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# Covenants 18th -April – 2023

This world rotates on covenants, and they are very powerful. There are two covenants: the old and the new just like there are two persons: the old and the new person. There are two monies: the old money and the new one; there’s the money that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and others used up to the time of Jesus. Then we also see the new money after Jesus rose from the dead. The money that surged into the kingdom of God. There are two kinds of faith. There’s mercy and grace. There’s the word and the spirit. There’s male and female. There’s earth and heaven. You have two eyes, ears, kidneys, legs, and hands. There’s good and evil.

If we can only understand the covenant, we will be able to have our days on earth like in heaven [Deuteronomy 11:21]. As we study on these covenants, we shall realize that we are protected in the covenant. We are more blessed in the covenant [Galatians 3:14]. We are operational in the covenant than anywhere in the world.

The covenant is a benchmark on which God will remember or He will act or move [Exodus 6:5]. God is obligated and bound by the covenant. He doesn’t swear by any name but by His covenant. Therefore, the covenant is powerful. You’re either the head or the tail [Deuteronomy 28:13]. You’re either in or out. You either have or you don’t. You either see it or don’t.

Psalm 89:34, My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. As God’s people, we need to get into the covenant of God. The entrance to the covenant is spiritual. In other words, a covenant is a spiritual thing and not a physical thing. Everything that is spiritual has an entry point which is physical likewise, everything physical has an entry point that is spiritual. Let me explain it this way: salvation is spiritual but for one to become born-again, one MUST believe in his heart and the heart is physical and confess with his mouth that Jesus is Lord; the mouth is physical [Romans 10:9]. So, you’re entering a spiritual thing with an entry point that is physical.

Wealth is a physical thing, but how do you enter into wealth? You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you [Acts 1:8]. Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you POWER to get wealth [Deuteronomy 8:18]. The POWER is spiritual, but the wealth is physical. In order to enter a physical thing, you need a spiritual entry point.

Jesus of Nazareth was physical, but for Mary to have Him, Jesus was spiritual [Luke 1:35]. Christ is spiritual and Jesus is physical [Matthew 16:16]. For Mary to give birth to a Messiah, she had to enter at a spiritual entry point, that’s why the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:

For the disciples to become spiritual and apostles, they had to enter “into” the spiritual realm. The Holy Spirit came upon them as flames of fire in Acts 2:3-4, and that’s how they were able to enter another glory of ministry.

To enter into this covenant, we need a spiritual entry point, and once we are there, then our bodies are anointed, and we become part of the covenant [John 3:6].

Throughout all the crusades we have done, we bring the physical bodies, the sick, those who are poor, the sinner and then, they hear the spiritual word, they believe the spiritual word, they come to a point of believing and begin to confess, and then they are born-again, and they are healed.

The word is SPIRITUAL [John 6:63]. When you hear the word, it creates faith. Faith is as REAL as the flesh is, and it creates the miracles you are looking for [Romans 10:17]. Once you understand those entry points: spiritual and physical, miracles will never cease from being in your home.

Acts chapter 14 verse 9 talks about a man who was crippled when Paul was preaching. It says, The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed. Verse 10, Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked. Paul told the man to stand up to his feet, but the man never stood up but rather, he LEAPED and then WALKED. This man entered a spiritual point that he couldn’t even just walk as he had been told, but he leaped and walked.

Child of God, we can leap into prosperity even if we have never been prosperous before. In other words, we can do what we have never done before, and we can become what we have never become before if we come to the right entry point [Acts 14:9-10]. For us to believe the word, we leap into a realm we have never leaped into before. We don’t walk by sight but by the faith(spirit) [2 Corinthians 5:7]. Once you enter that spiritual entry point, people will look at you and marvel.

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching about covenants. You can watch a replay on the link below.

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