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# Covenants 17th -April – 2023

When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? [Psalm 11:3] We discovered, one of the things to do is not to be afraid of the tools God has given them in order to help establish God’s covenant. Like it or not, our functionalities are in the covenant. Israel cannot leave without a covenant.

God was rushing the covenant between Abraham and Himself because that covenant was a relationship covenant. Child of God, we have a better covenant which was done through the blood of Jesus. Hebrews 8:6, But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.

The bible talks about ESTABLISH; “remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may ESTABLISH his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day[Deuteronomy 8:18]. Establishing a covenant is the greatest ministry. You and I have a ministry, and other people have ministries, but the greatest ministry is to establish God’s covenant. When God’s covenant is established then all the blessings begin to flow.

Our God is a God of covenants. You cannot break a covenant. Raise your hand and declare, “we are a people of covenant”. Have you ever realized that the covenant is about to fight for you, defend you and take you to another level? Once the covenant of God is activated, it employs angels. It causes men to respond to you. It causes the weather to change.

Joshua was in a covenant when he stopped the sun and the moon [Joshua 10:12-13]. When Moses stood at the red sea and there was no way, he was in covenant [Exodus 14:20-21]. When Moses was at Mount Sinai, God said I have remembered the covenant I made with Abraham [Exodus 2:24]. All the operations of the Moses going to Egypt was covenant based.

We couldn’t be adapted in the family of Israel until Jesus gave us a covenant, because the old covenant was for the Jews, hence He had to give us a new covenant to adapt us in [Hebrews 8:6]. Likewise, the church of Jesus Christ is a covenanted church. Matthew 26:28, For this is My blood of the [a]NEW COVENANT, which is shed for many for the [b]remission of sins. For Abraham’s covenant, God gave him righteousness, for our covenant, Jesus provided blood.

You cannot fail with the covenant we have, and this covenant entails our redemption [Galatians 3:13]. In three stages, He talks about our redemption, blessings, and empowerment. The covenant we are in is a covenant of redemption. And all is done by Jesus who is the baptiser in the Holy Spirit. When you receive the Holy Spirit, it is an indicator that you are in a covenant with God. It is very important to know that you’re in the kingdom of God. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven [Matthew 6:10], and this is a covenant of God. You’re a child of God, that is a covenant of God [Galatians 3:26]. The blessings of Abraham are yours, that is a covenant of God [Galatians 3:14]. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, that is a covenant of God [Isaiah 54:17]. No witchcraft against Israel, that is a covenant of God [Numbers 23:23].

You are a believer of covenants. The old still works but the new one is fantastic. You can’t lose with when you have these two covenants.

                                Say like you mean it: “I have a covenant with the Almighty God and my life cannot fail.”

Therefore, part of the covenant is that the Holy Spirit will come upon you. It is a covenanted promise because we have a better promise; in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh [Acts 2:17, Joel 2:28], and the Holy Spirit is coming to you to do two things, if not three.

  • To give you power. You need power. We are powerless without the Holy Spirit. Our power comes from the Holy Spirit [Acts 1:8].
  • The Holy Spirit is coming upon you with the power that will enable you to create, and to pick up the creature of God. Creating is the work of God. So, once you receive the Holy Spirit, you start doing the work of God:
  1. The first thing you are going to create is WEALTH [Deuteronomy 8:18].
  2. You are going to be a WITNESS [Acts 1:8]. You are going to be an eyewitness and you shall see things happening. You are going to see lives change and your family transformed. You are going to see your enemy running away in seven ways [Deuteronomy 28:7]. You’re going to see confusion in the camp of the enemy. The sword of Gideon is about to rise.

                         “Declare: My Father has made a covenant with me to create wealth and to witness His power.”

    3. The Holy Spirit will enable you to live like God lives. As it is in heaven so shall be on earth. May your days on earth be like days of heaven [Deuteronomy 11:21].

                            “Declare: Father, I am in a covenant. Thank you for covenanting me.”

Now for us to know that you are in a covenant, we must live by the blood, we must be in the presence of God, and we must be aware that God is with us. If God is for you, who can be against you? And nothing shall separate you from the love of God. Greater is He in you than all the devils in the world.

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching about covenant and you can watch a replay on the link below.

Remember to be a part of our Dream Interpretation Services every weekday from 7pm here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral.

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