost a son. She went to Solomon because Solomon is a place where he operates [1 Kings 3:22-23].

I told you that this is called a pulpit because when a pastor is here, his business is to pull you out of the pit. Today, whether you are in a pit of barrenness, poverty, or struggles, I pull you out…whatever they vowed you shall never become, before December this year, they shall see it with their own eyes in the name of Jesus!

I trust this message has been a blessing to you. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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