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Destroying Ancestral Horns – part 3


# 4th DIMENSION ANOINTING| Destroying Ancestral Horns – part 3

Th bible calls the Anointing a gift, and the Holy Spirit is God’s gift to us. You cannot manufacture the anointing, it is a gift given to you, and today, you are taking your gift of the anointing.

This fourth anointing is revealed by several things… it’s like a man, we discovered that he saw four beasts which had four faces: the face of a man, an eagle, lion, and a cow [Ezekiel 1:10]. What does this mean? It means that they will look at you as a man, because God made man above all other beasts – so, this is an anointing of leadership, worship and being in the image of God. But if they come after you, you will turn into a lion.

One of the things which we have not yet understood with the African proverbs like the Baganda talk about cows and everybody else on this continent. They state how their founders had cows. A cow is the only thing on this planet earth that if it’s the only thing remaining and is given to you, you will survive, create a better life, and build a family. A cow will give you milk. God killed an animal and made garments out of the skin [Genesis 3:21]; you can make shoes, arrows, and bags.

On the other hands, the horns were used as flasks in the Old Testament. Prophet Samuel used the horn as a container to carry the anointing which God used to anoint David to be king of Israel [1 Samuel 16:1]. God told Samuel to go and fill his horn with the oil. God used the horn as a trumpet to blow down Jericho [Joshua 6:20]. The horn is a weapon of war and a vessel. Therefore, the cow (ox) represents high productivity.

You remember the four levels of the anointing: the ankles, knees, waist, and the neck (swimming). Once you reach the swimming level, the bible says, you renew your strength like an eagle [Isaiah 40:31]. So, when people think that you are finished, they will see you mount up with wings like an eagle. Therefore, these four anointings aren’t a joke.

Ezekiel leads us to many things. These prophets were inspired by God to write the scriptures [2 Peter 1:21]. Prophet Isaiah talks about the ministry of Jesus from His birth, His glory, and the glory of the church [Isaiah 9:6]. Ezekiel and Daniel reveal the end times. Prophet Joel emphasizes about the power of the church. Zechariah and Amos talk about solutions. Zechariah states that if you are faced with mountains, “shout grace” and mountains will go [Zechariah 4:7]. Child of God, there’s no mountain in your life that Jesus cannot take away.

                                         Someone shout GRACE.

Zechariah also talks about the power of the seed. If your things are not succeeding, or you are stagnant; you don’t have the money to do what God has called you to do, to feed your children, and you are stack, the SEED will pull you up. Zechariah 8:12, For the seed shall be prosperous; the vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these things.

Your salvation has not yet produced you the fruit, and yet Jesus said, I am saving you so that you can bear fruit and your fruit shall remain [John 15:16]. In other words, your SEED shall prosper, and your SALVATION shall bear fruit. Child of God, the world is going to understand that you are indeed born-again. This is what Zechariah says about the power of the SEED,and the ground shall give her increase.

You remember, with the blood of Jesus, the curse is broken. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law [Galatians 3:13]. When Adam sinned, in other words when we say, Adam fell? What fell? it’s the ANOINTING that fell and he became naked [Genesis 3:7]. The anointing is thicker than your clothes. You can find someone dressed in rags but if he is anointed, soon or later, he will dress better than those dressed in loyalty. A good example is Joseph.

The ANOINTING is what fell from Adam and thank God that all anointings He has ever given to man, He has never taken them away. That anointing is still here on planet earth. The anointing of Abraham is still here with all his money (blessings). God has never taken away the blessing of Abraham, that’s why He says in Galatians 3:14, That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles… If Abraham had gone with his anointing (blessing), we would be now asking for it to come back. That’s why the anointing he did not take it. Elijah dropped the mantle [2 Kings 2:13]. The anointing that has been working since God started planet earth is still available, and we are tapping into that anointing.

                           This is going to be the best day of your life.

Look at this, before Jesus was buried, they took all his clothes, so He was naked. They brought new clothes, wrapped Him, and they buried Him with them [Mark 15:24]. When He rose from the dead, He left them in the grave because they carried the anointing of going to hell and coming back. He never took those clothes away! So, we can go to hell and hell will not prevail against us.

Every anointing, blessing and wisdom which God has ever done, He has never taken back. We have it here on earth [Romans 11:29]. So, get ready to be smarter than Solomon. Get ready to be blessed like Israel

That’s why the bible says, But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: [Acts 1:8]. With Adam, it fell down. When we repent and come to Jesus and ask for the Holy Spirit, He rises again “UP ON US”. That’s why you are about to become better than the first Adam. You will be blessed in the city and in the village. You are becoming the true image of the son of God.

When Adam sinned, the ground was cursed, and that’s why Zechariah talks about all these things that, and the ground shall give her increase. When the glory fell, God said, Adam, the ground is cursed [Genesis 3:17]. Because the ground cannot contain the oil. Instead of being a blessing, the ground was cursed. Do you know that a blessing in a hand of a fool is a curse? The anointing is a blessing, and the ground is the fool.

As I conclude this text:

Zechariah in chapter 1 vs 18-19, was asking why God’s people were suffering. Verse 18, Then lifted I up mine eyes, and saw, and behold four horns. Verse 19, And I said unto the angel that talked with me, What be these? And he answered me, These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem. Instead of these four horns carrying the anointing for Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem, it had scattered them. Verse 20, And the Lord shewed me four carpenters.

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