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Discover to Recover


Sunday 2nd Service with Apostle T. Vutabwashe – 23rd. July.2023

#Discover to Recover – 1 Kings 3:20-21

God is about to open a new chapter in your life.  This ministry is a testament of people who don’t give up, people who don’t fail and people who keep on winning despite how things are… Turn to your neighbor and tell them, this year, before it ends, something very beautiful is going to happen to you.

“Someone here, it’s like something is eating you in your stomach. You feel its hitching inside your stomach; touch your stomach. “Father in the name of Jesus, I declare the healing power of Jesus. Devil, you are rebuked and never come back again in Jesus’ name… the devil has obeyed. You are well.””

1 Kings 3:21, And when I rose in the morning to give my child suck, behold, it was dead: but when I had considered it in the morning, behold, it was not my son, which I did bear. I want to share with you a message titled Discover to Recover. You can not recover what you have not discovered.

The story reveals to us two women who were in one house. They got pregnant in the same season, and they delivered each a baby boy. As they were sleeping, one who slept on her baby, and he died. The one she called her friend, housemate, colleague, overslept on her baby and she looked and saw her friend sleeping with hers. The so-called friend woke up with her dead one and moved to the side of the other, and placed the dead child and took the living one [1 Kings 2:20]. She went back and slept as though everything was normal… The mother of the living child is sleeping saying, I have a friend who is willing to see a dead child in your hand, knowing the dead child is hers, and the living one is yours.

I stand on the altar of my father (Pr. Robert Kayanja), anyone close to you pretending to be a friend but working to destroy your life, may God expose them.

Can you imagine, you are sharing the same home; instead of crying that I have lost a baby, she just took it normal… she took your baby and enjoyed as though the baby is hers… Anyone, deployed by the devil to cause any demonic exchanged against your life, I expose them in the name of Jesus. It means the devil is using people very close to you… Someone close to you is the one changing your living child, and they pretend as everything is normal.

We are now living in a wicked world where your enemy pretends to look like a friend, and its difficult to know, but today, I have been assigned to expose everyone who looks like smiling or on your side, but behind your back, they are working to destroy you…I expose them in the name of Jesus. I am concerned, how can you love a person who is so wicked like that? She is the one who lost a child, but she is not crying. She is not panicking…she just said, if you have the child, I will have the child, and you will bury mine… devil, you are a lair. Everyone who has been working against your life to pull you down, to chase away your customers, to remove people who want to help you and to spoil your life, I lift my hand on this altar, I expose them.

As long as you can’t find it, it will look normal. But I am glad, the mother of the living child never did investigations in the night because it was dark. She waited until it was morning when the light had come… she said, when I woke up to suck my baby, the baby was dead… I consideredI looked keenlyI examined and I found what I called my child not my child…

Today, you are going to find out this is not your life, this is not your career and whatsoever the devil has planted, may it be uprooted in Jesus’ name [Jeremiah 1:10].

She found out that this wasn’t her life, and the baby wasn’t hers…I am praying for you, before this service is over, you must find out this is not my life. I need my life BACK!

She looked at the dead child and said, this is not my child… someone you are hearing me today, and you can look at the way your heart is, but the way you are suffering; you can look at the way you are working and only little is coming to your hands; you can look at the way you are doing, how educated you are, but where you are, its opposite…Something is happening today in the name of Jesus. Get your LIFE today.

There are certain people who are too good, yet they are suffering, and you wonder, what’s wrong? We don’t hear that they gossip or sleep around, you are always nice, but you are suffering? What is going on? It’s you I came for, look at your life…no…no…no…this is not my son! I need my son back! Someone after this service, you are going to drive a Landcruiser. You are changing address. You are getting your promotion. Your visa shall be approved.  

You can see the marriage you cried for to God to give you, but the way things are happening in your life… this is not the marriage you cried for… this is not what you went to school for…

Any demonic exchange must be corrected today in the name of Jesus! Today, find out… I don’t care if you are 50 years behind or 10 years behind, find out…why am I always sick? Why are my projects not concluding? Why do good people leave my life? Why do people whom I did well always come to fight my life? What’s going on?  Your back is full of wounds of people whom you did good; stubbing your life, what is going on, and who is sending such wickedness? Where are they? Today, whether they have a meeting under the water or in the bush, let it be found… someone must find it and you must get it today.

The way you serve in the house of God, that is not your car, something must change; the way you tithe, that is not your house, something must change; the way you fast, that’s not your marriage, something must change… I came for your life today, whatever the devil took, RECOVER in the name of Jesus.

There’s something that amazed me when I read this chapter when this woman was talking to Solomon. She said, while I was asleep, she came and took my baby… which means there’s a realm where you can see the wickedness, but you can’t do anything; you have no power. You can see that this is witchcraft been done on my son or something has come over my husband, but you can’t do anything about it. You can see something is seated on your career, but you have no power over it… I am glad. Today is the day, and you will find out.

Today, someone is finding out…why are the daughters here not married; you will find out…  Why are the sons here all of them are looking like vagabonds; you will find out….  Why is it that I always fail this subject; you will find out….  Why do I always have this attack; you will find out… I don’t care if the devil is having a meeting right now under the water, we are going to boil the water… You must get your miracle today!

I trust this message has been a blessing to you. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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