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Destroying Ancestral Horns -1


# 4th DIMENSION ANOINTING| Destroying Ancestral Horns – part 1

We have been studying on the anointings of God, and we realized that they are seven anointings on every gate that leads to heaven.  If you are to go to a State House or White House or the Buckingham Palace, you must go through a gate. A gate is neither a window nor a door. Agate is a gate. What might go through a gate might not go through a door. So, when God talks about windows of heaven [Malachi 3:10], doors [John 10:9] and gates [Matthew 7:13-14], He is talking about size and capacity.

Satan’s power is at the gate level, your power is at the door level and material things at window level. God says, I will open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing When it comes to blessings, it the windows you look for, and when it comes to your life, it’s the door. Jesus as a man said, I am the door…” [John 10:9], and in Revelation 3:20, He says, “I am standing at the door…” God was speaking to Cain and said, Satan is standing at the door trying to destroy you [Genesis 4:7].

When you deal with man, you are dealing with a door. When the five virgins left, they closed the door [Matthew 25:10]. Doors have to do with humans. So, every time you are praying, don’t pray amiss. Pray that God will open the windows of heaven and pour down the blessing. The blessing comes from above. When you are dealing with man, ask God to open a door for you. Apostle Paul said, And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains [Colossians 4:3, 1 Corinthians 16:9].

So, when you are dealing with human life, you are dealing with a door, but if you are dealing with principalities, you are then dealing with gates [Ephesians 6:12]. That’s why He said, your sons shall confront the enemy at the gate [Psalm 127:5]; I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it [Matthew 16:18]. Whenever you are dealing with principalities whether good or bad, you are dealing with gates.

Psalm 24:7, Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up,… and the King of glory shall come in. you are dealing with gates. When we deal with heaven – going to heaven, we are dealing with gates [Matthew 7:13-14]. Child of God, much of the things you need are big, and they are coming to you through the gate.

One time Jesus was dealing with a man who was crippled for 38 years, and He was at the sheep gate. His situation was so bad that he was there, and even the angels of heaven could not help him. It had to take Jesus at the sheep gate to go and tell the man to carry his bed and leave [John 5:1-15]. Whenever we deal with principalities and powers of darkness, we are dealing with gates, and from today through these coming days, we are at the gate of heaven.

Let me also lay this foundation. Many of us are working to go to heaven when God wants to bring heaven where you are. Because He said, may your days and the days of your children, be numerous as the days of heaven on the earth [Deuteronomy 11:21]. When Jesus came, He brought us heaven on the earth; Emmanuel, God with us [Matthew 1:23]. In other words, Wherever God is, heaven is.

In the name of Jesus, you are about to become a mobile heaven

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