#Desire Dream and Destiny Book|| chpt-1, Mark 11:24
Child of God, once you are not afraid to desire, you will never be afraid to receive. Heaven is waiting to receive your desires in order to turn them into a dream that will change you and your environment forever. Therefore, we start by desiring positively and then we dream powerfully. For every potential destiny, there must be a reckoning and positive desire. This will cause one to dream and every dreamer is destined to win.
How many of us sometimes look at somebody else and envy them for what they have? The truth of the matter is that we envy achievers for their accomplishments. Sometimes you may look at someone and say; I do not know what happened to me, but I am supposed to be where that person is. Other times, it is positions and location which others occupy that make them seem to be far ahead of you. They seem to succeed quickly in whatever they do and yet when you look at yourself, you wonder where you are missing it. You may even begin to look for something around on which to place the blame for your predicament. You blame it on your shoes, your eyes or your hair. You also begin to blame your father because you received your weird looking nose from him. Oftentimes, we are bombarded by what is happening on the other side like the things they do. This is always a great challenge and you may even begin to wonder whether there is something wrong with you or with your family.
Well, I am going to give you some nuggets that will completely transform your life and you will never wish you were somebody else. On the contrary, people are going to begin to wish they were like you and you will be amazed. Jesus said in Mark 11:24 that; therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. The Lord permitted us to use positive desires to obtain or receive whatsoever we believe for. The word DESIRE simply means to ‘long for, crave, to ask for, to yearn or the wish to enjoy, fancy, have a frenzy for, in a propensity way’. It also means, ‘to have an aspiration.’ However, to have a desire without inspiration is like having a structure without a plan. I have been to many parts of the world, but I am yet to find one person who desires calamity to befall him. As I conclude this text: our problem is that sometimes we desire what somebody else has and yet, it may not even fit us. You may desire someone’s suit; however, if he were to give it to you, it would probably not even fit you. Therefore, we should desire things that do not already belong to someone else, because we will be able to get what fits us.
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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department