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Commanded blessing – Oneness


#MondayNight, July-20-20

Philippians 4:7 says, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. The battle is between the heart and the mind, and I pray that the Lord will renew your mind. I also pray that the Lord will give you a big heart. I pray that He will make you the head, and may He give you witty innovations. The bible tells us to renew our minds with the word of God [Romans 12:2]. We need the heads. One of the commanded blessings is that the LORD will make you the head and not the tail [Deut 28:13]. If you can get the wisdom of God and the mind of Christ, you will be better. You will treat people well. It’s only in the head that we find memory in that we are able to remember. The bible tells us to remember the Lord our God who gives us the power to create wealth [Deut 8:18].

Psalms 133:1 reads, Behold, how good and how pleasant [it is] For brethren to dwell together in unity! Many people think unity is uniformity. Jesus never prayed that we may be in unity, He prayed that we may be one [John 17:21]. Paul tells the church in Philippian that Euodias and Syntyche may be [one], of the same mind in the Lord [Philip 4:2]. If you’re one in the spirit, you’re one. Unity is to the brethren, and oneness is in the spirit. Unity works for a household, and if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand [Mark 3:25]. It’s the same oneness of mind that activates the blessing of God which is called the commanded blessing.

The sons of Jacob minus Joseph were very united yet they were of different mothers. They were united to kill Joseph but their unity never kept them from starvation. There’s one who had a different mindset who said, let’s not kill him but let us sell him [Genesis 37:18-28]. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus [Philip 2:5]. You should never pray for unity but for oneness in spirit. If you’re in oneness, no matter where each one of you is, you will do things and they will succeed. For as he thinketh in his heart, so [is] he [Prov 23:7]. If wisdom sits in your mind and you think differently, then that’s a commanded blessing. Therefore, oneness comes from the thinking; if you think like God, you will do what God does.

Psalms 133:2 reads, [It is] like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, [even] Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments. The oil was moving from the head down on Aaron’s grey beard. When the anointing is outside [in unity], it looks good. But remember, Aaron was not in the same oneness with Moses. When Moses parted from him, he made a golden calf [Exodus 32:1-4]. Verse 3, [It is] like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing— Life forevermore. The dew penetrates the soil, and the oil moves from the head down to Aaron’s beard; it does not go into the body. When the anointing penetrates into things, it becomes a commanded blessing. The anointing will look beautiful when its outside, but once it penetrates, it become a dew.

Get this: once you have the anointing, it needs empty vessels. The widow had a jar of oil and the bible says, Elisha told her to go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all her neighbors—empty vessels [2 Kings 4:2-3]. Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper [2 Chronicles 20:20]. The Anointing breaks yokes. Money is not the solution but anointing is the solution. That widow borrowed money and the creditors were taking her children. Listen: you borrow vessels so that they can be filled with oil. The difference between the wise and the foolish virgins was oil in their lamps. Money doesn’t make money but ideas do!

As I conclude: God has a message for the church in the seven continents. He wants us to gather ALL the empty vessels and fill them with oil [Revelation 1:1-20]. “FATHER, may we be one in thinking as You are. May You make us one with Yourself!”

Friends, I have to end here and I believe you have been blessed with this message.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department