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Desire – Part3


#Desire Dream and Destiny Book|| chpt-1, Psalms 37:4

We have been talking about the power of desire and we discovered that delighting in the Lord is one of the ways to get our desires fulfilled. The scripture says; delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart [Psalms 37:4]. Brethren, why delight in the Lord? Because it is He who gives us the desires of our hearts and the power to create them. I do not know whom I am talking to, but we must generate the power in order for our desires to be fulfilled. We should not delight in the desires, but in the one who grants and fulfills them. Therefore, the first step in having your desires fulfilled is delighting yourself in the giver of your desires.

The bible says; …what things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them [Mark 11:24]. This power for your desire is generated by faith. That is why we delight in the Lord because we believe that all things are possible to him that believeth [Mark 9:23]. Listen to this: delighting in the Lord will draw the desire to you, and let us take a look at Genesis 29, where Jacob desired to marry Rachel and the bible does not tell us that Rachel loved him. It rather states that; Jacob loved her, he desired her, he wanted to have her for a wife, but something happened and things began to go wrong. Circumstances put a hedge between Jacob and his desire, and he ended up working for seven years to have her. On the wedding night, he was duped into marrying Leah instead of the desire of his heart [Genesis 29:20-30].

Brethren, when we delight in the Lord, we set our minds on that which we desire, and after locating it, we do whatever it takes to get it. Jacob had to work seven more years for Rachel his desire, under his uncle Laban, a man who constantly deceived him. Why would anybody trust a person who has already tricked them into marrying a wrong person? You see, positive desire cannot be defeated. It will never rest until it obtains its goal and it cannot be denied. In all of Jacob’s life, he desired the best. That is why he desired the birthright of Esau his brother. Though he grew up in a tent, he knew life could be better. Jacob’s desire for Rachel made him to work harder than he had ever worked before in order to marry her.The bible says in Proverbs 16:26 [GNT] that; A laborer’s appetite makes him work harder, because he wants to satisfy his hunger.

As I conclude this text: we have to remember that Jacob was originally a chef, not a shepherd. He was a cook, but he had to change trades in order to have his desire met. Those who have desires are hardworking; they put work before pleasure, because they delight in the giver of their desires. Though Laban lied to him, Jacob delighted in this one thing; that “if I have been given that which I did not work for, I will surely get that which I desire or I am entitled to”. Positive desire is what produces faith, which is the delighting in the Lord who makes us have that which we desire. Friends, I trust you have been blessed with chapter one of my book, #Desire Dream and Destiny. 

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department